### `AbstractNumericFormField`
`AbstractNumericFormField` is the abstract implementation of a form field handling a single numeric value.
-The class implements `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `IInputModeFormField`, `IMaximumFormField`, `IMinimumFormField`, `INullableFormField`, `IPlaceholderFormField` and `ISuffixedFormField`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `IInputModeFormField`, `IMaximumFormField`, `IMinimumFormField`, `INullableFormField`, `IPlaceholderFormField` and `ISuffixedFormField`.
If the property `$integerValues` is `true`, the form field works with integer values, otherwise it works with floating point numbers.
The methods `step($step = null)` and `getStep()` can be used to set and get the step attribute of the `input` element.
The default step for form fields with integer values is `1`.
`BooleanFormField` is used for boolean (`0` or `1`, `yes` or `no`) values.
Objects of this class require a label.
The return value of `getSaveValue()` is the integer representation of the boolean value, i.e. `0` or `1`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, and `IImmutableFormField`.
### `CheckboxFormField`
### `DateFormField`
`DateFormField` is a form field to enter a date (and optionally a time).
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `INullableFormField`.
The following methods are specific to this form field class:
- `earliestDate($earliestDate)` and `getEarliestDate()` can be used to get and set the earliest selectable/valid date and `latestDate($latestDate)` and `getLatestDate()` can be used to get and set the latest selectable/valid date.
### `ItemListFormField`
`ItemListFormField` is a form field in which multiple values can be entered and returned in different formats as save value.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `IMultipleFormField`.
The `saveValueType($saveValueType)` and `getSaveValueType()` methods are specific to this form field class and determine the format of the save value.
The following save value types are supported:
### `MultipleSelectionFormField`
`MultipleSelectionFormField` is a form fields that allows the selection of multiple options out of a predefined list of available options.
-The class implements `IFilterableSelectionFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `INullableFormField`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IFilterableSelectionFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `INullableFormField`.
If the field is nullable and no option is selected, `null` is returned as the save value.
### `RadioButtonFormField`
`RadioButtonFormField` is a form fields that allows the selection of a single option out of a predefined list of available options using radiobuttons.
-The class implements `IImmutableFormField` and `ISelectionFormField`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `ISelectionFormField`.
### `RatingFormField`
### `TextFormField`
`TextFormField` is a form field that allows entering a single line of text.
-The class implements `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `II18nFormField`, `IInputModeFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, `IPatternFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `II18nFormField`, `IInputModeFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, `IPatternFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
### `TitleFormField`
### `TagFormField`
`TagFormField` is a form field to enter tags.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField` and `IObjectTypeFormNode`.
Arrays passed to `TagFormField::values()` can contain tag names as strings and `Tag` objects.
The default label of instances of this class is `wcf.tagging.tags` and their default description is `wcf.tagging.tags.description`.
!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`UserPasswordField` is a form field for users' to enter their current password.
-The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`
### `UserGroupOptionFormField`
### `UsernameFormField`
`UsernameFormField` is used for entering one non-existing username.
-The class implements `IImmutableFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, `INullableFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, `INullableFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
As usernames have a system-wide restriction of a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100 characters, these values are also used as the default value for the field’s minimum and maximum length.
`WysiwygFormField` is used for wysiwyg editor form fields.
This class should, in general, not be used directly but only via `WysiwygFormContainer`.
-The class implements `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, and `IObjectTypeFormNode` and requires an object type of the object type definition `com.woltlab.wcf.message`.
+The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, and `IObjectTypeFormNode` and requires an object type of the object type definition `com.woltlab.wcf.message`.
The following methods are specific to this form field class:
- `autosaveId($autosaveId)` and `getAutosaveId()` can be used enable automatically saving the current editor contents in the browser using the given id.
WoltLab Suite Core provides a variety of interfaces and matching traits with default implementations for several common features of form fields:
+#### `IAttributeFormField`
+!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
+`IAttributeFormField` has to be implemented by form fields for which attributes can be added to the actual form element (in addition to adding attributes to the surrounding element via the attribute-related methods of `IFormNode`).
+The implementing class has to implement the methods `fieldAttribute(string $name, string $value = null): self` and `getFieldAttribute(string $name): self`/`getFieldAttributes(): array`, which are used to add and get the attributes, respectively.
+Additionally, `hasFieldAttribute(string $name): bool` has to implemented to check if a certain attribute is present, `removeFieldAttribute(string $name): self` to remove an attribute, and `static validateFieldAttribute(string $name)` to check if the attribute is valid for this specific class.
+`TAttributeFormField` provides a default implementation of these methods and `TInputAttributeFormField` specializes the trait for `input`-based form fields.
+These two traits also ensure that if a specific interface that handles a specific attribute is implemented, like `IAutoCompleteFormField` handling `autocomplete`, this attribute cannot be set with this API.
+Instead, the dedicated API provided by the relevant interface has to be used.
#### `IAutoCompleteFormField`