-<ul class="articleList">
+<div class="contentItemList">
{foreach from=$objects item='article'}
- <li>
- <a href="{$article->getLink()}">
- {if $article->getTeaserImage() && $article->getTeaserImage()->hasThumbnail('tiny')}
- <div class="box128">
- <div class="articleListImage">{@$article->getTeaserImage()->getThumbnailTag('tiny')}</div>
- {/if}
- <div>
- <div class="containerHeadline">
- <h3 class="articleListTitle">{$article->getTitle()}</h3>
- <ul class="inlineList articleListMetaData">
- {if $article->hasLabels()}
- <li>
- <span class="icon icon16 fa-tags"></span>
- <ul class="labelList">
- {foreach from=$article->getLabels() item=label}
- <li><span class="label badge{if $label->getClassNames()} {$label->getClassNames()}{/if}">{lang}{$label->label}{/lang}</span></li>
- {/foreach}
- </ul>
- </li>
- {/if}
- <li>
- <span class="icon icon16 fa-clock-o"></span>
- {@$article->time|time}
- </li>
- {if $article->getDiscussionProvider()->getDiscussionCountPhrase()}
- <li>
- <span class="icon icon16 fa-comments"></span>
- {$article->getDiscussionProvider()->getDiscussionCountPhrase()}
- </li>
- {/if}
- {if MODULE_LIKE && $__wcf->getSession()->getPermission('user.like.canViewLike')}
- {if $article->likes || $article->dislikes || $article->neutralReactions}
- <li class="reputationCounter {if $article->cumulativeLikes > 0}positive{elseif $article->cumulativeLikes < 0}negative{else}neutral{/if}">{if $article->cumulativeLikes > 0}+{elseif $article->cumulativeLikes == 0}±{/if}{#$article->cumulativeLikes}</li>
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {if ARTICLE_ENABLE_VISIT_TRACKING && $article->isNew()}<li><span class="badge label newMessageBadge">{lang}wcf.message.new{/lang}</span></li>{/if}
- {if $article->isDeleted}<li><span class="badge label red">{lang}wcf.message.status.deleted{/lang}</span></li>{/if}
- {event name='articleListMetaData'}
- </ul>
+ <article class="contentItem">
+ <a href="{$article->getLink()}" class="contentItemLink">
+ <div class="contentItemImage" style="background-image: url({if $article->getImage()}{$article->getImage()->getThumbnailLink('medium')}{else}https://thunderstrike/w/22/images/coverPhotos/default.jpg{/if})">
+ {hascontent}
+ <div class="contentItemBadges">
+ {content}
+ {if $article->isDeleted}<span class="badge label red contentItemBadge contentItemBadgeIsDeleted">{lang}wcf.message.status.deleted{/lang}</span>{/if}
+ {if ARTICLE_ENABLE_VISIT_TRACKING && $article->isNew()}<span class="badge label contentItemBadge contentItemBadgeNew">{lang}wcf.message.new{/lang}</span>{/if}
+ {/content}
- <div class="containerContent articleListTeaser">
- {@$article->getFormattedTeaser()}
+ {/hascontent}
+ </div>
+ <div class="contentItemContent">
+ {if $article->hasLabels()}
+ <div class="contentItemLabels">
+ {foreach from=$article->getLabels() item=label}
+ <span class="label badge contentItemLabel{if $label->getClassNames()} {$label->getClassNames()}{/if}">{lang}{$label->label}{/lang}</span>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ <h2 class="contentItemTitle">{$article->getTitle()}</h2>
+ <div class="contentItemDescription">
+ {@$article->getFormattedTeaser()}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </a>
+ <div class="contentItemMeta">
+ <a href="{$article->getUserProfile()->getLink()}" class="contentItemMetaImage" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">
+ {@$article->getUserProfile()->getAvatar()->getImageTag(32)}
+ </a>
+ <div class="contentItemMetaContent">
+ <div class="contentItemMetaAuthor">
+ {if $article->userID}
+ <a href="{$article->getUserProfile()->getLink()}">{$article->getUserProfile()->username}</a>
+ {else}
+ {$article->username}
+ {/if}
- {if $article->getTeaserImage() && $article->getTeaserImage()->hasThumbnail('tiny')}
+ <div class="contentItemMetaTime">
+ {@$article->time|time}
- {/if}
+ </div>
- {event name='articleListEntry'}
- </a>
- </li>
+ <div class="contentItemMetaIcons">
+ {if MODULE_LIKE && $__wcf->getSession()->getPermission('user.like.canViewLike') && ($article->likes || $article->dislikes || $article->neutralReactions)}
+ <div class="contentItemMetaIcon reputationCounter {if $article->cumulativeLikes > 0}positive{elseif $article->cumulativeLikes < 0}negative{else}neutral{/if}">
+ <span aria-label="{lang cumulativeLikes=$article->cumulativeLikes}wcf.like.reputation.label{/lang}">
+ {if $article->cumulativeLikes > 0}+{elseif $article->cumulativeLikes == 0}±{/if}{#$article->cumulativeLikes}
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ {/if}
+ <div class="contentItemMetaIcon">
+ <span class="icon icon16 fa-comments"></span>
+ <span aria-label="{$article->getDiscussionProvider()->getDiscussionCountPhrase()}">
+ {$article->getDiscussionProvider()->getDiscussionCount()}
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </article>
--- /dev/null
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