+++ /dev/null
-# Data Structures - JavaScript API
-!!! danger "These data structures are deprecated since version 5.4. Refer to our [migration guide](../migration/wsc53/javascript.md#replacements-for-deprecated-components) on how to replace them."
-## Introduction
-JavaScript offers only limited types of collections to hold and iterate over
-data. Despite the ongoing efforts in ES6 and newer, these new data structures
-and access methods, such as `for … of`, are not available in the still supported
-Internet Explorer 11.
-## `Dictionary`
-Represents a simple key-value map, but unlike the use of plain objects, will
-always to guarantee to iterate over directly set values only.
-_In supported browsers this will use a native `Map` internally, otherwise a plain object._
-### `set(key: string, value: any)`
-Adds or updates an item using the provided key. Numeric keys will be converted
-into strings.
-### `delete(key: string)`
-Removes an item from the collection.
-### `has(key: string): boolean`
-Returns true if the key is contained in the collection.
-### `get(key: string): any`
-Returns the value for the provided key, or `undefined` if the key was not found.
-Use `.has()` to check for key existence.
-### `forEach(callback: (value: any, key: string) => void)`
-Iterates over all items in the collection in an arbitrary order and invokes the
-supplied callback with the value and the key.
-### `size: number`
-This read-only property counts the number of items in the collection.
-## `List`
-Represents a list of unique values.
-_In supported browsers this will use a native `Set` internally, otherwise an array._
-### `add(value: any)`
-Adds a value to the list. If the value is already part of the list, this method
-will silently abort.
-### `clear()`
-Resets the collection.
-### `delete(value: any): boolean`
-Attempts to remove a value from the list, it returns true if the value has been
-part of the list.
-### `forEach(callback: (value: any) => void)`
-Iterates over all values in the list in an arbitrary order and invokes the
-supplied callback for each value.
-### `has(value: any): boolean`
-Returns true if the provided value is part of this list.
-### `size: number`
-This read-only property counts the number of items in the list.
-## `ObjectMap`
-!!! info "This class uses a `WeakMap` internally, the keys are only weakly referenced and do not prevent garbage collection."
-Represents a collection where any kind of objects, such as class instances or
-DOM elements, can be used as key. These keys are weakly referenced and will not
-prevent garbage collection from happening, but this also means that it is not
-possible to enumerate or iterate over the stored keys and values.
-This class is especially useful when you want to store additional data for
-objects that may get disposed on runtime, such as DOM elements. Using any regular
-data collections will cause the object to be referenced indefinitely, preventing
-the garbage collection from removing orphaned objects.
-### `set(key: Object, value: Object)`
-Adds the key with the provided value to the map, if the key was already part
-of the collection, its value is overwritten.
-### `delete(key: Object)`
-Attempts to remove a key from the collection. The method will abort silently if
-the key is not part of the collection.
-### `has(key: Object): boolean`
-Returns true if there is a value for the provided key in this collection.
-### `get(key: Object): Object | undefined`
-Retrieves the value of the provided key, or `undefined` if the key was not found.
| [Core](new-api_core.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Core |
| DateUtil | WoltLabSuite/Core/Date/Util |
| Devtools | WoltLabSuite/Core/Devtools |
-| [Dictionary](new-api_data-structures.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Dictionary |
| [Dom/ChangeListener](new-api_dom.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Change/Listener |
| Dom/Traverse | WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Traverse |
| [Dom/Util](new-api_dom.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Util |
| [EventHandler](new-api_events.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Event/Handler |
| [EventKey](new-api_events.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Event/Key |
| [Language](new-api_core.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Language |
-| [List](new-api_data-structures.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/List |
-| [ObjectMap](new-api_data-structures.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/ObjectMap |
| Permission | WoltLabSuite/Core/Permission |
| [StringUtil](new-api_core.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/StringUtil |
| [Ui/Alignment](new-api_ui.md) | WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Alignment |