<p>The legacy API relied on implicit callbacks to initialize dialogs and to handle the entire lifecycle.
The <code>_dialogSetup()</code> method was complex, offered subpar auto completition support and generally became very bloated when utilizing the events.</p>
<h3 id="source"><code>source</code><a class="headerlink" href="#source" title="Permanent link">#</a></h3>
-<p>The source of a dialog is provided directly through the fluent API of <a href="components_dialog.md"><code>dialogFactory()</code></a> which provides methods to spawn dialogs using elements, HTML strings or completely empty.</p>
-<p>The major change is the removal of the AJAX support as the content source, you should use <a href="new-api_ajax.md"><code>dboAction()</code></a> instead and then create the dialog.</p>
+<p>The source of a dialog is provided directly through the fluent API of <a href="../../../javascript/components_dialog/"><code>dialogFactory()</code></a> which provides methods to spawn dialogs using elements, HTML strings or completely empty.</p>
+<p>The major change is the removal of the AJAX support as the content source, you should use <a href="../../../javascript/new-api_ajax/"><code>dboAction()</code></a> instead and then create the dialog.</p>
<h3 id="optionsonsetupcontent-htmlelement"><code>options.onSetup(content: HTMLElement)</code><a class="headerlink" href="#optionsonsetupcontent-htmlelement" title="Permanent link">#</a></h3>
<p>You can now access the content element directly, because everything happens in-place.</p>
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Last update:
- 2022-10-11
+ 2022-10-31