* @return string
addThousandsSeparator: function(number) {
- var $numberString = String(number);
- var parts = $numberString.split(/[^0-9]+/);
- var $decimalPoint = $numberString.match(/[^0-9]+/);
- $numberString = parts[0];
- var $decimalPart = '';
- if ($decimalPoint !== null) {
- delete parts[0];
- var $decimalPart = $decimalPoint.join('')+parts.join('');
- }
- if (parseInt(number) >= 1000 || parseInt(number) <= -1000) {
- var $negative = false;
- if (parseInt(number) <= -1000) {
- $negative = true;
- $numberString = $numberString.substring(1);
- }
- var $separator = WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.thousandsSeparator');
- if ($separator != null && $separator != '') {
- var $numElements = new Array();
- var $firstPart = $numberString.length % 3;
- if ($firstPart == 0) $firstPart = 3;
- for (var $i = 0; $i < Math.ceil($numberString.length / 3); $i++) {
- if ($i == 0) $numElements.push($numberString.substring(0, $firstPart));
- else {
- var $start = (($i - 1) * 3) + $firstPart;
- $numElements.push($numberString.substring($start, $start + 3));
- }
- }
- $numberString = (($negative) ? ('-') : ('')) + $numElements.join($separator);
- }
- }
- return $numberString + $decimalPart;
+ return String(number).replace(/(^-?\d{1,3}|\d{3})(?=(?:\d{3})+(?:$|\.))/g, '$1' + WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.thousandsSeparator'));
_literals: new WCF.Dictionary(),
+ /**
+ * needed variabls
+ * @var WCF.Dictionary
+ */
+ _neededVars: [ ],
* Prepares template
* @param $template template-content
- init: function($template) {
- this._template = $template;
+ init: function(template) {
+ this._template = template;
+ this._literals = new WCF.Dictionary();
+ this._neededVars = [ ];
// save literal-tags
- this._template = this._template.replace(/\{literal\}(.*?)\{\/literal\}/g, $.proxy(function ($match) {
+ this._template = this._template.replace(/\{literal\}(.*?)\{\/literal\}/g, $.proxy(function (match) {
// hopefully no one uses this string in one of his templates
var id = '@@@@@@@@@@@'+Math.random()+'@@@@@@@@@@@';
- this._literals.add(id, $match.replace(/\{\/?literal\}/g, ''));
+ this._literals.add(id, match.replace(/\{\/?literal\}/g, ''));
return id;
}, this));
- },
- /**
- * Fetches the template with the given variables
- *
- * @param $variables variables to insert
- * @return parsed template
- */
- fetch: function($variables) {
- var $result = this._template;
- // insert them :)
- for (var $key in $variables) {
- $result = $result.replace(new RegExp(WCF.String.escapeRegExp('{$'+$key+'}'), 'g'), WCF.String.escapeHTML(new String($variables[$key])));
- $result = $result.replace(new RegExp(WCF.String.escapeRegExp('{#$'+$key+'}'), 'g'), WCF.String.formatNumeric($variables[$key]));
- $result = $result.replace(new RegExp(WCF.String.escapeRegExp('{@$'+$key+'}'), 'g'), $variables[$key]);
- }
- // insert delimiter tags
- $result = $result.replace('{ldelim}', '{').replace('{rdelim}', '}');
- // and re-insert saved literals
- return this.insertLiterals($result);
- },
- /**
- * Inserts literals into given string
- *
- * @param $template string to insert into
- * @return string with inserted literals
- */
- insertLiterals: function ($template) {
- this._literals.each(function ($pair) {
- $template = $template.replace($pair.key, $pair.value);
- });
- return $template;
- },
- /**
- * Compiles this template into javascript-code
- *
- * @return WCF.Template.Compiled
- */
- compile: function () {
- var $compiled = this._template;
// escape \ and '
- $compiled = $compiled.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'");
+ this._template = this._template.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'");
+ var self = this;
// parse our variable-tags
- $compiled = $compiled.replace(/\{\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
- var $name = '$v.' + $match.substring(2, $match.length - 1);
- // trinary operator to maintain compatibility with uncompiled template
- // ($name) ? $name : '$match'
- // -> $v.muh ? $v.muh : '{$muh}'
- return "' + WCF.String.escapeHTML("+ $name + " ? " + $name + " : '" + $match + "') + '";
+ this._template = this._template.replace(/\{\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
+ var $name = $match.substring(2, $match.length - 1);
+ self._neededVars.push($name);
+ return "' + WCF.String.escapeHTML(v."+ $name + ") + '";
}).replace(/\{#\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
- var $name = '$v.' + $match.substring(3, $match.length - 1);
- // trinary operator to maintain compatibility with uncompiled template
- // ($name) ? $name : '$match'
- // -> $v.muh ? $v.muh : '{$muh}'
- return "' + WCF.String.formatNumeric("+ $name + " ? " + $name + " : '" + $match + "') + '";
+ var $name = $match.substring(3, $match.length - 1);
+ self._neededVars.push($name);
+ return "' + WCF.String.formatNumeric(v."+ $name + ") + '";
}).replace(/\{@\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
- var $name = '$v.' + $match.substring(3, $match.length - 1);
- // trinary operator to maintain compatibility with uncompiled template
- // ($name) ? $name : '$match'
- // -> $v.muh ? $v.muh : '{$muh}'
- return "' + ("+ $name + " ? " + $name + " : '" + $match + "') + '";
+ var $name = $match.substring(3, $match.length - 1);
+ self._neededVars.push($name);
+ return "' + (v."+ $name + ") + '";
// insert delimiter tags
- $compiled = $compiled.replace('{ldelim}', '{').replace('{rdelim}', '}');
+ this._template = this._template.replace('{ldelim}', '{').replace('{rdelim}', '}');
// escape newlines
- $compiled = $compiled.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\\n');
+ this._template = this._template.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\\n');
- // and re-insert saved literals
- return new WCF.Template.Compiled("'" + this.insertLiterals($compiled) + "';");
- }
- * Represents a compiled template
- *
- * @param compiled compiled template
- */
-WCF.Template.Compiled = Class.extend({
- /**
- * Compiled template
- *
- * @var string
- */
- _compiled: '',
+ this._template = "'" + this.insertLiterals(this._template) + "';";
+ },
- * Initializes our compiled template
- *
- * @param $compiled compiled template
- */
- init: function($compiled) {
- this._compiled = $compiled;
+ * Fetches the template with the given variables
+ *
+ * @param v variables to insert
+ * @return parsed template
+ */
+ fetch: function(v) {
+ // check whether all needed variables are given
+ for (var $i = 0; $i < this._neededVars.length; $i++) {
+ if (!v[this._neededVars[$i]]) {
+ throw new Error('Use of undefined variable ' + this._neededVars[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return eval(this._template);
- * @see WCF.Template.fetch
+ * Inserts literals into given string
+ *
+ * @param template string to insert into
+ * @return string with inserted literals
- fetch: function($v) {
- return eval(this._compiled);
+ insertLiterals: function (template) {
+ this._literals.each(function (pair) {
+ template = template.replace(pair.key, pair.value);
+ });
+ return template;