int micbias_vg;
+#define AIC31XX_REG(page, reg) ((page * 128) + reg)
/* Page Control Register */
-#define AIC31XX_PAGECTL 0x00
+#define AIC31XX_PAGECTL AIC31XX_REG(0, 0)
/* Page 0 Registers */
/* Software reset register */
-#define AIC31XX_RESET 0x01
+#define AIC31XX_RESET AIC31XX_REG(0, 1)
/* OT FLAG register */
-#define AIC31XX_OT_FLAG 0x03
+#define AIC31XX_OT_FLAG AIC31XX_REG(0, 3)
/* Clock clock Gen muxing, Multiplexers*/
-#define AIC31XX_CLKMUX 0x04
+#define AIC31XX_CLKMUX AIC31XX_REG(0, 4)
/* PLL P and R-VAL register */
-#define AIC31XX_PLLPR 0x05
+#define AIC31XX_PLLPR AIC31XX_REG(0, 5)
/* PLL J-VAL register */
-#define AIC31XX_PLLJ 0x06
+#define AIC31XX_PLLJ AIC31XX_REG(0, 6)
/* PLL D-VAL MSB register */
-#define AIC31XX_PLLDMSB 0x07
+#define AIC31XX_PLLDMSB AIC31XX_REG(0, 7)
/* PLL D-VAL LSB register */
-#define AIC31XX_PLLDLSB 0x08
+#define AIC31XX_PLLDLSB AIC31XX_REG(0, 8)
/* DAC NDAC_VAL register*/
-#define AIC31XX_NDAC 0x0B
+#define AIC31XX_NDAC AIC31XX_REG(0, 11)
/* DAC MDAC_VAL register */
-#define AIC31XX_MDAC 0x0C
+#define AIC31XX_MDAC AIC31XX_REG(0, 12)
/* DAC OSR setting register 1, MSB value */
-#define AIC31XX_DOSRMSB 0x0D
+#define AIC31XX_DOSRMSB AIC31XX_REG(0, 13)
/* DAC OSR setting register 2, LSB value */
-#define AIC31XX_DOSRLSB 0x0E
-#define AIC31XX_MINI_DSP_INPOL 0x10
+#define AIC31XX_DOSRLSB AIC31XX_REG(0, 14)
+#define AIC31XX_MINI_DSP_INPOL AIC31XX_REG(0, 16)
/* Clock setting register 8, PLL */
-#define AIC31XX_NADC 0x12
+#define AIC31XX_NADC AIC31XX_REG(0, 18)
/* Clock setting register 9, PLL */
-#define AIC31XX_MADC 0x13
+#define AIC31XX_MADC AIC31XX_REG(0, 19)
/* ADC Oversampling (AOSR) Register */
-#define AIC31XX_AOSR 0x14
+#define AIC31XX_AOSR AIC31XX_REG(0, 20)
/* Clock setting register 9, Multiplexers */
-#define AIC31XX_CLKOUTMUX 0x19
+#define AIC31XX_CLKOUTMUX AIC31XX_REG(0, 25)
/* Clock setting register 10, CLOCKOUT M divider value */
-#define AIC31XX_CLKOUTMVAL 0x1A
+#define AIC31XX_CLKOUTMVAL AIC31XX_REG(0, 26)
/* Audio Interface Setting Register 1 */
-#define AIC31XX_IFACE1 0x1B
+#define AIC31XX_IFACE1 AIC31XX_REG(0, 27)
/* Audio Data Slot Offset Programming */
-#define AIC31XX_DATA_OFFSET 0x1C
+#define AIC31XX_DATA_OFFSET AIC31XX_REG(0, 28)
/* Audio Interface Setting Register 2 */
-#define AIC31XX_IFACE2 0x1D
+#define AIC31XX_IFACE2 AIC31XX_REG(0, 29)
/* Clock setting register 11, BCLK N Divider */
-#define AIC31XX_BCLKN 0x1E
+#define AIC31XX_BCLKN AIC31XX_REG(0, 30)
/* Audio Interface Setting Register 3, Secondary Audio Interface */
-#define AIC31XX_IFACESEC1 0x1F
+#define AIC31XX_IFACESEC1 AIC31XX_REG(0, 31)
/* Audio Interface Setting Register 4 */
-#define AIC31XX_IFACESEC2 0x20
+#define AIC31XX_IFACESEC2 AIC31XX_REG(0, 32)
/* Audio Interface Setting Register 5 */
-#define AIC31XX_IFACESEC3 0x21
+#define AIC31XX_IFACESEC3 AIC31XX_REG(0, 33)
/* I2C Bus Condition */
-#define AIC31XX_I2C 0x22
+#define AIC31XX_I2C AIC31XX_REG(0, 34)
/* ADC FLAG */
-#define AIC31XX_ADCFLAG 0x24
+#define AIC31XX_ADCFLAG AIC31XX_REG(0, 36)
/* DAC Flag Registers */
-#define AIC31XX_DACFLAG1 0x25
-#define AIC31XX_DACFLAG2 0x26
+#define AIC31XX_DACFLAG1 AIC31XX_REG(0, 37)
+#define AIC31XX_DACFLAG2 AIC31XX_REG(0, 38)
/* Sticky Interrupt flag (overflow) */
-#define AIC31XX_OFFLAG 0x27
+#define AIC31XX_OFFLAG AIC31XX_REG(0, 39)
/* Sticy DAC Interrupt flags */
/* Sticy ADC Interrupt flags */
/* DAC Interrupt flags 2 */
-#define AIC31XX_INTRDACFLAG2 0x2E
+#define AIC31XX_INTRDACFLAG2 AIC31XX_REG(0, 46)
/* ADC Interrupt flags 2 */
-#define AIC31XX_INTRADCFLAG2 0x2F
+#define AIC31XX_INTRADCFLAG2 AIC31XX_REG(0, 47)
/* INT1 interrupt control */
-#define AIC31XX_INT1CTRL 0x30
+#define AIC31XX_INT1CTRL AIC31XX_REG(0, 48)
/* INT2 interrupt control */
-#define AIC31XX_INT2CTRL 0x31
+#define AIC31XX_INT2CTRL AIC31XX_REG(0, 49)
/* GPIO1 control */
-#define AIC31XX_GPIO1 0x33
+#define AIC31XX_GPIO1 AIC31XX_REG(0, 50)
-#define AIC31XX_DACPRB 0x3C
+#define AIC31XX_DACPRB AIC31XX_REG(0, 60)
/* ADC Instruction Set Register */
-#define AIC31XX_ADCPRB 0x3D
+#define AIC31XX_ADCPRB AIC31XX_REG(0, 61)
/* DAC channel setup register */
-#define AIC31XX_DACSETUP 0x3F
+#define AIC31XX_DACSETUP AIC31XX_REG(0, 63)
/* DAC Mute and volume control register */
-#define AIC31XX_DACMUTE 0x40
+#define AIC31XX_DACMUTE AIC31XX_REG(0, 64)
/* Left DAC channel digital volume control */
-#define AIC31XX_LDACVOL 0x41
+#define AIC31XX_LDACVOL AIC31XX_REG(0, 65)
/* Right DAC channel digital volume control */
-#define AIC31XX_RDACVOL 0x42
+#define AIC31XX_RDACVOL AIC31XX_REG(0, 66)
/* Headset detection */
-#define AIC31XX_HSDETECT 0x43
+#define AIC31XX_HSDETECT AIC31XX_REG(0, 67)
/* ADC Digital Mic */
-#define AIC31XX_ADCSETUP 0x51
+#define AIC31XX_ADCSETUP AIC31XX_REG(0, 81)
/* ADC Digital Volume Control Fine Adjust */
-#define AIC31XX_ADCFGA 0x52
+#define AIC31XX_ADCFGA AIC31XX_REG(0, 82)
/* ADC Digital Volume Control Coarse Adjust */
-#define AIC31XX_ADCVOL 0x53
+#define AIC31XX_ADCVOL AIC31XX_REG(0, 83)
/* Page 1 Registers */
/* Headphone drivers */
-#define AIC31XX_HPDRIVER 0x9F
+#define AIC31XX_HPDRIVER AIC31XX_REG(1, 31)
/* Class-D Speakear Amplifier */
-#define AIC31XX_SPKAMP 0xA0
+#define AIC31XX_SPKAMP AIC31XX_REG(1, 32)
/* HP Output Drivers POP Removal Settings */
-#define AIC31XX_HPPOP 0xA1
+#define AIC31XX_HPPOP AIC31XX_REG(1, 33)
/* Output Driver PGA Ramp-Down Period Control */
-#define AIC31XX_SPPGARAMP 0xA2
+#define AIC31XX_SPPGARAMP AIC31XX_REG(1, 34)
/* DAC_L and DAC_R Output Mixer Routing */
/* Left Analog Vol to HPL */
-#define AIC31XX_LANALOGHPL 0xA4
+#define AIC31XX_LANALOGHPL AIC31XX_REG(1, 36)
/* Right Analog Vol to HPR */
-#define AIC31XX_RANALOGHPR 0xA5
+#define AIC31XX_RANALOGHPR AIC31XX_REG(1, 37)
/* Left Analog Vol to SPL */
-#define AIC31XX_LANALOGSPL 0xA6
+#define AIC31XX_LANALOGSPL AIC31XX_REG(1, 38)
/* Right Analog Vol to SPR */
-#define AIC31XX_RANALOGSPR 0xA7
+#define AIC31XX_RANALOGSPR AIC31XX_REG(1, 39)
/* HPL Driver */
-#define AIC31XX_HPLGAIN 0xA8
+#define AIC31XX_HPLGAIN AIC31XX_REG(1, 40)
/* HPR Driver */
-#define AIC31XX_HPRGAIN 0xA9
+#define AIC31XX_HPRGAIN AIC31XX_REG(1, 41)
/* SPL Driver */
-#define AIC31XX_SPLGAIN 0xAA
+#define AIC31XX_SPLGAIN AIC31XX_REG(1, 42)
/* SPR Driver */
-#define AIC31XX_SPRGAIN 0xAB
+#define AIC31XX_SPRGAIN AIC31XX_REG(1, 43)
/* HP Driver Control */
+#define AIC31XX_HPCONTROL AIC31XX_REG(1, 44)
/* MIC Bias Control */
-#define AIC31XX_MICBIAS 0xAE
+#define AIC31XX_MICBIAS AIC31XX_REG(1, 46)
/* MIC PGA*/
-#define AIC31XX_MICPGA 0xAF
+#define AIC31XX_MICPGA AIC31XX_REG(1, 47)
/* Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Fine-Gain Input Selection for P-Terminal */
-#define AIC31XX_MICPGAPI 0xB0
+#define AIC31XX_MICPGAPI AIC31XX_REG(1, 48)
/* ADC Input Selection for M-Terminal */
-#define AIC31XX_MICPGAMI 0xB1
+#define AIC31XX_MICPGAMI AIC31XX_REG(1, 49)
/* Input CM Settings */
-#define AIC31XX_MICPGACM 0xB2
+#define AIC31XX_MICPGACM AIC31XX_REG(1, 50)
/* Bits, masks and shifts */