blur() isn't that great with Firefox because getSelection() already contains the new range and focusout is not supported.
init: function() {
var $identifier = this.$textarea.wcfIdentify();
- this.opts.initCallback = $.proxy(function() {
+ this.opts.initCallback = (function() {
// use stored editor contents
var $content = $.trim(this.wutil.getOption('woltlab.originalValue'));
if ($content.length) {
delete this.opts.woltlab.originalValue;
- }, this);
+ this.wmonkeypatch.saveSelection();
+ }).bind(this);
this.opts.pasteBeforeCallback = $.proxy(this.wbbcode._pasteBeforeCallback, this);
this.opts.pasteCallback = $.proxy(this.wbbcode._pasteCallback, this);
+ this.wmonkeypatch.saveSelection();
// insert a new line if user clicked into the editor and the last children is a quote (same behavior as arrow down)
this.wutil.setOption('clickCallback', (function(event) {
+ this.wmonkeypatch.saveSelection();
if ( === this.$editor[0]) {
if (this.$editor[0].lastElementChild && this.$editor[0].lastElementChild.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+ /**
+ * Saves current caret position.
+ */
+ saveSelection: function() {
+ this.wmonkeypatch._range = getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
+ },
* Setups event listeners and callbacks.
// keyup
- this.wutil.setOption('keyupCallback', function(event) {
+ this.wutil.setOption('keyupCallback', (function(event) {
+ this.wmonkeypatch.saveSelection();
var $data = {
cancel: false,
event: event
WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'keyup_' + $identifier, $data);
return ($data.cancel ? false : true);
- });
+ }).bind(this));
// buttons response
if (this.opts.activeButtons) {
this.$editor.on('keyup.redactor', $.proxy(this.keyup.init, this));
- this.$editor.on('blur.wredactor', (function() {
+ // blur is unreliable in Firefox, especially since 'focusout' is not available
+ /*this.$editor.on('blur.wredactor', (function() {
var $selection = window.getSelection();
if ($selection.rangeCount) {
this.wmonkeypatch._range = $selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }).bind(this));
+ }).bind(this));*/
reset: function() {
if (this.opts.visual) {
this.$editor.html('<p>' + this.opts.invisibleSpace + '</p>');
+ this.wmonkeypatch.saveSelection();