'screen-lg': '(min-width: 1025px)' /* desktop */
+ // Microsoft Edge rewrites the media queries to whatever it
+ // pleases, causing the input and output query to mismatch
+ var _mqMapEdge = new Dictionary();
* @exports WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Screen
throw new TypeError("Expected a non-empty string for parameter 'query'.");
+ // Microsoft Edge rewrites the media queries to whatever it
+ // pleases, causing the input and output query to mismatch
+ if (_mqMapEdge.has(query)) query = _mqMapEdge.get(query);
if (_mqMap.has(query)) query = _mqMap.get(query);
var queryObject = _mql.get(query);
_mql.set(query, queryObject);
+ if (query !== queryObject.mql.media) {
+ _mqMapEdge.set(queryObject.mql.media, query);
+ }
return queryObject;