public static function trim($text): string
- // These regular expressions use character properties
- // to find characters defined as space in the unicode
- // specification.
+ // $boundaryCharacters can always be removed when appearing at either the beginning
+ // or the end of the input.
+ //
+ // Cc = Other, Control
+ // Zs = Separator, Space
+ // Zl = Separator, Line
+ // Zp = Separator, Paragraph
+ $boundaryCharacters = "\p{Cc}\p{Zs}\p{Zl}\p{Zp}"
+ . "\s"
+ . "\x{202E}\x{200B}";
+ // $fullStringCharacters will be removed if the resulting string consists only of
+ // these characters. However they may have a valid use case at the beginning or end
+ // provided there *are* printable characters.
+ //
+ // Cf = Other, Format
+ // List of characters as per https://invisible-characters.com/
+ $fullStringCharacters = "{$boundaryCharacters}\p{Cf}"
+ . "\x{0009}\x{0020}\x{00A0}\x{00AD}\x{034F}\x{061C}\x{115F}\x{1160}\x{17B4}\x{17B5}\x{180E}\x{2000}"
+ . "\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}\x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200A}\x{200B}\x{200C}"
+ . "\x{200D}\x{200E}\x{200F}\x{202F}\x{205F}\x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}\x{206A}\x{206B}"
+ . "\x{206C}\x{206D}\x{206E}\x{206F}\x{3000}\x{2800}\x{3164}\x{FEFF}\x{FFA0}\x{1D159}\x{1D173}\x{1D174}"
+ . "\x{1D175}\x{1D176}\x{1D177}\x{1D178}\x{1D179}\x{1D17A}";
// Do not merge the expressions, they are separated for
// performance reasons.
- $trimmed = \preg_replace('/^[\p{Zs}\s\x{202E}\x{200B}]+/u', '', $text);
+ $trimmed = \preg_replace("/^[{$boundaryCharacters}]+/u", '', $text);
// Check if preg_replace() failed, indicating that the
// input is not valid UTF-8. In this case the original
return $text;
- $trimmed = \preg_replace('/[\p{Zs}\s\x{202E}\x{200B}]+$/u', '', $trimmed);
+ $trimmed = \preg_replace("/[{$boundaryCharacters}]+$/u", '', $trimmed);
if ($trimmed === null) {
return $text;
+ // If the remaining string consists of $fullStringCharacters only, they
+ // will all be removed.
+ if (\preg_match("/^[{$fullStringCharacters}]+$/u", $trimmed)) {
+ return '';
+ }
return $trimmed;