<instruction type="script">acp/post_install.php</instruction>
- <instructions type="update" fromversion="5.4.*">
- <!--
-tar cvf com.woltlab.wcf/files_pre_check.tar -C wcfsetup/install/files/ \
- acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_ensureInnoDbSearch.php \
- acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_normalizeFileLog.php \
- acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_styleVariables.php
- -->
- <instruction type="file" run="standalone">files_pre_check.tar</instruction>
- <!-- Checks that need to happen before the upgrade starts. -->
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_ensureInnoDbSearch.php</instruction>
- <!-- Clean up the file log. -->
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_normalizeFileLog.php</instruction>
- <!-- Insert the new style variables early to prevent style rebuilds bricking the system. -->
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_styleVariables.php</instruction>
- <!-- Deploy new application code. -->
- <instruction type="file" />
- <instruction type="acpTemplate" />
- <instruction type="template" />
- <!-- Make all the new options available as early as possible. -->
- <instruction type="option" run="standalone" />
- <!-- The updated object types are required for the boxCondition migrator. -->
- <instruction type="objectTypeDefinition" />
- <instruction type="objectType" />
- <!-- Migrate the database as early as possible. -->
- <instruction type="database" run="standalone">acp/database/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5.php</instruction>
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_boxConditions.php</instruction>
- <!-- Install new PIPs (fileDelete, templateDelete, acpTemplateDelete). -->
- <instruction type="packageInstallationPlugin" />
- <!-- Misc. PIPs. -->
- <instruction type="cronjob" />
- <instruction type="eventListener" />
- <instruction type="language" />
- <instruction type="mediaProvider" />
- <instruction type="page" />
- <instruction type="userGroupOption" />
- <!-- Clean Up. -->
- <instruction type="acpTemplateDelete" />
- <instruction type="fileDelete" />
- <instruction type="templateDelete" />
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_clearPackageDeprecations.php</instruction>
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_cleanupPackageExclusion.php</instruction>
- <!-- Misc. Update Scripts. -->
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_randomize_cronjobs.php</instruction>
- <!-- Migrate the STARTTLS option last. This requires external connections and thus is the
- step that most likely might fail. -->
- <instruction type="script" run="standalone">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.5_starttls.php</instruction>
- </instructions>
<instructions type="update" fromversion="5.5.0 Alpha 6">
<!-- Tentative update instructions from Alpha 6 -->
<instruction type="acpTemplate">acptemplates_update.tar</instruction>