--- /dev/null
+. ${BINARIES_DIR}/../.config
+#only one input param, output signed bootloader and efuse patten
+#param1 is not signed u-boot.bin
+ echo -----aml-secureboot-sign-bootloader ------
+ printf "${PRODUCT_AML_SECUREBOOT_SIGNTOOL} --bootsig "
+ printf " --amluserkey ${PRODUCT_AML_SECUREBOOT_USERKEY} "
+ printf " --aeskey enable"
+ printf " --input $1 "
+ printf " --output $1.encrypt\n"
+ --aeskey enable \
+ --input $1 \
+ --output $1.encrypt
+ echo ----- Made aml secure-boot singed bootloader: $1.encrypt --------
+#input para is boot.img or recovery.img
+ echo -----aml-secureboot-sign-kernel ------
+ printf " --amluserkey ${PRODUCT_AML_SECUREBOOT_USERKEY}"
+ printf " --input $1 --output ${1}.encrypt\n"
+ --input $1 --output ${1}.encrypt
+ echo ----- Made aml secure-boot singed kernel img: $1.encrypt --------
+#input para is boot.img or recovery.img
+ echo -----aml-secureboot-sign-kernel ------
+ ${BINARIES_DIR}/aml-rsa-key.k2a \
+ ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR}/boot.img \
+ ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR}/boot.img.encrypt \
+ ${BINARIES_DIR}/aml-aes-key.aes
+ echo ----- Made aml secure-boot singed kernel img: boot.img.encrypt --------
+ echo -----aml-secureboot-sign-bin ------
+ printf " --amluserkey ${PRODUCT_AML_SECUREBOOT_USERKEY}"
+ printf " --input $1 --output ${1}.encrypt\n"
+ --input $1 --output ${1}.encrypt
+ echo ----- Made aml secure-boot singed bin: $1.encrypt --------
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo fail to generate logo image;
+# Use pre-build logo image if exist.
+if [ -f ${BINARIES_DIR}/logo_img/logo.img ]; then
+ cp ${BINARIES_DIR}/logo_img/logo.img ${BINARIES_DIR}
+####Step 1: rename dtb to dtb.img
+#change gxb_p200.db to dtb.img
+#Note: if you using more than one dtb, using 'vendor/amlogic/tools/dtbTool' to pack all your dtbs into the dtb.img
+#echo "move your dtbs to add dtb.img"
+#ln -sf `ls ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR}/*.dtb` ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR}/dtb.img
+####Step 2: compress 1g
+if [ ${BR2_PACKAGE_MTD_MKFSUBIFS} = "y" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n !!!!!! use ubifs \n"
+ update_sparse_img=0
+ ext4img=${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR}/rootfs.ext2
+ sparseimg=${ext4img}.img2simg
+ update_sparse_img=0
+ echo -e " \n\n !!!!!! use ext4 \n\n"
+ if [ ! -f ${sparseimg} ]; then update_sparse_img=1; fi
+ if [ ${update_sparse_img} -ne 1 ];then
+ t1=`stat -c %Y ${ext4img}`
+ t2=`stat -c %Y ${sparseimg}`
+ if [ ${t1} -gt ${t2} ]; then
+ echo "ext4 file time newer than sparse image"
+ update_sparse_img=1
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ ${update_sparse_img} -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "compress 1g ext4 image to compressed sparse format"
+ ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_SIMG_TOOL} ${ext4img} ${sparseimg}
+ if [ ! -f ${sparseimg} ]; then
+ echo "fail to compress ext4 img to sparse format"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+####Step 3: pack none-secureboot burning image
+if [ "${secureboot}" != "y" ]; then
+ echo "generate noraml burning package"
+ echo "${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_TOOL} -r ${aml_upgrade_package_conf} ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR} ${burnPkg} "
+ ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_TOOL} -r ${aml_upgrade_package_conf} ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR} ${burnPkg}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo fail to generate burning image;
+ rm ${burnPkg}
+ fi
+ exit $?
+####Step 4: pack secureboot burning image
+#########Support compiling out encrypted zip/aml_upgrade_package.img directly
+if [ ${platform} = "meson8b" ];then
+if [ ${platform} != "meson8b" ];then
+ aml_secureboot_sign_bootloader ${aml_bootloader}
+ if [ ! -f ${aml_bootloader}.encrypt ]; then
+ echo "fail to sign bootloader -----"
+ cp ${PRODUCT_OUTPUT_DIR}/u-boot.bin ${aml_bootloader}.encrypt
+# exit 1
+ fi
+#rename efuse patten name for windows USB_BURNING_TOOL
+mv ${aml_bootloader}.aml.efuse ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR}/SECURE_BOOT_SET
+if [ ${platform} = "meson8b" ];then
+ aml_secureboot_sign_kernel_m8b ${aml_kernel}
+ if [ ! -f ${aml_kernel}.encrypt ]; then
+ echo "fail to sign kernel image"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ aml_secureboot_sign_kernel ${aml_kernel}
+ if [ ! -f ${aml_kernel}.encrypt ]; then
+ echo "fail to sign kernel image"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ ${platform} != "meson8b" ];then
+ aml_secureboot_sign_bin ${aml_dtb}
+ if [ ! -f ${aml_dtb}.encrypt ]; then
+ echo "fail to sign dtb image"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_TOOL} -r ${aml_upgrade_package_conf} ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR} ${burnPkgenc} "
+${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_TOOL} -r ${aml_upgrade_package_conf} ${PRODUCT_AML_IMG_PACK_DIR} ${burnPkgenc}
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo fail to generate burning image;
+ rm ${burnPkgenc}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+ * Command for pack imgs.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Amlogic.
+ * Elvis Yu <elvis.yu@amlogic.com>
+ */
+#include "res_pack_i.h"
+#define COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(expr, t) typedef char t[(expr) ? 1 : -1]
+COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(AML_RES_IMG_HEAD_SZ == sizeof(AmlResImgHead_t), a);//assert the image header size 64
+COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(AML_RES_ITEM_HEAD_SZ == sizeof(AmlResItemHead_t), b);//assert the item head size 64
+#define IMG_HEAD_SZ sizeof(AmlResImgHead_t)
+#define ITEM_HEAD_SZ sizeof(AmlResItemHead_t)
+//#define ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ (1U<<20)//1M
+#define ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ (64U<<10)//64K to test
+typedef int (*pFunc_getFile)(const char** const , __hdle *, char* );
+static size_t get_filesize(const char *fpath)
+ struct stat buf;
+ if(stat(fpath, &buf) < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Can't stat %s : %s\n", fpath, strerror(errno));
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ return buf.st_size;
+static const char* get_filename(const char *fpath)
+#if 1
+ int i;
+ const char *filename = fpath;
+ for(i=strlen(fpath)-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ if('/' == fpath[i] || '\\' == fpath[i])
+ {
+ i++;
+ filename = fpath + i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return filename;
+ return (strrchr(fpath, '/')+1);
+// added to filter out .bmp files
+static char* get_last_itemname(const char* itemName)
+ char buf[256]={0};
+ char* last_itemname = (char*)malloc(256);
+ strcpy(last_itemname, itemName);
+ const char* bmp_tag = ".bmp";
+ const char* suffix_of_file;
+ suffix_of_file = strstr(itemName, bmp_tag);
+ int len = 0;
+ if (suffix_of_file && strcmp(suffix_of_file, bmp_tag) == 0)
+ {
+ len = suffix_of_file-itemName;
+ strncpy(buf, itemName, len);
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ strcpy(last_itemname, buf);
+ }
+ return last_itemname;
+int get_file_path_from_argv(const char** const argv, __hdle *hDir, char* fileName)
+ long index = (long)hDir;
+ const char* fileSrc = argv[index];
+ strcpy(fileName, fileSrc);
+ return 0;
+#if defined(WIN32)
+static __hdle _find_first_file(const char* const dirPath, WIN32_FIND_DATA& findFileData)
+ size_t length_of_arg;
+ // Check that the input path plus 3 is not longer than MAX_PATH.
+ // Three characters are for the "\*" plus NULL appended below.
+ StringCchLength(dirPath, MAX_PATH, &length_of_arg);
+ if (length_of_arg > (MAX_PATH - 3))
+ {
+ _tprintf(TEXT("\nDirectory path is too long.\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _tprintf(TEXT("\nTarget directory is %s\n\n"), dirPath);
+ // Prepare string for use with FindFile functions. First, copy the
+ // string to a buffer, then append '\*' to the directory name.
+ StringCchCopy(szDir, MAX_PATH, dirPath);
+ StringCchCat(szDir, MAX_PATH, TEXT("\\*"));
+ hdle = FindFirstFile(szDir, &findFileData);
+ errorP("Fail to open dir\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return hdle;
+int traverse_dir(const char** const dirPath, __hdle *hDir, char* filePath)
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (!*hDir)//not open yet!
+ {
+ hdle = _find_first_file(*dirPath, findFileData);
+ errorP("Fail to find first file in dir(%s)\n", *dirPath);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ *hDir = hdle;
+ if(strcmp(".", findFileData.cFileName) && strcmp("..", findFileData.cFileName))goto _ok;
+ }
+ hdle = *hDir;
+ do
+ {
+ ret = !FindNextFile(hdle, &findFileData);
+ if(ret){
+ debugP("Find end.\n");
+ FindClose(hdle);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ } while(!strcmp(".", findFileData.cFileName) || !strcmp("..", findFileData.cFileName) );
+ //debugP("file %s\n", findFileData.cFileName);
+ if(MAX_PATH < strlen(findFileData.cFileName)){
+ errorP("Buffer samll\n");
+ FindClose(hdle);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ sprintf(filePath, "%s\\%s", *dirPath, findFileData.cFileName);
+ return ret;
+int get_dir_filenums(const char * const dirPath)
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData;
+ int fileNum = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ size_t length_of_arg;
+ hdle = _find_first_file(dirPath, findFileData);
+ errorP("Fail to open dir %s\n", szDir);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ do {
+ if(strcmp(findFileData.cFileName, ".") && strcmp(findFileData.cFileName, ".."))
+ {
+ ++fileNum;
+ }
+ } while (FindNextFile(hdle, &findFileData));
+ if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hdle)FindClose(hdle);
+ return fileNum;
+#else//Follwing is for Linux platform
+int get_dir_filenums(const char *dir_path)
+ int count = 0;
+ DIR *d;
+ struct dirent *de;
+ d = opendir(dir_path);
+ if(d == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "opendir failed, %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){
+ if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) continue;
+ if(de->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
+ count++;
+ }
+ closedir(d);
+ return count;
+int traverse_dir(const char** const dirPath, __hdle *hdle, char* filePath)
+ DIR* hDir = (DIR*)*hdle;
+ const char* fileName = NULL;
+ if(!hDir)
+ {
+ hDir = opendir(*dirPath);
+ if(!hDir){
+ errorP("Fail to open dir(%s), strerror(%s)\n", *dirPath, strerror(errno));
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ *hdle = hDir;
+ }
+ do{
+ struct dirent* dirEntry = NULL;
+ dirEntry = readdir(hDir);
+ if(!dirEntry){
+ debugP("travese end.\n");
+ closedir(hDir);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ fileName = dirEntry->d_name;
+ }while(!strcmp(".", fileName) || !strcmp("..", fileName));
+ sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", *dirPath, fileName);
+ return 0;
+#endif//#if defined(WIN32)
+//@imgVersion: if success, then 0--> oldest version; 1-->img header + n * (item header + item body); 2 --> img header + n * item header + n * item body
+static int _img_unpack_check_img_header(FILE* fdResImg, const char* const path_src,
+ int needCheckCrc, AmlResImgHead_t* pImgHead, int* imgVersion)
+ int ret = 0;
+ const unsigned ImgFileSz = get_filesize(path_src);
+ if(ImgFileSz <= IMG_HEAD_SZ){
+ errorP("file size 0x%x too small\n", ImgFileSz);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ unsigned thisReadSz = ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ > ImgFileSz ? ImgFileSz : ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ;
+ unsigned actualReadSz = 0;
+ actualReadSz = fread(pImgHead, 1, thisReadSz, fdResImg);
+ if(actualReadSz != thisReadSz){
+ errorP("Want to read 0x%x, but only read 0x%x\n", thisReadSz, actualReadSz);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ if(!strncmp(AML_RES_IMG_V1_MAGIC, (char*)pImgHead->magic, AML_RES_IMG_V1_MAGIC_LEN))
+ {//new version magic matched
+ if(ImgFileSz < pImgHead->imgSz){
+ errorP("error, image size in head 0x%x != fileSz 0x%x\n", pImgHead->imgSz, ImgFileSz);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ if(AML_RES_IMG_VERSION_V2 < pImgHead->version){
+ errorP("Error, version 0x%x not supported\n", pImgHead->version);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ *imgVersion = pImgHead->version;
+ if(needCheckCrc)
+ {
+ ret = check_img_crc(fdResImg, 4, pImgHead->crc);
+ if(ret){
+ errorP("Error when check crc\n");
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned ImgHeadSz = IMG_HEAD_SZ;
+ if(AML_RES_IMG_VERSION_V2 == pImgHead->version) ImgHeadSz += pImgHead->imgItemNum * ITEM_HEAD_SZ;
+ fseek(fdResImg, ImgHeadSz, SEEK_SET);//seek escape the image header to prepare for reading item header
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AmlResItemHead_t* pItemHeadInfo = (AmlResItemHead_t*)pImgHead;
+ debugP("magic error, try old version image.\n");
+ if(IH_MAGIC != pItemHeadInfo->magic){
+ errorP("magic err, old version image header not item header!\n");
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ *imgVersion = 0;
+ fseek(fdResImg, 0, SEEK_SET);//seek escape the image header to prepare for reading item header
+ }
+ debugP("res-img ver is 0x%x\n", *imgVersion);
+ return 0;
+//Get the item header info
+//If the @imgVersion is V2, the item header already stored in @pImgHead, if @imgVersion is V2 or old, also read it into 64K size pImgHead
+static const AmlResItemHead_t* _img_unpack_get_item_header(const int imgVersion, const AmlResImgHead_t* pImgHead, int itemIndex, FILE* fdResImg)
+ const AmlResItemHead_t* pItemNext = NULL;
+ AmlResItemHead_t* tmpItem = NULL;
+ tmpItem = (AmlResItemHead_t*)(pImgHead + 1);
+ tmpItem += itemIndex;
+ switch(imgVersion) {
+ pItemNext = tmpItem;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ {
+ const unsigned readSz = fread(tmpItem, 1, ITEM_HEAD_SZ, fdResImg);
+ if(ITEM_HEAD_SZ != readSz){
+ errorP("Fail to read item head\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pItemNext = tmpItem;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(IH_MAGIC != pItemNext->magic){
+ errorP("Item magic error.\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return pItemNext;
+#ifdef BUILD_DLL
+#endif// #ifdef BUILD_DLL
+int res_img_unpack(const char* const path_src, const char* const unPackDirPath, int needCheckCrc)
+ char* itemReadBuf = NULL;
+ FILE* fdResImg = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ AmlResImgHead_t* pImgHead = NULL;
+ int imgVersion = -1;
+ fdResImg = fopen(path_src, "rb");
+ if(!fdResImg){
+ errorP("Fail to open res image at path %s\n", path_src);
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ itemReadBuf = new char[ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ * 2];
+ if(!itemReadBuf){
+ errorP("Fail to new buffer at size 0x%x\n", ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ*2);
+ fclose(fdResImg), fdResImg = NULL; return __LINE__;
+ }
+ pImgHead = (AmlResImgHead_t*)(itemReadBuf + ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ);
+ ret = _img_unpack_check_img_header(fdResImg, path_src, needCheckCrc, pImgHead, &imgVersion);
+ if(ret){
+ errorP("Fail at check image header\n");
+ delete[] itemReadBuf, itemReadBuf = NULL;
+ fclose(fdResImg), fdResImg = NULL;
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ //for each loop:
+ // 1, read item body and save as file;
+ // 2, get next item head
+ const unsigned itemAlignSz = AML_RES_IMG_ITEM_ALIGN_SZ;
+ const unsigned itemAlignMod = itemAlignSz - 1;
+ const unsigned itemSzAlignMask = ~itemAlignMod;
+ unsigned totalReadItemNum = 0;
+ const AmlResItemHead_t* pItemHead = NULL;
+ do{
+ char itemFullPath[MAX_PATH*2];//TODO:512 is enough ??
+ FILE* fp_item = NULL;
+ pItemHead = _img_unpack_get_item_header(imgVersion, pImgHead, totalReadItemNum++, fdResImg);
+ if(!pItemHead){
+ errorP("Fail to get item header at index %d\n", totalReadItemNum - 1);
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ sprintf(itemFullPath, "%s/%s", unPackDirPath, pItemHead->name);
+ debugP("item %s\n", itemFullPath);
+ fp_item = fopen(itemFullPath, "wb");
+ if(!fp_item){
+ errorP("Fail to create file %s, strerror(%s)\n", itemFullPath, strerror(errno));
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ const unsigned thisItemBodySz = pItemHead->size;
+ const unsigned thisItemBodyOccupySz = (thisItemBodySz & itemSzAlignMask) + itemAlignSz;
+ const unsigned stuffLen = thisItemBodyOccupySz - thisItemBodySz;
+ for(unsigned itemTotalReadLen = 0; itemTotalReadLen < thisItemBodyOccupySz; )
+ {
+ const unsigned leftLen = thisItemBodyOccupySz - itemTotalReadLen;
+ const unsigned thisReadSz = min(leftLen, ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ);
+ unsigned actualReadSz = fread(itemReadBuf, 1, thisReadSz, fdResImg);
+ if(thisReadSz != actualReadSz){
+ errorP("thisReadSz 0x%x != actualReadSz 0x%x\n", thisReadSz, actualReadSz);
+ ret = __LINE__;goto _exit;
+ }
+ itemTotalReadLen += thisReadSz;
+ const unsigned thisWriteSz = itemTotalReadLen < thisItemBodySz ? thisReadSz : (thisReadSz - stuffLen);
+ actualReadSz = fwrite(itemReadBuf, 1, thisWriteSz, fp_item);
+ if(thisWriteSz != actualReadSz){
+ errorP("want write 0x%x, but 0x%x\n", thisWriteSz, actualReadSz);
+ ret = __LINE__;goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp_item), fp_item = NULL;
+ }while(pItemHead->next);
+ if(itemReadBuf)delete[] itemReadBuf, itemReadBuf = NULL;
+ if(fdResImg)fclose(fdResImg), fdResImg = NULL;
+ return ret;
+ * 1,
+ */
+static int _img_pack(const char** const path_src, const char* const packedImg,
+ pFunc_getFile getFile, const int totalFileNum)
+ FILE *fd_src = NULL;
+ FILE *fd_dest = NULL;
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ char file_path[MAX_PATH];
+ const char *filename = NULL;
+ unsigned imageSz = 0;
+ const unsigned BufSz = ITEM_READ_BUF_SZ;
+ char* itemBuf = NULL;
+ unsigned thisWriteLen = 0;
+ unsigned actualWriteLen = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ __hdle hDir = NULL;
+ const unsigned itemAlignSz = AML_RES_IMG_ITEM_ALIGN_SZ;
+ const unsigned itemAlignMod = itemAlignSz - 1;
+ const unsigned itemSzAlignMask = ~itemAlignMod;
+ const unsigned totalItemNum = totalFileNum ? totalFileNum : get_dir_filenums(*path_src);
+ const unsigned HeadLen = IMG_HEAD_SZ + ITEM_HEAD_SZ * totalItemNum;
+ if(HeadLen > BufSz){
+ errorP("head size 0x%x > max(0x%x)\n", HeadLen, BufSz); return __LINE__;
+ }
+ fd_dest = fopen(packedImg, "wb+");
+ if(NULL == fd_dest) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"open %s failed: %s\n", packedImg, strerror(errno));
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ itemBuf = new char[BufSz * 2];
+ if(!itemBuf){
+ errorP("Exception: fail to alloc buuffer\n");
+ fclose(fd_dest); return __LINE__;
+ }
+ memset(itemBuf, 0, BufSz*2);
+ AmlResImgHead_t* const aAmlResImgHead = (AmlResImgHead_t*)(itemBuf + BufSz);
+ actualWriteLen = fwrite(aAmlResImgHead, 1, HeadLen, fd_dest);
+ if(actualWriteLen != HeadLen){
+ errorP("fail to write head, want 0x%x, but 0x%x\n", HeadLen, actualWriteLen);
+ fclose(fd_dest); delete[] itemBuf;
+ return __LINE__;
+ }
+ imageSz += HeadLen; //Increase imageSz after pack each item
+ AmlResItemHead_t* pItemHeadInfo = (AmlResItemHead_t*)(aAmlResImgHead + 1);
+ AmlResItemHead_t* const pFirstItemHeadInfo = pItemHeadInfo;
+ debugP("item num %d\n", totalItemNum);
+ //for each loop: first create item header and pack it, second pack the item data
+ //Fill the item head, 1) magic, 2)data offset, 3)next head start offset
+ for(unsigned itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < totalItemNum; ++itemIndex)
+ {
+ char filePath[MAX_PATH*2];
+ if(totalFileNum)//File list mode
+ {
+ if ((*getFile)(path_src, (__hdle*)(int64_t)itemIndex, filePath)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {//file directory mode
+ if((*getFile)(path_src, &hDir, filePath)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const size_t itemSz = get_filesize(filePath);
+ const char* itemName = get_filename(filePath);
+ const unsigned itemBodyOccupySz = (itemSz & itemSzAlignMask) + itemAlignSz;
+ const unsigned itemStuffSz = itemBodyOccupySz - itemSz;
+ if(IH_NMLEN - 1 < strlen(itemName)){
+ errorP("Item name %s len %d > max(%d)\n", itemName, (int)strlen(itemName), IH_NMLEN - 1);
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ pItemHeadInfo->magic = IH_MAGIC;
+ pItemHeadInfo->size = itemSz;
+ //imageSz += ITEM_HEAD_SZ;//not needed yet as all item_head moves to image header
+ pItemHeadInfo->start = imageSz;
+ pItemHeadInfo->next = (char*)(pItemHeadInfo + 1) - (char*)aAmlResImgHead;
+ pItemHeadInfo->index = itemIndex;
+ imageSz += itemBodyOccupySz;
+ pItemHeadInfo->nums = totalItemNum;
+ char* last_itemname = get_last_itemname(itemName);
+ memcpy(pItemHeadInfo->name, last_itemname, strlen(last_itemname));
+ debugP("pack item [%s]\n", last_itemname);
+ ++pItemHeadInfo;//prepare for next item
+ if (last_itemname != itemName) {
+ free(last_itemname);
+ }
+ fd_src = fopen(filePath, "rb");
+ if(!fd_src){
+ errorP("Fail to open file [%s], strerror[%s]\n", filePath, strerror(errno));
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ for(size_t itemWriteLen = 0; itemWriteLen < itemSz; itemWriteLen += thisWriteLen)
+ {
+ size_t leftLen = itemSz - itemWriteLen;
+ thisWriteLen = leftLen > BufSz ? BufSz : leftLen;
+ actualWriteLen = fread(itemBuf, 1, thisWriteLen, fd_src);
+ if(actualWriteLen != thisWriteLen){
+ errorP("Want to read 0x%x but actual 0x%x, at itemWriteLen 0x%x, leftLen 0x%x\n",
+ thisWriteLen, actualWriteLen, (unsigned)itemWriteLen, (unsigned)leftLen);
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ actualWriteLen = fwrite(itemBuf, 1, thisWriteLen, fd_dest);
+ if(actualWriteLen != thisWriteLen){
+ errorP("Want to write 0x%x but actual 0x%x\n", thisWriteLen, actualWriteLen);
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fd_src), fd_src = NULL;
+ memset(itemBuf, 0, itemStuffSz);
+ thisWriteLen = itemStuffSz;
+ actualWriteLen = fwrite(itemBuf, 1, thisWriteLen, fd_dest);
+ if(actualWriteLen != thisWriteLen){
+ errorP("Want to write 0x%x, but 0x%x\n", thisWriteLen, actualWriteLen);
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ (--pItemHeadInfo)->next = 0;
+ //Create the header
+ aAmlResImgHead->version = AML_RES_IMG_VERSION_V2;
+ memcpy(&aAmlResImgHead->magic[0], AML_RES_IMG_V1_MAGIC, AML_RES_IMG_V1_MAGIC_LEN);
+ aAmlResImgHead->imgSz = imageSz;
+ aAmlResImgHead->imgItemNum = totalItemNum;
+ aAmlResImgHead->alignSz = itemAlignSz;
+ aAmlResImgHead->crc = 0;
+ //
+ //Seek to file header to correct the header
+ fseek(fd_dest, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ actualWriteLen = fwrite(aAmlResImgHead, 1, HeadLen, fd_dest);
+ if(actualWriteLen != HeadLen){
+ errorP("Want to write 0x%x, but 0x%x\n", HeadLen, actualWriteLen);
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ aAmlResImgHead->crc = calc_img_crc(fd_dest, 4);//Gen crc32
+ fseek(fd_dest, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ actualWriteLen = fwrite(&aAmlResImgHead->crc, 1, 4, fd_dest);
+ if(4 != actualWriteLen){
+ errorP("Want to write 4, but %d\n", actualWriteLen);
+ ret = __LINE__; goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(itemBuf) delete[] itemBuf, itemBuf = NULL;
+ if(fd_src) fclose(fd_src), fd_src = NULL;
+ if(fd_dest) fclose(fd_dest), fd_dest = NULL;
+ return ret;
+#ifdef BUILD_DLL
+#endif// #ifdef BUILD_DLL
+int res_img_pack(const char* szDir, const char* const outResImg)
+ return _img_pack(&szDir, outResImg, traverse_dir, 0);
+#ifndef BUILD_DLL
+static const char * const doc = "Amlogic `imgpack v3' usage:\n\
+ # unpack files to the archive\n\
+ imgpack -d [archive] [destination-directory]\n\
+ # pack files in directory to the archive\n\
+ imgpack -r [source-directory] [archive]\n\
+ # pack files to the archive\n\
+ imgpack [file1].. [fileN] [archive]\n";
+int main(int argc, const char ** const argv)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int c = 0;
+ const char* opt = argv[1];
+ if(argc < 3) {
+ printf("invalid arguments\n");
+ printf("%s",doc);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(!strcmp("?", opt))
+ {
+ printf("%s",doc);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(!strcmp("-d", opt))//Unpack imgPath, dest-dir
+ {
+ ret = res_img_unpack(argv[2], argv[3], 1);
+ exit(ret);
+ }
+ if(!strcmp("-r", opt))//pack: fileSrc, destImg,
+ {
+ ret = res_img_pack(argv[2], argv[3]);
+ exit(ret);
+ }
+ ret = _img_pack(&argv[1], argv[argc -1], get_file_path_from_argv, argc - 2);
+ exit(ret);
+#endif// #ifndef BUILD_DLL