* Template function plugin which generate delete and toggle buttons for objects to be used in
* combination with `WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Object/Action`.
- * TODO: More information and examples
+ * Required argument: `action` with value `delete` or `toggle`.
+ * Optional arguments for all actions:
+ * - `objectId` (to override the objectId set via the `data-object-id` attribute by the closest
+ * `jsObjectActionObject` element)
+ * - `className` (to override the objectId set via the `data-object-action-class-name` attribute
+ * by the closest `jsObjectActionContainer` element)
+ * - attributes beginning with `parameter` are mapped to `data-object-action-parameter-*`
+ * attributes of the button
+ *
+ * One of the following aguments for `delete` action is required:
+ * - `objectTitle`: name of the object used in the `wcf.global.button.delete.confirmMessage`
+ * confirmation language item
+ * - `confirmMessage`: confirmation message or confirmation language item
+ *
+ * Arguments for `toggle` action:
+ * - `isDisabled` (required): indicates the current toggle state of the relevant object
+ * - `disableTitle`: title or language item with the title of the button for the disable action
+ * - `enableTitle`: title or language item with the title of the button for the enable action
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * {objectAction action="delete" objectTitle=$object->getTitle()}
+ * {objectAction action="delete" confirmMessage='wcf.foo.delete.confirmMessage' parameterFoo='bar'}
+ * {objectAction action="toggle" isDisabled=$object->isDisabled}
+ * {objectAction action="toggle" isDisabled=$object->isDisabled disableTitle='wcf.foo.button.disable' enableTitle='wcf.foo.button.enable'}
* @author Matthias Schmidt
* @copyright 2001-2021 WoltLab GmbH