&byt_rvp_platform_data },
{"10EC5648", "cht-bsw-rt5645", "intel/fw_sst_0f28.bin", "cht-bsw", NULL,
&byt_rvp_platform_data },
+ /*
+ * This is always last in the table so that it is selected only when
+ * enabled explicitly and there is no codec-related information in SSDT
+ */
+ {"80860F28", "bytcht_nocodec", "intel/fw_sst_0f28.bin", "bytcht_nocodec", NULL,
+ &byt_rvp_platform_data },
/* some CHT-T platforms rely on RT5651, use Baytrail machine driver */
{"10EC5651", "bytcr_rt5651", "intel/fw_sst_22a8.bin", "bytcr_rt5651", NULL,
&chv_platform_data },
+ /*
+ * This is always last in the table so that it is selected only when
+ * enabled explicitly and there is no codec-related information in SSDT
+ */
+ {"808622A8", "bytcht_nocodec", "intel/fw_sst_22a8.bin", "bytcht_nocodec", NULL,
+ &chv_platform_data },