$this->textArray = $newTextArray;
+ /**
+ * Builds the parsed string.
+ */
+ public function buildParsedString() {
+ // reset parsed text
+ $this->parsedText = '';
+ // create text buffer
+ $buffer =& $this->parsedText;
+ // stack of buffered tags
+ $bufferedTagStack = [];
+ // loop through the tags
+ $i = -1;
+ foreach ($this->tagArray as $i => $tag) {
+ // append text to buffer
+ $buffer .= $this->textArray[$i];
+ if ($tag['closing']) {
+ // get buffered opening tag
+ $openingTag = end($bufferedTagStack);
+ // closing tag
+ if ($openingTag && $openingTag['name'] == $tag['name']) {
+ $hideBuffer = false;
+ // insert buffered content as attribute value
+ foreach ($this->bbcodes[$tag['name']]->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
+ if ($attribute->useText && !isset($openingTag['attributes'][$attribute->attributeNo])) {
+ $openingTag['attributes'][$attribute->attributeNo] = $buffer;
+ $hideBuffer = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // validate tag attributes again
+ if ($this->isValidTag($openingTag)) {
+ if ($this->bbcodes[$tag['name']]->className) {
+ // difference to the original implementation: use the custom HTML element than to process them directly
+ $parsedTag = $this->compileTag($openingTag, $buffer, $tag);
+ }
+ else {
+ // build tag
+ $parsedTag = $this->buildOpeningTag($openingTag);
+ $closingTag = $this->buildClosingTag($tag);
+ if (!empty($closingTag) && $hideBuffer) $parsedTag .= $buffer.$closingTag;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $parsedTag = $openingTag['source'].$buffer.$tag['source'];
+ }
+ // close current buffer
+ array_pop($bufferedTagStack);
+ // open previous buffer
+ if (count($bufferedTagStack) > 0) {
+ $bufferedTag =& $bufferedTagStack[count($bufferedTagStack) - 1];
+ $buffer =& $bufferedTag['buffer'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $buffer =& $this->parsedText;
+ }
+ // append parsed tag
+ $buffer .= $parsedTag;
+ }
+ else {
+ $buffer .= $this->buildClosingTag($tag);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // opening tag
+ if ($this->needBuffering($tag)) {
+ // start buffering
+ $tag['buffer'] = '';
+ $bufferedTagStack[] = $tag;
+ $buffer =& $bufferedTagStack[count($bufferedTagStack) - 1]['buffer'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $buffer .= $this->buildOpeningTag($tag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($this->textArray[$i + 1])) $this->parsedText .= $this->textArray[$i + 1];
+ }
* Builds the bbcode output.