+++ /dev/null
-namespace wcf\system\package\plugin;
-use wcf\data\user\group\option\UserGroupOption;
-use wcf\data\user\group\option\UserGroupOptionEditor;
-use wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup;
-use wcf\system\WCF;
- * This PIP installs, updates or deletes user group permissions.
- *
- * @author Benjamin Kunz
- * @copyright 2001-2011 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
- * @package com.woltlab.wcf
- * @subpackage system.package.plugin
- * @category Community Framework
- */
-class GroupOptionsPackageInstallationPlugin extends AbstractOptionPackageInstallationPlugin {
- /**
- * @see wcf\system\package\plugin\AbstractPackageInstallationPlugin::$tableName
- */
- public $tableName = 'user_group_option';
- public static $reservedTags = array('name', 'optiontype', 'defaultvalue', 'admindefaultvalue', 'validationpattern', 'showorder', 'categoryname', 'selectoptions', 'enableoptions', 'permissions', 'options', 'attrs', 'cdata');
- /**
- * Deletes group-option-categories and/or group-options which where installed by the package.
- */
- public function uninstall() {
- // Delete value-entries using categories or options
- // which will be deleted.
- $sql = "DELETE FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_group_option_value
- WHERE optionID IN (
- SELECT optionID
- FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_group_option
- WHERE packageID = ?
- )";
- $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute(array($this->installation->getPackageID()));
- parent::uninstall();
- }
- /**
- * @see wcf\system\package\plugin\AbstractOptionPackageInstallationPlugin::saveOption()
- */
- protected function saveOption($option, $categoryName, $existingOptionID = 0) {
- // default values
- $optionName = $optionType = $defaultValue = $adminDefaultValue = $validationPattern = $enableOptions = $permissions = $options = '';
- $showOrder = null;
- // get values
- if (isset($option['name'])) $optionName = $option['name'];
- if (isset($option['optiontype'])) $optionType = $option['optiontype'];
- if (isset($option['defaultvalue'])) $defaultValue = $option['defaultvalue'];
- if (isset($option['admindefaultvalue'])) $adminDefaultValue = $option['admindefaultvalue'];
- if (isset($option['validationpattern'])) $validationPattern = $option['validationpattern'];
- if (!empty($option['showorder'])) $showOrder = intval($option['showorder']);
- $showOrder = $this->getShowOrder($showOrder, $categoryName, 'categoryName');
- if (isset($option['enableoptions'])) $enableOptions = $option['enableoptions'];
- if (isset($option['permissions'])) $permissions = $option['permissions'];
- if (isset($option['options'])) $options = $option['options'];
- // check if optionType exists
- $className = 'wcf\system\option\group\\'.StringUtil::toUpperCase($type).'GroupOptionType';
- if (!class_exists($className)) {
- throw new SystemException("unable to find class '".$className."'");
- }
- // collect additional tags and their values
- $additionalData = array();
- foreach ($option as $tag => $value) {
- if (!in_array($tag, self::$reservedTags)) $additionalData[$tag] = $value;
- }
- // check if the otion exist already and was installed by this package
- $sql = "SELECT optionID
- FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_group_option
- WHERE optionName = ?
- AND packageID = ?";
- $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute(array(
- $optionName,
- $this->installation->getPackageID()
- ));
- $row = $statement->fetchArray();
- $data = array(
- 'categoryName' => $categoryName,
- 'optionType' => $optionType,
- 'defaultValue' => $defaultValue,
- 'adminDefaultValue' => $adminDefaultValue,
- 'validationPattern' => $validationPattern,
- 'showOrder' => $showOrder,
- 'enableOptions' => $enableOptions,
- 'permissions' => $permissions,
- 'options' => $options,
- 'additionalData' => serialize($additionalData)
- );
- if (!empty($row['optionID'])) {
- // update existing option
- $optionID = $row['optionID'];
- $groupOption = new UserGroupOption(null, $row);
- $groupOptionEditor = new UserGroupOptionEditor($groupOption);
- $groupOptionEditor->update($data);
- }
- else {
- // add new option
- $data['packageID'] = $this->installation->getPackageID();
- $data['optionName'] = $optionName;
- $groupOptionEditor = UserGroupOptionEditor::create($data);
- $optionID = $groupOptionEditor->optionID;
- // get default group ("everyone")
- $sql = "SELECT groupID
- FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_group
- WHERE groupType = ?";
- $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute(array(UserGroup::EVERYONE));
- $row = $statement->fetchArray();
- // save default value
- $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf".WCF_N."_user_group_option_value
- (groupID, optionID, optionValue)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
- $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute(array($row['groupID'], $optionID, $defaultValue));
- if ($adminDefaultValue && $defaultValue != $adminDefaultValue) {
- $sql = "SELECT groupID
- FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_group_option_value
- WHERE optionID = (
- SELECT optionID
- FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_group_option
- WHERE optionName = ?
- )
- AND optionValue = '1'";
- $statement2 = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement2->execute(array('admin.general.canUseAcp'));
- $acpGroups = array();
- while ($row = $statement2->fetchArray()) {
- $acpGroups[] = $row['groupID'];
- }
- $statement2->execute(array('admin.user.canEditGroup'));
- while ($row = $statement2->fetchArray()) {
- if (!in_array($row['groupID'], $acpGroups)) {
- continue;
- }
- $statement->execute(array(
- $row['groupID'],
- $optionID,
- $adminDefaultValue
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- }