* Initializes the date picker for valid fields.
_initDatePicker: function() {
- $('input[type=date]:not(.jsDatePicker)').each($.proxy(function(index, input) {
+ $('input[type=date]:not(.jsDatePicker), input[type=datetime]:not(.jsDatePicker)').each($.proxy(function(index, input) {
var $input = $(input);
var $inputName = $input.prop('name');
- var $inputValue = $input.val(); // should be Y-m-d, must be interpretable by Date
+ var $inputValue = $input.val(); // should be Y-m-d (H:i:s), must be interpretable by Date
+ var $hasTime = $input.attr('type') == 'datetime';
// update $input
$input.prop('type', 'text').addClass('jsDatePicker');
$input.before('<input type="hidden" id="' + $input.wcfIdentify() + 'DatePicker" name="' + $inputName + '" value="' + $inputValue + '" />');
+ // max- and mindate
+ var $maxDate = $input.attr('max') ? new Date($input.attr('max').replace(' ', 'T')) : null;
+ var $minDate = $input.attr('min') ? new Date($input.attr('min').replace(' ', 'T')) : null;
// init date picker
- $input.datepicker({
+ $options = {
altField: '#' + $input.wcfIdentify() + 'DatePicker',
altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', // PHPs strtotime() understands this best
beforeShow: function(input, instance) {
dayNames: WCF.Language.get('__days'),
dayNamesMin: WCF.Language.get('__daysShort'),
dayNamesShort: WCF.Language.get('__daysShort'),
+ isRTL: WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.pageDirection') == 'rtl',
+ maxDate: $maxDate,
+ minDate: $minDate,
monthNames: WCF.Language.get('__months'),
monthNamesShort: WCF.Language.get('__monthsShort'),
- showOtherMonths: true,
- yearRange: ($input.hasClass('birthday') ? '-100:+0' : '1900:2038'),
+ showButtonPanel: false,
onClose: function(dateText, datePicker) {
// clear altField when datepicker is cleared
if (dateText == '') {
- }
- });
+ },
+ showOtherMonths: true,
+ yearRange: ($input.hasClass('birthday') ? '-100:+0' : '1900:2038')
+ };
- // format default date
- if ($inputValue) {
- $input.datepicker('setDate', $inputValue);
+ if ($hasTime) {
+ // drop the seconds
+ if (/[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/.test($inputValue)) {
+ $inputValue = $inputValue.replace(/:[0-9]{2}$/, '');
+ $input.val($inputValue);
+ }
+ $inputValue = $inputValue.replace(' ', 'T');
+ $options = $.extend($options, {
+ altFieldTimeOnly: false,
+ altTimeFormat: 'HH:mm',
+ controlType: 'select',
+ hourText: WCF.Language.get('wcf.date.hour'),
+ minuteText: WCF.Language.get('wcf.date.minute'),
+ showTime: false,
+ timeFormat: this._timeFormat,
+ yearRange: ($input.hasClass('birthday') ? '-100:+0' : '1900:2038')
+ });
- // bug workaround: setDate creates the widget but unfortunately doesn't hide it...
- $input.datepicker('widget').hide();
- }, this));
- $('input[type=datetime]:not(.jsDatePicker)').each($.proxy(function(index, input) {
- var $input = $(input);
- var $inputName = $input.prop('name');
- var $inputValue = $input.val(); // should be Y-m-d H:i:s, must be interpretable by Date
- // drop the seconds
- if (/[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/.test($inputValue)) {
- $inputValue = $inputValue.replace(/:[0-9]{2}$/, '');
- $input.val($inputValue);
+ if ($hasTime) {
+ $input.datetimepicker($options);
+ }
+ else {
+ $input.datepicker($options);
- // update $input
- $input.prop('type', 'text').addClass('jsDatePicker');
- // insert a hidden element representing the actual date
- $input.removeAttr('name');
- $input.before('<input type="hidden" id="' + $input.wcfIdentify() + 'DatePicker" name="' + $inputName + '" value="' + $inputValue + '" />');
- // init date picker
- $input.datetimepicker({
- altField: '#' + $input.wcfIdentify() + 'DatePicker',
- altFieldTimeOnly: false,
- altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', // PHPs strtotime() understands this best
- altTimeFormat: 'HH:mm',
- beforeShow: function(input, instance) {
- // dirty hack to force opening below the input
- setTimeout(function() {
- instance.dpDiv.position({
- my: 'left top',
- at: 'left bottom',
- collision: 'none',
- of: input
- });
- }, 1);
- },
- changeMonth: true,
- changeYear: true,
- controlType: 'select',
- dateFormat: this._dateFormat,
- dayNames: WCF.Language.get('__days'),
- dayNamesMin: WCF.Language.get('__daysShort'),
- dayNamesShort: WCF.Language.get('__daysShort'),
- hourText: WCF.Language.get('wcf.date.hour'),
- minuteText: WCF.Language.get('wcf.date.minute'),
- monthNames: WCF.Language.get('__months'),
- monthNamesShort: WCF.Language.get('__monthsShort'),
- showButtonPanel: false,
- showTime: false,
- showOtherMonths: true,
- timeFormat: this._timeFormat,
- yearRange: ($input.hasClass('birthday') ? '-100:+0' : '1900:2038'),
- onClose: function(dateText, datePicker) {
- // clear altField when datepicker is cleared
- if (dateText == '') {
- $(datePicker.settings.altField).val('');
- }
- }
- });
// format default date
if ($inputValue) {
- $input.removeClass('hasDatepicker').datetimepicker('setDate', new Date($inputValue.replace(' ', 'T')));
+ $input.datepicker('setDate', $inputValue);
// bug workaround: setDate creates the widget but unfortunately doesn't hide it...