html = html.replace(/<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="([^"]+)?" data-author="([^"]+)?">\n?<div[^>]+>\n?<header>[\s\S]*?<\/header>/gi, function(match, link, author, innerContent) {
var $quote;
+ author = WCF.String.unescapeHTML(author);
+ link = WCF.String.unescapeHTML(link);
if (link) {
$quote = "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
return $quote;
- html = html.replace(/(?:\n*)<\/blockquote>/gi, '[/quote]\n');
+ html = html.replace(/(?:\n*)<\/blockquote>\n?/gi, '[/quote]\n');
// [email]
html = html.replace(/<a [^>]*?href=(["'])mailto:(.+?)\1.*?>([\s\S]+?)<\/a>/gi, '[email=$2]$3[/email]');
data = data.replace(/(\r|\r\n)/g, "\n");
// extract [quote] bbcodes to prevent line break handling below
- var $cachedQuotes = { };
- data = data.replace(/\[quote.*?\][\S\s]*?\[\/quote\]/gi, function(match) {
- var $key = match.hashCode();
- $cachedQuotes[$key] = match.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$');
- return '@@' + $key + '@@';
- });
+ var $cachedQuotes = [ ];
+ var $knownQuotes = [ ];
+ for (var $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
+ var $foundQuotes = false;
+ data = data.replace(/\[quote.*?\]((?!\[quote)[\s\S])*?\[\/quote\]/gi, function(match) {
+ var $key = match.hashCode();
+ $cachedQuotes.push({
+ hashCode: $key,
+ content: match.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')
+ });
+ $knownQuotes.push($key.toString());
+ $foundQuotes = true;
+ return '@@' + $key + '@@';
+ });
+ // we found no more quotes
+ if (!$foundQuotes) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// add newlines before and after [quote] tags
data = data.replace(/(\[quote.*?\])/gi, '$1\n');
data = data.replace(/\[code\][\S\s]*?\[\/code\]/, '<pre>$&</pre>');
// insert quotes
- if ($.getLength($cachedQuotes)) {
+ if ($cachedQuotes.length) {
// [quote]
var $unquoteString = function(quotedString) {
return quotedString.replace(/^['"]/, '').replace(/['"]$/, '');
if ($line.length === 0) {
$line = self.opts.invisibleSpace;
+ else if ($line.match(/^@@([0-9\-]+)@@$/)) {
+ if (WCF.inArray(RegExp.$1, $knownQuotes)) {
+ // prevent quote being nested inside a <div> block
+ $tmp += $line;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
$tmp += '<div>' + $line + '</div>';
}, this));
- for (var $key in $cachedQuotes) {
- var $regex = new RegExp('@@' + $key + '@@', 'g');
- data = data.replace($regex, $transformQuote($cachedQuotes[$key]));
+ // reinsert quotes in reverse order, adding the most outer quotes first
+ for (var $i = $cachedQuotes.length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ var $cachedQuote = $cachedQuotes[$i];
+ var $regex = new RegExp('@@' + $cachedQuote.hashCode + '@@', 'g');
+ data = data.replace($regex, $transformQuote($cachedQuote.content));
switch (data.event.which) {
// arrow down
case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
- if ($parent) {
- if ($quote.length) {
+ if ($'blockquote.quoteBox').length) {
+ this.selectionStart($'> div > div:first'));
+ data.cancel = true;
+ }
+ else if ($parent) {
+ if ($'blockquote.quoteBox').length) {
+ this.selectionStart($'> div > div:first'));
+ data.cancel = true;
+ }
+ else if ($quote.length) {
var $container = $current.closest('div', $quote[0]);
if (!$ {
- this.insertingAfterLastElement($quote);
+ // check if there is an element after the quote
+ if ($ {
+ this.setSelectionStart($;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.insertingAfterLastElement($quote);
+ }
data.cancel = true;
- }
- else if ($'blockquote.quoteBox').length) {
- this.selectionStart($'> div > div:first'));
- data.cancel = true;
- }
- }
- else if ($'blockquote.quoteBox').length) {
- this.selectionStart($'> div > div:first'));
- data.cancel = true;
+ }
var $container = $current.closest('div', $quote[0]);
- if ($container.prev('div').length) {
+ var $prev = $container.prev();
+ if ($prev[0].tagName === 'DIV') {
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ($prev[0].tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+ // set focus to quote text rather than the element itself
+ //this.selectionEnd($prev.find('> div > div:last'));
var $previousElement = $quote.prev();