* for this event is the application ID (AID).
* @NFC_CMD_GET_SE: Dump all discovered secure elements from an NFC controller.
* @NFC_CMD_SE_IO: Send/Receive APDUs to/from the selected secure element.
+ * @NFC_CMD_ACTIVATE_TARGET: Request NFC controller to reactivate target.
* @NFC_CMD_VENDOR: Vendor specific command, to be implemented directly
* from the driver in order to support hardware specific operations.
* @NFC_ATTR_APDU: Secure element APDU
* @NFC_ATTR_TARGET_ISO15693_DSFID: ISO 15693 Data Storage Format Identifier
* @NFC_ATTR_TARGET_ISO15693_UID: ISO 15693 Unique Identifier
+ * @NFC_ATTR_SE_PARAMS: Parameters data from an evt_transaction
* @NFC_ATTR_VENDOR_ID: NFC manufacturer unique ID, typically an OUI
* @NFC_ATTR_VENDOR_SUBCMD: Vendor specific sub command
* @NFC_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA: Vendor specific data, to be optionally passed