void Mds_MpduProcess( struct wbsoft_priv *adapter, struct wb35_descriptor *pRxDes );
extern void DataDmp(u8 *pdata, u32 len, u32 offset);
-// For Asynchronous indicating. The routine collocates with USB.
-void Mds_MsduProcess( struct wbsoft_priv *adapter, PRXLAYER1 pRxLayer1, u8 SlotIndex);
// For data frame sending 20060802
u16 MDS_GetPacketSize( struct wbsoft_priv *adapter );
void MDS_GetNextPacket( struct wbsoft_priv *adapter, struct wb35_descriptor *pDes );
-// Reveive Layer 1 Format.
-typedef struct _RXLAYER1
- u16 SequenceNumber; // The sequence number of the last received packet.
- u16 BufferTotalSize;
- u32 InUsed;
- u32 DecryptionMethod; // The desired defragment number of the next incoming packet.
- u8 DeFragmentNumber;
- u8 FrameType;
- u8 TypeEncapsulated;
- u8 BufferNumber;
- u32 FirstFrameArrivedTime;
- u8 LastFrameType; // 20061004 for fix intel 3945 's bug
- u8 RESERVED[3]; //@@ anson
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // For brand-new Rx system
- u8 ReservedBuffer[ 2400 ];//If Buffer ID is reserved one, it must copy the data into this area
- u8 *ReservedBufferPoint;// Point to the next availabe address of reserved buffer