+ '{@$__wcf->getPath()}js/3rdParty/redactor2/plugins/WoltLabClean.js?v={@LAST_UPDATE_TIME}',
+ 'WoltLabClean',
--- /dev/null
+$.Redactor.prototype.WoltLabClean = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ return {
+ init: function () {
+ var mpOnSet = this.clean.onSet;
+ this.clean.onSet = (function (html) {
+ return mpOnSet.call(this, html.replace(/\u200B/g, ''));
+ }).bind(this);
+ var mpOnSync = this.clean.onSync;
+ this.clean.onSync = (function (html) {
+ var div, replacements = {};
+ if (html.indexOf('<pre') !== -1) {
+ div = elCreate('div');
+ div.innerHTML = html;
+ elBySelAll('pre', div, function (pre) {
+ var uuid = WCF.getUUID();
+ replacements[uuid] = pre.textContent;
+ pre.textContent = uuid;
+ });
+ html = div.innerHTML;
+ }
+ html = mpOnSync.call(this, html);
+ if (div) {
+ div.innerHTML = html;
+ elBySelAll('pre', div, function (pre) {
+ pre.textContent = replacements[pre.textContent];
+ });
+ html = div.innerHTML;
+ }
+ return html;
+ }).bind(this);
+ var mpSavePreFormatting = this.clean.savePreFormatting;
+ this.clean.savePreFormatting = (function (html) {
+ var mpCleanEncodeEntities = this.clean.encodeEntities;
+ this.clean.encodeEntities = function(str) {
+ return WCF.String.escapeHTML(str);
+ };
+ html = mpSavePreFormatting.call(this, html);
+ // revert to original method
+ this.clean.encodeEntities = mpCleanEncodeEntities;
+ return html;
+ }).bind(this);
+ }
+ }
var mpInit = this.paste.init;
this.paste.init = (function (e) {
- clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
+ var isCode = (this.opts.type === 'pre' || this.utils.isCurrentOrParent('pre')) ? true : false;
+ if (isCode) {
+ clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
+ var mpCleanEncodeEntities = this.clean.encodeEntities;
+ this.clean.encodeEntities = (function(str) {
+ // revert to original method
+ this.clean.encodeEntities = mpCleanEncodeEntities;
+ return WCF.String.escapeHTML(str);
+ }).bind(this);
+ }
mpInit.call(this, e);