Comments after file-definitions on the same line in .gitignore are NOT allowed.
Added .gitignore to wcfsetup/install/packages to ensure it will be in
the repository.
# Linux
-*~ # backup files
+# backup files
# Windows
-Thumbs.db # thumbnails
+# thumbnails
# OS-X
-._* #thumbnails
+# thumbnails
# Visual Studio PHP
-.svn/ # svn folders
+# svn folders
# Community Framework
-*.tar.gz # Ignore packages build directly in the workspace. They can however, if wanted, added manually via git add
+# Ignore packages build directly in the workspace. They can however, if wanted, added manually via git add
--- /dev/null
+# This file ensures this directory is within version control since git does
+# not track directories but files. In fact, this directory is meant to be empty
\ No newline at end of file