[WoltLab/WCF#4275](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/pull/4275) added support for embedded objects like mentions for comments and comment responses.
To properly render embedded objects whenever you are using comments in your packages, you have to use `ViewableCommentList`/`ViewableCommentResponseList` in these places or `ViewableCommentRuntimeCache`/`ViewableCommentResponseRuntimeCache`.
-While these runtime caches are only available since version 5.5, the viewable list classes have always been available so that changing `CommentList` to `ViewableCommentList`, for example, is a backwards-compatible change.
## Emails
# ACP Template Delete Package Installation Plugin
-!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 5.5."
Deletes admin panel templates installed with the [acpTemplate](acp-template.md) package installation plugin.
!!! warning "You cannot delete acp templates provided by other packages."
# Database Package Installation Plugin
-!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 5.4."
Update the database layout using [the PHP API](../database-php-api.md).
!!! warning "You must install the PHP script through the [file package installation plugin](file.md)."
# File Delete Package Installation Plugin
-!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 5.5."
Deletes files installed with the [file](file.md) package installation plugin.
!!! warning "You cannot delete files provided by other packages."
# Template Delete Package Installation Plugin
-!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 5.5."
Deletes frontend templates installed with the [template](template.md) package installation plugin.
!!! warning "You cannot delete templates provided by other packages."
### `ValueIntervalFormFieldDependency`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.5."
`ValueIntervalFormFieldDependency` can be used to ensure that a node is only shown if the value of the referenced form field is in a specific interval whose boundaries are set via `minimum(?float $minimum = null)` and `maximum(?float $maximum = null)`.
### `IsNotClickedFormFieldDependency`
### `AbstractFormFieldDecorator`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4.5."
`AbstractFormFieldDecorator` is a default implementation of a decorator for form fields that forwards calls to all methods defined in `IFormField` to the respective method of the decorated object.
The class implements `IFormfield`.
If the implementation of a more specific interface is required then the remaining methods must be implemented in the concrete decorator derived from `AbstractFormFieldDecorator` and the type of the `$field` property must be narrowed appropriately.
### `ButtonFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`ButtonFormField` shows a submit button as part of the form.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField` and `ICssClassFormField`.
### `ColorFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.5."
`ColorFormField` is used to specify RGBA colors using the `rgba(r, g, b, a)` format.
The class implements `IImmutableFormField`.
### `UserPasswordField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`UserPasswordField` is a form field for users' to enter their current password.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`
#### `MultipleBoardSelectionFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.5."
`MultipleBoardSelectionFormField` is used to select multiple forums.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `ICssClassFormField`, and `IImmutableFormField`.
#### `IAttributeFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IAttributeFormField` has to be implemented by form fields for which attributes can be added to the actual form element (in addition to adding attributes to the surrounding element via the attribute-related methods of `IFormNode`).
The implementing class has to implement the methods `fieldAttribute(string $name, string $value = null): self` and `getFieldAttribute(string $name): self`/`getFieldAttributes(): array`, which are used to add and get the attributes, respectively.
Additionally, `hasFieldAttribute(string $name): bool` has to implemented to check if a certain attribute is present, `removeFieldAttribute(string $name): self` to remove an attribute, and `static validateFieldAttribute(string $name)` to check if the attribute is valid for this specific class.
#### `IAutoCompleteFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IAutoCompleteFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`autocomplete` attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofilling-form-controls:-the-autocomplete-attribute).
The implementing class has to implement the methods `autoComplete(?string $autoComplete): self` and `getAutoComplete(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the autocomplete value, respectively.
`TAutoCompleteFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods and `TTextAutoCompleteFormField` specializes the trait for text form fields.
#### `ICssClassFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`ICssClassFormField` has to be implemented by form fields for which CSS classes can be added to the actual form element (in addition to adding CSS classes to the surrounding element via the class-related methods of `IFormNode`).
The implementing class has to implement the methods `addFieldClass(string $class): self`/`addFieldClasses(array $classes): self` and `getFieldClasses(): array`, which are used to add and get the CSS classes, respectively.
Additionally, `hasFieldClass(string $class): bool` has to implemented to check if a certain CSS class is present and `removeFieldClass(string $class): self` to remove a CSS class.
#### `IInputModeFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IInputModeFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`inputmode` attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#input-modalities:-the-inputmode-attribute).
The implementing class has to implement the methods `inputMode(?string $inputMode): self` and `getInputMode(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the input mode, respectively.
`TInputModeFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods.
#### `IPatternFormField`
-!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IPatternFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`pattern` attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#the-pattern-attribute).
The implementing class has to implement the methods `pattern(?string $pattern): self` and `getPattern(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the pattern, respectively.
`TPatternFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods.
### Forms
-!!! info "For new forms, use the new [form builder API](../php/api/form_builder/overview.md) introduced with WoltLab Suite 5.2."
+!!! info "For new forms, use the [form builder API](../php/api/form_builder/overview.md)."
<form method="post" action="{link controller='FooBar'}{/link}">