--- /dev/null
- constructor(dialogId: string, className: string, actionName: string, options: FormBuilderDialogOptions) {
+ * Provides API to create a dialog form created by form builder.
+ *
+ * @author Matthias Schmidt
+ * @copyright 2001-2020 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @module WoltLabSuite/Core/Form/Builder/Dialog
+ * @since 5.2
+ */
+import * as Core from "../../Core";
+import UiDialog from "../../Ui/Dialog";
+import { DialogCallbackObject, DialogCallbackSetup, DialogData } from "../../Ui/Dialog/Data";
+import * as Ajax from "../../Ajax";
+import { AjaxCallbackObject, AjaxCallbackSetup, DatabaseObjectActionResponse, RequestOptions } from "../../Ajax/Data";
+import * as FormBuilderManager from "./Manager";
+import { AjaxResponseReturnValues, FormBuilderData, FormBuilderDialogOptions } from "./Data";
+interface AjaxResponse extends DatabaseObjectActionResponse {
+ returnValues: AjaxResponseReturnValues;
+class FormBuilderDialog implements AjaxCallbackObject, DialogCallbackObject {
+ protected _actionName: string;
+ protected _className: string;
+ protected _dialogContent: string;
+ protected _dialogId: string;
+ protected _formId: string;
+ protected _options: FormBuilderDialogOptions;
+ protected _additionalSubmitButtons: HTMLButtonElement[];
- protected init(dialogId: string, className: string, actionName: string, options: FormBuilderDialogOptions): void {
++ constructor(dialogId: string, className: string, actionName: string, options: Partial<FormBuilderDialogOptions>) {
+ this.init(dialogId, className, actionName, options);
+ }
++ protected init(
++ dialogId: string,
++ className: string,
++ actionName: string,
++ options: Partial<FormBuilderDialogOptions>,
++ ): void {
+ this._dialogId = dialogId;
+ this._className = className;
+ this._actionName = actionName;
+ this._options = Core.extend(
+ {
+ actionParameters: {},
+ destroyOnClose: false,
+ usesDboAction: /\w+\\data\\/.test(this._className),
+ },
+ options,
+ ) as FormBuilderDialogOptions;
+ this._options.dialog = Core.extend(this._options.dialog || {}, {
+ onClose: () => this._dialogOnClose(),
+ });
+ this._formId = "";
+ this._dialogContent = "";
+ }
+ _ajaxSetup(): ReturnType<AjaxCallbackSetup> {
+ const options = {
+ data: {
+ actionName: this._actionName,
+ className: this._className,
+ parameters: this._options.actionParameters,
+ },
+ } as RequestOptions;
+ // By default, `AJAXProxyAction` is used which relies on an `IDatabaseObjectAction` object; if
+ // no such object is used but an `IAJAXInvokeAction` object, `AJAXInvokeAction` has to be used.
+ if (!this._options.usesDboAction) {
+ options.url = "index.php?ajax-invoke/&t=" + window.SECURITY_TOKEN;
+ options.withCredentials = true;
+ }
+ return options;
+ }
+ _ajaxSuccess(data: AjaxResponse): void {
+ switch (data.actionName) {
+ case this._actionName:
+ if (data.returnValues === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("Missing return data.");
+ } else if (data.returnValues.dialog === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("Missing dialog template in return data.");
+ } else if (data.returnValues.formId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("Missing form id in return data.");
+ }
+ this._openDialogContent(data.returnValues.formId, data.returnValues.dialog);
+ break;
+ case this._options.submitActionName:
+ // If the validation failed, the dialog is shown again.
+ if (data.returnValues && data.returnValues.formId && data.returnValues.dialog) {
+ if (data.returnValues.formId !== this._formId) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Mismatch between form ids: expected '" + this._formId + "' but got '" + data.returnValues.formId + "'.",
+ );
+ }
+ this._openDialogContent(data.returnValues.formId, data.returnValues.dialog);
+ } else {
+ this.destroy();
+ if (typeof this._options.successCallback === "function") {
+ this._options.successCallback(data.returnValues || {});
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Cannot handle action '" + data.actionName + "'.");
+ }
+ }
+ protected _closeDialog(): void {
+ UiDialog.close(this);
+ if (typeof this._options.closeCallback === "function") {
+ this._options.closeCallback();
+ }
+ }
+ protected _dialogOnClose(): void {
+ if (this._options.destroyOnClose) {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ _dialogSetup(): ReturnType<DialogCallbackSetup> {
+ return {
+ id: this._dialogId,
+ options: this._options.dialog,
+ source: this._dialogContent,
+ };
+ }
+ _dialogSubmit(): void {
+ void this.getData().then((formData: FormBuilderData) => this._submitForm(formData));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Opens the form dialog with the given form content.
+ */
+ protected _openDialogContent(formId: string, dialogContent: string): void {
+ this.destroy(true);
+ this._formId = formId;
+ this._dialogContent = dialogContent;
+ const dialogData = UiDialog.open(this, this._dialogContent) as DialogData;
+ const cancelButton = dialogData.content.querySelector("button[data-type=cancel]") as HTMLButtonElement;
+ if (cancelButton !== null && !Core.stringToBool(cancelButton.dataset.hasEventListener || "")) {
+ cancelButton.addEventListener("click", () => this._closeDialog());
+ cancelButton.dataset.hasEventListener = "1";
+ }
+ this._additionalSubmitButtons = Array.from(
+ dialogData.content.querySelectorAll(':not(.formSubmit) button[type="submit"]'),
+ );
+ this._additionalSubmitButtons.forEach((submit) => {
+ submit.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ // Mark the button that was clicked so that the button data handlers know
+ // which data needs to be submitted.
+ this._additionalSubmitButtons.forEach((button) => {
+ button.dataset.isClicked = button === submit ? "1" : "0";
+ });
+ // Enable other `click` event listeners to be executed first before the form
+ // is submitted.
+ setTimeout(() => UiDialog.submit(this._dialogId), 0);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Submits the form with the given form data.
+ */
+ protected _submitForm(formData: FormBuilderData): void {
+ const dialogData = UiDialog.getDialog(this)!;
+ const submitButton = dialogData.content.querySelector("button[data-type=submit]") as HTMLButtonElement;
+ if (typeof this._options.onSubmit === "function") {
+ this._options.onSubmit(formData, submitButton);
+ } else if (typeof this._options.submitActionName === "string") {
+ submitButton.disabled = true;
+ this._additionalSubmitButtons.forEach((submit) => (submit.disabled = true));
+ Ajax.api(this, {
+ actionName: this._options.submitActionName,
+ parameters: {
+ data: formData,
+ formId: this._formId,
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroys the dialog form.
+ */
+ public destroy(ignoreDialog = false): void {
+ if (this._formId !== "") {
+ if (FormBuilderManager.hasForm(this._formId)) {
+ FormBuilderManager.unregisterForm(this._formId);
+ }
+ if (ignoreDialog !== true) {
+ UiDialog.destroy(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a promise that provides all of the dialog form's data.
+ */
+ public getData(): Promise<FormBuilderData> {
+ if (this._formId === "") {
+ throw new Error("Form has not been requested yet.");
+ }
+ return FormBuilderManager.getData(this._formId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Opens the dialog form.
+ */
+ public open(): void {
+ if (UiDialog.getDialog(this._dialogId)) {
+ UiDialog.open(this);
+ } else {
+ Ajax.api(this);
+ }
+ }
+export = FormBuilderDialog;