--- /dev/null
+ * SAMSUNG UNIVERSAL9810 board device tree source
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ * http://www.samsung.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/ {
+ /* modem_interface_driver: Samsung Electronics Lhotse */
+ mif_pdata {
+ compatible = "sec_modem,modem_pdata";
+ status = "okay";
+ #define INTREQ__CP2AP_WAKEUP 75
+ interrupts = <0 INTREQ__CP2AP_WAKEUP 0>;
+ /* common pdata */
+ mif,name = "ss360ap";
+ mif,modem_net = <0>; /* UMTS_NETWORK */
+ mif,modem_type = <10>; /* SEC_SS310AP */
+ mif,use_handover = <0>; /* not used */
+ mif,ipc_version = <50>; /* SIPC 5.0 */
+ mif,link_types = <0x80>; /* LINKDEV_SHMEM */
+ mif,link_name = "shmem";
+ mif,link_attrs = <0x7C8>; /* XMIT_BTDLR(0x400) | DUMP_ALIGNED (0x200) | BOOT_ALIGNED (0x100) | MEM_DUMP (0x80) | MEM_BOOT (0x40) | DPRAM_MAGIC (0x08) */
+ mif,num_iodevs = <16>;
+ /* sim socket num */
+ mif,sim_socket_num = <2>;
+ /* mbox pdata */
+ mbx_ap2cp_msg = <0>;
+ mbx_cp2ap_msg = <1>;
+ mbx_ap2cp_united_status = <2>;
+ mbx_cp2ap_united_status = <3>;
+ mbx_ap2cp_mif_value = <4>;
+ mbx_ap2cp_kerneltime = <9>;
+ mbx_cp2ap_pcie_l1ss_disable = <17>;
+ mif,int_ap2cp_msg = <0>;
+ mif,int_ap2cp_wakeup = <1>;
+ mif,int_ap2cp_status = <2>;
+ mif,int_ap2cp_active = <3>;
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_msg = <0>;
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_status = <2>;
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_active = <3>;
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_wake_lock = <8>;
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_pcie_l1ss_disable = <9>;
+ /* mbox pdata for performance request */
+ mbx_cp2ap_dvfsreq = <4>;
+ mbx_cp2ap_dvfsreq_cpu = <5>;
+ mbx_cp2ap_dvfsreq_mif = <6>;
+ mbx_cp2ap_dvfsreq_int = <7>;
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_perf_req_cpu = <5>; /* CP2AP_DVFSREQ_CPU */
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_perf_req_mif = <6>; /* CP2AP_DVFSREQ_MIF */
+ mif,irq_cp2ap_perf_req_int = <7>; /* CP2AP_DVFSREQ_INT */
+ /* mbox pdata for sbi(status bit info) */
+ sbi_cp_rat_mode_mask = <0x3f>;
+ sbi_cp_rat_mode_pos = <26>;
+ sbi_cp_evs_mode_mask = <0x1>;
+ sbi_cp_evs_mode_pos = <7>;
+ sbi_cp_wakelock_mask = <0x1>;
+ sbi_cp_wakelock_pos = <6>;
+ sbi_lte_active_mask = <0x1>;
+ sbi_lte_active_pos = <5>;
+ sbi_wake_lock_mask = <0x1>;
+ sbi_wake_lock_pos = <6>;
+ sbi_cp_status_mask = <0xf>;
+ sbi_cp_status_pos = <1>;
+ sbi_pda_active_mask = <0x1>;
+ sbi_pda_active_pos = <5>;
+ sbi_ap_status_mask = <0xf>;
+ sbi_ap_status_pos = <1>;
+ sbi_ds_det_mask = <0x3>;
+ sbi_ds_det_pos = <14>;
+ sbi_sys_rev_mask = <0xff>;
+ sbi_sys_rev_pos = <6>;
+ sbi_lockval_cp2ap_dvfsreq_endian_mask = <0x1>;
+ sbi_lockval_cp2ap_dvfsreq_endian_pos = <31>;
+ sbi_lockval_cp2ap_dvfsreq_index_mask = <0x7fff>;
+ sbi_lockval_cp2ap_dvfsreq_index_pos = <0>;
+ sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_sec_mask = <0xfff>;
+ sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_sec_pos = <20>;
+ sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_usec_mask = <0xfffff>;
+ sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_usec_pos = <0>;
+ shmem,dump_offset = <0x1000>;
+ iodevs {
+ io_device_0 {
+ iod,name = "umts_ipc0";
+ iod,id = <245>;
+ iod,format = <0>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "RIL";
+ };
+ io_device_1 {
+ iod,name = "umts_ipc1";
+ iod,id = <246>;
+ iod,format = <0>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "RIL";
+ };
+ io_device_2 {
+ iod,name = "umts_rfs0";
+ iod,id = <41>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "RFS";
+ };
+ io_device_3 {
+ iod,name = "umts_router";
+ iod,id = <21>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "Data Router";
+ };
+ io_device_4 {
+ iod,name = "umts_dm0";
+ iod,id = <81>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "DIAG";
+ };
+ io_device_5 {
+ iod,name = "umts_loopback";
+ iod,id = <82>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "LOOPBACK";
+ };
+ io_device_6 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet0";
+ iod,id = <1>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_7 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet1";
+ iod,id = <2>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_8 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet2";
+ iod,id = <3>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_9 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet3";
+ iod,id = <4>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_10 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet4";
+ iod,id = <5>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_11 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet5";
+ iod,id = <6>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_12 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet6";
+ iod,id = <7>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_13 {
+ iod,name = "rmnet7";
+ iod,id = <8>;
+ iod,format = <1>;
+ iod,io_type = <1>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x82>;
+ iod,app = "NET";
+ };
+ io_device_14 {
+ iod,name = "multipdp";
+ iod,id = <0>;
+ iod,format = <3>;
+ iod,io_type = <2>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x02>;
+ iod,app = "RIL";
+ };
+ io_device_15 {
+ iod,name = "umts_boot0";
+ iod,id = <241>;
+ iod,format = <4>;
+ iod,io_type = <0>;
+ iod,links = <0x80>;
+ iod,attrs = <0x02>;
+ iod,app = "CBD";
+ };
+ }; /* end of iodevs */
+ }; /* end of mif_pdata */
+ shmem: shmem@F0000000 {
+ compatible = "samsung,exynos-shm_ipc";
+ shmem,cp_size = <0x7900000>; /* CP 121MB */
+ shmem,vss_size = <0x700000>; /* VSS 7MB */
+ shmem,ipc_offset = <0x8000000>; /* 128MB(CP 121MB + VSS 7MB) */
+ shmem,ipc_size = <0x400000>; /* 4MB */
+ };