$prog = findprog("virtualenv-3.5") if (!$prog);
check_program("virtualenv", 0) if (!$prog);
- check_program("pip", 0) if (!findprog("pip3"));
$need_sphinx = 1;
} else {
add_package("python-sphinx", 0);
"python-sphinx" => "python3-sphinx",
"sphinx_rtd_theme" => "python3-sphinx-rtd-theme",
"virtualenv" => "virtualenv",
- "pip" => "python3-pip",
"dot" => "graphviz",
"convert" => "imagemagick",
"Pod::Usage" => "perl-modules",
"python-sphinx" => "python3-sphinx",
"sphinx_rtd_theme" => "python3-sphinx_rtd_theme",
"virtualenv" => "python3-virtualenv",
- "pip" => "python3-pip",
"dot" => "graphviz",
"convert" => "ImageMagick",
"Pod::Usage" => "perl-Pod-Usage",
+ #
+ # Checks valid for RHEL/CentOS version 7.x.
+ #
+ if (! $system_release =~ /Fedora/) {
+ $map{"virtualenv"} = "python-virtualenv";
+ }
my $release;
$release = $1 if ($system_release =~ /Fedora\s+release\s+(\d+)/);
return if (!$need && !$optional);
- printf("You should run:\n\n\tsudo dnf install -y $install\n");
+ if ($release >= 18) {
+ # dnf, for Fedora 18+
+ printf("You should run:\n\n\tsudo dnf install -y $install\n");
+ } else {
+ # yum, for RHEL (and clones) or Fedora version < 18
+ printf("You should run:\n\n\tsudo yum install -y $install\n");
+ }
sub give_opensuse_hints()
"python-sphinx" => "python3-sphinx",
"sphinx_rtd_theme" => "python3-sphinx_rtd_theme",
"virtualenv" => "python3-virtualenv",
- "pip" => "python3-pip",
"dot" => "graphviz",
"convert" => "ImageMagick",
"Pod::Usage" => "perl-Pod-Usage",
"python-sphinx" => "python3-sphinx",
"sphinx_rtd_theme" => "python3-sphinx_rtd_theme",
"virtualenv" => "python3-virtualenv",
- "pip" => "python3-pip",
"dot" => "graphviz",
"convert" => "ImageMagick",
"Pod::Usage" => "perl-Pod-Usage",
- my $release;
check_rpm_missing(\@tex_pkgs, 1) if ($pdf);
my %map = (
"sphinx_rtd_theme" => "python-sphinx_rtd_theme",
"virtualenv" => "python-virtualenv",
- "pip" => "python-pip",
"dot" => "graphviz",
"convert" => "imagemagick",
"xelatex" => "texlive-bin",
my %map = (
"sphinx_rtd_theme" => "dev-python/sphinx_rtd_theme",
"virtualenv" => "dev-python/virtualenv",
- "pip" => "dev-python/pip",
"dot" => "media-gfx/graphviz",
"convert" => "media-gfx/imagemagick",
"xelatex" => "dev-texlive/texlive-xetex media-fonts/dejavu",
+ if ($system_release =~ /CentOS/) {
+ give_redhat_hints;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($system_release =~ /Scientific Linux/) {
+ give_redhat_hints;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($system_release =~ /Oracle Linux Server/) {
+ give_redhat_hints;
+ return;
+ }
if ($system_release =~ /Fedora/) {
sub check_needs()
if ($system_release) {
- print "Checking if the needed tools for $system_release are available\n";
+ print "Detected OS: $system_release.\n";
} else {
- print "Checking if the needed tools are present\n";
+ print "Unknown OS\n";
+ }
+ # RHEL 7.x and clones have Sphinx version 1.1.x and incomplete texlive
+ if (($system_release =~ /Red Hat Enterprise Linux/) ||
+ ($system_release =~ /CentOS/) ||
+ ($system_release =~ /Scientific Linux/) ||
+ ($system_release =~ /Oracle Linux Server/)) {
+ $virtualenv = 1;
+ $pdf = 0;
+ printf("NOTE: On this distro, Sphinx and TexLive shipped versions are incompatible\n");
+ printf("with doc build. So, use Sphinx via a Python virtual environment.\n\n");
+ printf("This script can't install a TexLive version that would provide PDF.\n");
# Check for needed programs/tools