# Template Plugins
-## `anchor`
+## `{anchor}`
The `anchor` template plugin creates `a` HTML elements.
The easiest way to use the template plugin is to pass it an instance of `ITitledLinkObject`:
is sufficient if `Entry::getPopoverLinkClass()` returns `blogEntryLink`.
-## `anchorAttributes`
+## `{anchorAttributes}`
`anchorAttributes` compliments the `StringUtil::getAnchorTagAttributes(string, bool): string` method.
It allows to easily generate the necessary attributes for an anchor tag based off the destination URL.
| `isUgc` | whether the `rel="ugc"` attribute should be generated; `false` by default |
| `appendClassname` | whether the `class="externalURL"` attribute should be generated; `true` by default |
-## `append`
+## `{append}`
If a string should be appended to the value of a variable, `append` can be used:
If `append` is used on an array as the variable, the value is appended to all elements of the array.
-## `assign`
+## `{assign}`
New template variables can be declared and new values can be assigned to existing template variables using `assign`:
-## `capture`
+## `{capture}`
In some situations, `assign` is not sufficient to assign values to variables in templates if the value is complex.
Instead, `capture` can be used:
-## `concat`
+## `|concat`
`concat` is a modifier used to concatenate multiple strings:
-## `counter`
+## `{counter}`
`counter` can be used to generate and optionally print a counter:
Specifying this parameter might be required in rare situations.
Please [check the implementation](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/blob/master/wcfsetup/install/files/lib/system/template/plugin/CsrfTokenFunctionTemplatePlugin.class.php) for details.
-## `currency`
+## `|currency`
`currency` is a modifier used to format currency values with two decimals using language dependent thousands separators and decimal point:
-## `cycle`
+## `{cycle}`
`cycle` can be used to cycle between different values:
| `values` | string containing the different cycles values, also see `delimiter` |
-## `date`
+## `|date`
`date` generated a formatted date using `wcf\util\DateUtil::format()` with `DateUtil::DATE_FORMAT` internally.
-## `dateInterval`
+## `{dateInterval}`
`dateInterval` calculates the difference between two unix timestamps and generated a textual date interval.
| `start` | start of the time interval; current timestamp by default (though either `start` or `end` has to be set) |
-## `encodeJS`
+## `|encodeJS`
`encodeJS` encodes a string to be used as a single-quoted string in JavaScript by replacing `\\` with `\\\\`, `'` with `\'`, linebreaks with `\n`, and `/` with `\/`.
-## `escapeCDATA`
+## `|escapeCDATA`
`escapeCDATA` encodes a string to be used in a `CDATA` element by replacing `]]>` with `]]]]><![CDATA[>`.
-## `event`
+## `{event}`
`event` provides extension points in templates that [template listeners](../package/pip/template-listener.md) can use.
-## `filesizeBinary`
+## `|filesizeBinary`
`filesizeBinary` formats the filesize using binary filesize (in bytes).
-## `filesize`
+## `|filesize`
`filesize` formats the filesize using filesize (in bytes).
-## `hascontent`
+## `{hascontent}`
In many cases, conditional statements can be used to determine if a certain section of a template is shown:
-## `htmlCheckboxes`
+## `{htmlCheckboxes}`
`htmlCheckboxes` generates a list of HTML checkboxes.
| `values` | array with values used in combination with `output`, where `output` is only used as keys for `options` |
-## `htmlOptions`
+## `{htmlOptions}`
`htmlOptions` generates an `select` HTML element.
All additional attributes are added as attributes of the `select` HTML element.
-## `implode`
+## `{implode}`
`implodes` transforms an array into a string and prints it.
| `key` | optional template variable name where the current array key is stored during the iteration |
-## `ipSearch`
+## `|ipSearch`
`ipSearch` generates a link to search for an IP address.
-## `js`
+## `{js}`
`js` generates script tags based on whether `ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE` and `VISITOR_USE_TINY_BUILD` are enabled.
-## `jslang`
+## `{jslang}`
`jslang` works like [`lang`](#lang) with the difference that the resulting string is automatically passed through [`encodeJS`](#encodejs).
-## `lang`
+## `{lang}`
`lang` replaces a language items with its value.
All additional attributes are available when parsing the language item.
-## `language`
+## `|language`
`language` replaces a language items with its value.
If the template variable `__language` exists, this language object will be used instead of `WCF::getLanguage()`.
-## `link`
+## `{link}`
`link` generates internal links using `LinkHandler`.
Additional attributes are passed to `LinkHandler::getLink()`.
-## `newlineToBreak`
+## `|newlineToBreak`
`newlineToBreak` transforms newlines into HTML `<br>` elements after encoding the content via `wcf\util\StringUtil::encodeHTML()`.
For detailed information on its usage, we refer to the extensive documentation in the [`ObjectActionFunctionTemplatePlugin` class](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/blob/master/wcfsetup/install/files/lib/system/template/plugin/ObjectActionFunctionTemplatePlugin.class.php) itself.
-## `page`
+## `{page}`
`page` generates an internal link to a CMS page.
| `language` | language code of the page language (cannot be used together with `languageID`) |
-## `pages`
+## `{pages}`
`pages` generates a pagination.
-## `plainTime`
+## `|plainTime`
`plainTime` formats a timestamp to include year, month, day, hour, and minutes.
The exact formatting depends on the current language (via the language items `wcf.date.dateTimeFormat`, `wcf.date.dateFormat`, and `wcf.date.timeFormat`).
-## `plural`
+## `{plural}`
`plural` allows to easily select the correct plural form of a phrase based on a given `value`.
The pluralization logic follows the [Unicode Language Plural Rules](https://unicode-org.github.io/cldr-staging/charts/37/supplemental/language_plural_rules.md) for cardinal numbers.
| Any Category Name | The phrase that is used when `value` belongs to the named category. Available categories depend on the language. |
| Any Integer | The phrase that is used when `value` is that exact integer. |
-## `prepend`
+## `{prepend}`
If a string should be prepended to the value of a variable, `prepend` can be used:
If `prepend` is used on an array as the variable, the value is prepended to all elements of the array.
-## `shortUnit`
+## `|shortUnit`
`shortUnit` shortens numbers larger than 1000 by using unit suffixes:
-## `smallpages`
+## `{smallpages}`
`smallpages` generates a smaller version of `pages` by using adding the `small` CSS class to the generated `<nav>` element and only showing 7 instead of 9 links.
-## `tableWordwrap`
+## `|tableWordwrap`
`tableWordwrap` inserts zero width spaces every 30 characters in words longer than 30 characters.
-## `time`
+## `|time`
`time` generates an HTML `time` elements based on a timestamp that shows a relative time or the absolute time if the timestamp more than six days ago.
-## `truncate`
+## `|truncate`
`truncate` truncates a long string into a shorter one:
| 3 | if `true`, words can be broken up in the middle; `false` by default |
-## `user`
+## `{user}`
`user` generates links to user profiles.
The mandatory `object` parameter requires an instances of `UserProfile`.