--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+** Copyright 2013, The CyanogenMod Project
+** Copyright 2018, The LineageOS Project
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+<!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized
+ for different hardware and product builds. -->
+ <!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of radio
+ attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
+ based on the hardware -->
+ <!-- An Array of "[ConnectivityManager connectionType],
+ [# simultaneous connection types]" -->
+ <string-array translatable="false" name="radioAttributes">
+ <!-- DEFAULT -->
+ <item>"1,1"</item>
+ <!-- MOBILE -->
+ <item>"0,1"</item>
+ <!-- BLUETOOTH -->
+ <item>"7,1"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Power Management: Specifies whether to decouple the interactive state of the
+ device from the display on/off state. -->
+ <bool name="config_powerDecoupleInteractiveModeFromDisplay">false</bool>
+ <!-- Screen brightness used to dim the screen while dozing in a very low power state.
+ May be less than the minimum allowed brightness setting
+ that can be set by the user. -->
+ <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDoze">1</integer>
+ <!-- If true, the doze component is not started until after the screen has been
+ turned off and the screen off animation has been performed. -->
+ <bool name="config_dozeAfterScreenOff">true</bool>
+ <!-- ComponentName of a dream to show whenever the system would otherwise have
+ gone to sleep. When the PowerManager is asked to go to sleep, it will instead
+ try to start this dream if possible. The dream should typically call startDozing()
+ to put the display into a low power state and allow the application processor
+ to be suspended. When the dream ends, the system will go to sleep as usual.
+ Specify the component name or an empty string if none.
+ Note that doze dreams are not subject to the same start conditions as ordinary dreams.
+ Doze dreams will run whenever the power manager is in a dozing state. -->
+ <string name="config_dozeComponent">com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService</string>
+ <!-- Boolean indicating if restoring network selection should be skipped -->
+ <!-- The restoring is handled by modem if it is true -->
+ <bool translatable="false" name="skip_restoring_network_selection">true</bool>
+ <!-- Indicate whether closing the lid causes the device to go to sleep and opening
+ it causes the device to wake up.
+ The default is false. -->
+ <bool name="config_lidControlsSleep">true</bool>
+ <!-- Flag specifying whether VoLTE TTY is supported -->
+ <bool name="config_carrier_volte_tty_supported">true</bool>
+ <!-- Configure mobile tcp buffer sizes in the form:
+ rat-name:rmem_min,rmem_def,rmem_max,wmem_min,wmem_def,wmem_max
+ If no value is found for the rat-name in use, the system default will be applied.
+ -->
+ <string-array name="config_mobile_tcp_buffers">
+ <item>lte:1048576,3145728,4194304,1048576,3145728,4194304</item>
+ <item>umts:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
+ <item>hspa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
+ <item>hsupa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
+ <item>hsdpa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
+ <item>hspap:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Configure wifi tcp buffersizes in the form:
+ rmem_min,rmem_def,rmem_max,wmem_min,wmem_def,wmem_max -->
+ <string name="config_wifi_tcp_buffers" translatable="false">524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576</string>
+ <!-- Flag indicating which package name can access the persistent data partition -->
+ <string name="config_persistentDataPackageName" translatable="false">com.google.android.gms</string>
+ <!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of network
+ attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
+ based on the hardware -->
+ <!-- An Array of "[Connection name],[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_xxxx],
+ [associated radio-type],[priority],[restoral-timer(ms)],[dependencyMet] -->
+ <!-- the 5th element "resore-time" indicates the number of milliseconds to delay
+ before automatically restore the default connection. Set -1 if the connection
+ does not require auto-restore. -->
+ <!-- the 6th element indicates boot-time dependency-met value. -->
+ <string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes">
+ <item>wifi,1,1,1,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile,0,0,0,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_mms,2,0,2,240000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_supl,3,0,2,60000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_dun,4,0,2,60000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_hipri,5,0,3,60000,true</item>
+ <item>bluetooth,7,7,0,-1,true</item>
+ <item>ethernet,9,9,2,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_fota,10,0,2,60000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_ims,11,0,1,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_cbs,12,0,2,60000,true</item>
+ <item>wifi_p2p,13,1,0,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_ia,14,0,2,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_emergency,15,0,2,-1,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_bip,23,0,2,60000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_cas,24,0,3,60000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_xcap,27,0,2,60000,true</item>
+ <item>mobile_ent1,28,0,2,-1,true</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Array of ConnectivityManager.TYPE_xxxx values allowable for tethering -->
+ <!-- Common options are [1, 4] for TYPE_WIFI and TYPE_MOBILE_DUN or
+ <integer-array translatable="false" name="config_tether_upstream_types">
+ <item>0</item>
+ <item>1</item>
+ <item>4</item>
+ <item>5</item>
+ <item>7</item>
+ <item>9</item>
+ </integer-array>
+ <!-- Flag indicating whether we should enable the automatic brightness in Settings.
+ Software implementation will be used if config_hardware_auto_brightness_available is not set -->
+ <bool name="config_automatic_brightness_available">true</bool>
+ <!-- The default iface on which to monitor data use -->
+ <string name="config_datause_iface" translatable="false">rmnet0</string>
+ <!-- Stability requirements in milliseconds for accepting a new brightness level. This is used
+ for debouncing the light sensor. Different constants are used to debounce the light sensor
+ when adapting to brighter or darker environments. This parameter controls how quickly
+ brightness changes occur in response to an observed change in light level that exceeds the
+ hysteresis threshold. -->
+ <integer name="config_autoBrightnessBrighteningLightDebounce">2000</integer>
+ <integer name="config_autoBrightnessDarkeningLightDebounce">4000</integer>
+ <!-- Array of light sensor LUX values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
+ The N entries of this array define N 1 zones as follows:
+ Zone 0: 0 <= LUX < array[0]
+ Zone 1: array[0] <= LUX < array[1]
+ ...
+ Zone N: array[N - 1] <= LUX < array[N]
+ Zone N + 1 array[N] <= LUX < infinity
+ Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
+ <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
+ <item>9</item>
+ <item>30</item>
+ <item>100</item>
+ <item>325</item>
+ <item>1250</item>
+ <item>3500</item>
+ <item>10000</item>
+ <item>20000</item>
+ </integer-array>
+ <!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the LUX values
+ in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
+ than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
+ This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
+ <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
+ <!-- 9 --> <item>18</item>
+ <!-- 30 --> <item>30</item>
+ <!-- 100 --> <item>59</item>
+ <!-- 325 --> <item>74</item>
+ <!-- 1250 --> <item>92</item>
+ <!-- 3500 --> <item>118</item>
+ <!-- 10000 --> <item>155</item>
+ <!-- 20000 --> <item>222</item>
+ <item>255</item>
+ </integer-array>
+ <!-- Minimum screen brightness setting allowed by the power manager.
+ The user is forbidden from setting the brightness below this level. -->
+ <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum">0</integer>
+ <!-- Default screen brightness setting.
+ Must be in the range specified by minimum and maximum. -->
+ <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingDefault">134</integer>
+ <!-- Screen brightness used to dim the screen when the user activity
+ timeout expires. May be less than the minimum allowed brightness setting
+ that can be set by the user. -->
+ <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">19</integer>
+ <!-- Control the behavior when the user long presses the home button.
+ 0 - Nothing
+ 1 - Menu key
+ 2 - Recent apps view in SystemUI
+ 3 - Launch assist intent
+ 4 - Voice Search
+ 5 - In-app Search
+ This needs to match the constants in
+ policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.java
+ -->
+ <integer name="config_longPressOnHomeBehavior">3</integer>
+ <!-- Control the behavior when the user double-taps the home button.
+ 0 - Nothing
+ 1 - Menu
+ 2 - Recent apps view in SystemUI
+ 3 - Launch assist intent
+ 4 - Voice Search
+ 5 - In-app Search
+ This needs to match the constants in
+ policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.java
+ -->
+ <integer name="config_doubleTapOnHomeBehavior">2</integer>
+ <!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized
+ for different hardware and product builds. -->
+ <string name="config_radio_access_family">GSM | WCDMA | LTE</string>
+ <!-- Values for GPS configuration -->
+ <string-array translatable="false" name="config_gpsParameters">
+ <item>XTRA_SERVER_1=https://glltos1.glpals.com/4day/v3/latest/lto2.dat</item>
+ <item>XTRA_SERVER_2=https://glltos2.glpals.com/4day/v3/latest/lto2.dat</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has dual frequency band support -->
+ <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_dual_band_support">false</bool>
+ <!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has background scan support -->
+ <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_background_scan_support">false</bool>
+ <!-- Wifi driver supports batched scan -->
+ <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_batched_scan_supported">false</bool>
+ <!-- Indicate whether the SD card is accessible without removing the battery. -->
+ <bool name="config_batterySdCardAccessibility">true</bool>
+ <!-- Display low battery warning when battery level dips to this value.
+ Also, the battery stats are flushed to disk when we hit this level. -->
+ <integer name="config_criticalBatteryWarningLevel">10</integer>
+ <!-- Display low battery warning when battery level dips to this value -->
+ <integer name="config_lowBatteryWarningLevel">20</integer>
+ <!-- Shutdown if the battery temperature exceeds (this value * 0.1) Celsius. -->
+ <integer name="config_shutdownBatteryTemperature">600</integer>
+ <!-- Minimum allowable screen brightness to use in a very dark room.
+ This value sets the floor for the darkest possible auto-brightness
+ adjustment. It is expected to be somewhat less than the first entry in
+ config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues so as to allow the user to have
+ some range of adjustment to dim the screen further than usual in very
+ dark rooms. The contents of the screen must still be clearly visible
+ in darkness (although they may not be visible in a bright room). -->
+ <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDark">1</integer>
+ <!-- Slow brightness animation ramp rate in brightness units per second-->
+ <integer translatable="false" name="config_brightness_ramp_rate_slow">80</integer>
+ <!-- Light sensor event rate in milliseconds for automatic brightness control. -->
+ <integer name="config_autoBrightnessLightSensorRate">250</integer>
+ <!-- Initial light sensor event rate in milliseconds for automatic brightness control. This is
+ used for obtaining the first light sample when the device stops dozing.
+ Set this to 0 to disable this feature. -->
+ <integer name="config_autoBrightnessInitialLightSensorRate">250</integer>
+ <!-- Period of time in which to consider light samples in milliseconds. -->
+ <integer name="config_autoBrightnessAmbientLightHorizon">5000</integer>
+ <!-- Amount of time it takes for the light sensor to warm up in milliseconds.
+ For this time after the screen turns on, the Power Manager
+ will not debounce light sensor readings -->
+ <integer name="config_lightSensorWarmupTime">0</integer>
+ <!-- Allow automatic adjusting of the screen brightness while dozing in low power state. -->
+ <bool name="config_allowAutoBrightnessWhileDozing">true</bool>
+ <!-- If we allow automatic adjustment of screen brightness while dozing, how many times we want
+ to reduce it to preserve the battery. Value of 100% means no scaling. -->
+ <fraction name="config_screenAutoBrightnessDozeScaleFactor">50%</fraction>
+ <!-- Boolean indicating if current platform supports BLE peripheral mode -->
+ <bool name="config_bluetooth_le_peripheral_mode_supported">true</bool>
+ <!-- reference volume index for music stream to limit headphone volume and display warning -->
+ <integer name="config_safe_media_volume_index">10</integer>
+ <!-- Whether WiFi display is supported by this device.
+ There are many prerequisites for this feature to work correctly.
+ Here are a few of them:
+ * The WiFi radio must support WiFi P2P.
+ * The WiFi radio must support concurrent connections to the WiFi display and
+ to an access point.
+ * The Audio Flinger audio_policy.conf file must specify a rule for the "r_submix"
+ remote submix module. This module is used to record and stream system
+ audio output to the WiFi display encoder in the media server.
+ * The remote submix module "audio.r_submix.default" must be installed on the device.
+ * The device must be provisioned with HDCP keys (for protected content).
+ -->
+ <bool name="config_enableWifiDisplay">true</bool>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ <!-- Default value for proximity check on screen wake
+ NOTE ! - Enable for devices that have a fast response proximity sensor (ideally < 300ms)-->
+ <bool name="config_proximityCheckOnWake">true</bool>
+ <integer name="config_proximityCheckTimeout">400</integer>
+ <bool name="config_proximityCheckOnWakeEnabledByDefault">false</bool>
+ <!-- Color temperature settings for LiveDisplay. These were obtained by
+ measuring the display at various color balance levels. -->
+ <integer name="config_minColorTemperature">1900</integer>
+ <integer name="config_maxColorTemperature">25000</integer>
+ <!-- Corresponds to color balance level of zero, this is the native
+ display temperature -->
+ <integer name="config_dayColorTemperature">6500</integer>
+ <integer name="config_nightColorTemperature">4800</integer>
+ <!-- Ambient lux at which to enable outdoor mode when LiveDisplay is enabled -->
+ <integer name="config_outdoorAmbientLux">10000</integer>
+ <integer name="config_outdoorAmbientLuxHysteresis">1000</integer>
+ <!-- BurnIn protection. This should be enabled on devices that have OLED displays -->
+ <bool name="config_enableBurnInProtection">true</bool>
+ <!-- All the capabilities of the LEDs on this device, stored as a bit field.
+ This integer should equal the sum of the corresponding value for each
+ of the following capabilities present:
+ For example, a device with notification and battery lights that supports
+ pulsating and RGB control would set this config to 75. -->
+ <integer name="config_deviceLightCapabilities">0</integer>
+ <!-- Disable LiveDisplay by default -->
+ <integer name="config_defaultLiveDislayMode">0</integer>
+ <!-- Hardware keys present on the device, stored as a bit field.
+ This integer should equal the sum of the corresponding value for each
+ of the following keys present:
+ 1 - Home
+ 2 - Back
+ 4 - Menu
+ 8 - Assistant (search)
+ 16 - App switch
+ 32 - Camera
+ 64 - Volume rocker
+ For example, a device with Home, Back and Menu keys would set this
+ config to 7. -->
+ <integer name="config_deviceHardwareKeys">83</integer>
+ <!-- Hardware keys present on the device with the ability to wake, stored as a bit field.
+ This integer should equal the sum of the corresponding value for each
+ of the following keys present:
+ 1 - Home
+ 2 - Back
+ 4 - Menu
+ 8 - Assistant (search)
+ 16 - App switch
+ 32 - Camera
+ 64 - Volume rocker
+ For example, a device with Home, Back and Menu keys would set this
+ config to 7. -->
+ <integer name="config_deviceHardwareWakeKeys">1</integer>