"tda10046lifeview", "av7110", "dec2000t", "dec2540t",
"dec3000s", "vp7041", "dibusb", "nxt2002", "nxt2004",
"or51211", "or51132_qam", "or51132_vsb", "bluebird",
- "opera1", "cx231xx", "cx18", "cx23885", "pvrusb2" );
+ "opera1", "cx231xx", "cx18", "cx23885", "pvrusb2", "mpc718" );
# Check args
syntax() if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1);
+sub mpc718 {
+ my $archive = 'Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card';
+ my $url = "ftp://ftp.work.acer-euro.com/desktop/aspire_idea510/vista/Drivers/$archive";
+ my $fwfile = "dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352.fw";
+ my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
+ checkstandard();
+ wgetfile($archive, $url);
+ unzip($archive, $tmpdir);
+ my $sourcefile = "$tmpdir/Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card";
+ my $found = 0;
+ open IN, '<', $sourcefile or die "Couldn't open $sourcefile to extract $fwfile data\n";
+ binmode IN;
+ open OUT, '>', $fwfile;
+ binmode OUT;
+ {
+ # Block scope because we change the line terminator variable $/
+ my $prevlen = 0;
+ my $currlen;
+ # Buried in the data segment are 3 runs of almost identical
+ # register-value pairs that end in 0x5d 0x01 which is a "TUNER GO"
+ # command for the MT352.
+ # Pull out the middle run (because it's easy) of register-value
+ # pairs to make the "firmware" file.
+ local $/ = "\x5d\x01"; # MT352 "TUNER GO"
+ while (<IN>) {
+ $currlen = length($_);
+ if ($prevlen == $currlen || $currlen <= 64) {
+ chop; chop; # Get rid of "TUNER GO"
+ s/^\0\0//; # get rid of leading 00 00 if it's there
+ printf OUT "$_";
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close OUT;
+ close IN;
+ if (!$found) {
+ unlink $fwfile;
+ die "Couldn't find valid register-value sequence in $sourcefile for $fwfile\n";
+ }
+ $fwfile;
sub cx23885 {
my $url = "http://linuxtv.org/downloads/firmware/";