.word . - get_omap3630_restore_pointer
+ .text
+ * L2 cache needs to be toggled for stable OFF mode functionality on 3630.
+ * This function sets up a fflag that will allow for this toggling to take
+ * place on 3630. Hopefully some version in the future maynot need this
+ */
+ stmfd sp!, {lr} @ save registers on stack
+ /* Setup so that we will disable and enable l2 */
+ mov r1, #0x1
+ str r1, l2dis_3630
+ ldmfd sp!, {pc} @ restore regs and return
/* Function call to get the restore pointer for for ES3 to resume from OFF */
moveq r9, #0x3 @ MPU OFF => L1 and L2 lost
movne r9, #0x1 @ Only L1 and L2 lost => avoid L2 invalidation
bne logic_l1_restore
+ ldr r0, l2dis_3630
+ cmp r0, #0x1 @ should we disable L2 on 3630?
+ bne skipl2dis
+ mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1
+ bic r0, r0, #2 @ disable L2 cache
+ mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1
ldr r0, control_stat
ldr r1, [r0]
and r1, #0x700
mov r12, #0x2
.word 0xE1600070 @ Call SMI monitor (smieq)
+ ldr r1, l2dis_3630
+ cmp r1, #0x1 @ Do we need to re-enable L2 on 3630?
+ bne skipl2reen
+ mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1
+ orr r1, r1, #2 @ re-enable L2 cache
+ mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1
mov r1, #0
/* Invalidate all instruction caches to PoU
* and flush branch target cache */
.word v7_flush_dcache_all
+ .word 0
* When exporting to userspace while the counters are in SRAM,
* these 2 words need to be at the end to facilitate retrival!