outl(ui_Command, devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
ui_Command = 0;
ui_Command = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /************************/
/* Set the reload value */
- /************************/
outl(data[3], devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 4);
- /*********************/
/* Set the time unit */
- /*********************/
outl(data[2], devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 8);
if (data[0] == ADDIDATA_TIMER) {
- /******************************/
/* Set the mode : */
/* - Disable the hardware */
/* - Disable the counter mode */
/* - Disable the reset */
/* - Enable the timer mode */
/* - Set the timer mode */
- /******************************/
ui_Command =
(ui_Command & 0xFFF719E2UL) | ui_Mode << 13UL | 0x10UL;
- } /* if (data[0] == ADDIDATA_TIMER) */
- else {
+ } else {
if (data[0] == ADDIDATA_WATCHDOG) {
- /******************************/
/* Set the mode : */
/* - Disable the hardware */
/* - Disable the counter mode */
/* - Disable the warning */
/* - Disable the reset */
/* - Disable the timer mode */
- /******************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command & 0xFFF819E2UL;
outl(ui_Command, devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
ui_Command = 0;
ui_Command = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /********************************/
/* Disable the hardware trigger */
- /********************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command & 0xFFFFF89FUL;
if (data[4] == ADDIDATA_ENABLE) {
- /**********************************/
/* Set the hardware trigger level */
- /**********************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command | (data[5] << 5);
outl(ui_Command, devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
ui_Command = 0;
ui_Command = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /*****************************/
/* Disable the hardware gate */
- /*****************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command & 0xFFFFF87FUL;
if (data[6] == ADDIDATA_ENABLE) {
- /*******************************/
/* Set the hardware gate level */
- /*******************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command | (data[7] << 7);
outl(ui_Command, devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
ui_Command = 0;
ui_Command = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /*******************************/
/* Disable the hardware output */
- /*******************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command & 0xFFFFF9FBUL;
- /*********************************/
/* Set the hardware output level */
- /*********************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command | (data[8] << 2);
outl(ui_Command, devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
if (data[9] == ADDIDATA_ENABLE) {
- /************************/
/* Set the reload value */
- /************************/
devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 24);
- /**********************/
/* Set the time unite */
- /**********************/
devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 28);
ui_Command = 0;
ui_Command = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /*******************************/
/* Disable the hardware output */
- /*******************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command & 0xFFFFF9F7UL;
- /*********************************/
/* Set the hardware output level */
- /*********************************/
ui_Command = ui_Command | (data[12] << 3);
outl(ui_Command, devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /*************************************/
- /** Enable the watchdog interrupt **/
- /*************************************/
+ /* Enable the watchdog interrupt */
ui_Command = 0;
ui_Command = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /*******************************/
/* Set the interrupt selection */
- /*******************************/
ui_Status = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 16);
ui_Command = (ui_Command & 0xFFFFF9FDUL) | (data[13] << 1);
if (data[0] == 1) {
ui_Command =
inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /**********************/
/* Start the hardware */
- /**********************/
ui_Command = (ui_Command & 0xFFFFF9FFUL) | 0x1UL;
devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- } /* if (data[0]==1) */
+ }
if (data[0] == 2) {
ui_Command =
inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- /***************************/
/* Set the trigger command */
- /***************************/
ui_Command = (ui_Command & 0xFFFFF9FFUL) | 0x200UL;
devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 12);
- } /* if (data[1]==0) */
+ }
if (data[0] == 3) {
/* stop all Watchdogs */
ui_Command = 0;
i_WatchdogNbr = insn->unused[0];
- /******************/
/* Get the status */
- /******************/
ui_Status = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 16);
- /***********************************/
/* Get the software trigger status */
- /***********************************/
data[0] = ((ui_Status >> 1) & 1);
- /***********************************/
/* Get the hardware trigger status */
- /***********************************/
data[1] = ((ui_Status >> 2) & 1);
- /*********************************/
/* Get the software clear status */
- /*********************************/
data[2] = ((ui_Status >> 3) & 1);
- /***************************/
/* Get the overflow status */
- /***************************/
data[3] = ((ui_Status >> 0) & 1);
if (devpriv->b_TimerSelectMode == ADDIDATA_TIMER)
data[4] = inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 0);
devpriv->tsk_Current = current;
outl(0x200 | 0, devpriv->iobase + 128 + 0x4);
outl(0, devpriv->iobase + 128 + 0);
- /********************************/
/* Initialise the warning value */
- /********************************/
outl(0x300 | 0, devpriv->iobase + 128 + 0x4);
outl((data[0] << 8), devpriv->iobase + 128 + 0);
outl(0x200000UL, devpriv->iobase + 128 + 12);
struct addi_private *devpriv = dev->private;
unsigned int ui_CommandRegister = 0;
- /******************/
/* Set the start */
- /******************/
ui_CommandRegister = 0x80000;
- /******************************/
/* Write the command register */
- /******************************/
outl(ui_CommandRegister, devpriv->iobase + 128 + 8);
- /***************************************/
/* Read the digital value of the input */
- /***************************************/
data[0] = inl(devpriv->iobase + 128 + 28);
return insn->n;
i_WatchdogNbr = i_Flag;
i_Flag = i_Flag + 1;
- /**************************************/
/* Read the interrupt status register of temperature Warning */
- /**************************************/
ui_StatusRegister1 = inl(devpriv->iobase + 128 + 16);
- /**************************************/
- /* Read the interrupt status register for Watchdog/timer */
- /**************************************/
+ /* Read the interrupt status register for Watchdog/timer */
ui_StatusRegister2 =
inl(devpriv->iobase + ((i_WatchdogNbr - 1) * 32) + 20);
/* Test if warning relay interrupt */
if ((((ui_StatusRegister1) & 0x8) == 0x8)) {
- /**********************************/
/* Disable the temperature warning */
- /**********************************/
ui_ReadCommand = inl(devpriv->iobase + 128 + 12);
ui_ReadCommand = ui_ReadCommand & 0xFFDF0000UL;
outl(ui_ReadCommand, devpriv->iobase + 128 + 12);
- /***************************/
/* Read the channel number */
- /***************************/
ui_ChannelNumber = inl(devpriv->iobase + 128 + 60);
- /**************************************/
/* Read the digital temperature value */
- /**************************************/
ui_DigitalTemperature = inl(devpriv->iobase + 128 + 60);
send_sig(SIGIO, devpriv->tsk_Current, 0); /* send signal to the sample */
- } /* if (((ui_StatusRegister1 & 0x8) == 0x8)) */
+ }
else {
if ((ui_StatusRegister2 & 0x1) == 0x1)
send_sig(SIGIO, devpriv->tsk_Current, 0); /* send signal to the sample */
- } /* else if (((ui_StatusRegister1 & 0x8) == 0x8)) */
+ }