--- /dev/null
+ * Map route planner based on Google Maps.
+ *
+ * @author Matthias Schmidt
+ * @copyright 2001-2017 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @module WoltLabSuite/Core/Controller/Map/Route/Planner
+ */
+ 'Dom/Traverse',
+ 'Dom/Util',
+ 'Language',
+ 'Ui/Dialog',
+ 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Ajax/Status'
+], function(
+ DomTraverse,
+ DomUtil,
+ Language,
+ UiDialog,
+ AjaxStatus
+) {
+ /**
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function Planner(buttonId, destination) {
+ this._button = elById(buttonId);
+ if (this._button === null) {
+ throw new Error("Unknown button with id '" + buttonId + "'");
+ }
+ this._button.addEventListener('click', this._openDialog.bind(this));
+ this._destination = destination;
+ }
+ Planner.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * Sets up the route planner dialog.
+ */
+ _dialogSetup: function() {
+ return {
+ id: this._button.id + 'Dialog',
+ options: {
+ onShow: this._initDialog.bind(this),
+ title: Language.get('wcf.map.route.planner')
+ },
+ source: '<div class="googleMapsDirectionsContainer" style="display: none;">' +
+ '<div class="googleMap"></div>' +
+ '<div class="googleMapsDirections"></div>' +
+ '</div>' +
+ '<small class="googleMapsDirectionsGoogleLinkContainer"><a href="' + this._getGoogleMapsLink() + '" class="googleMapsDirectionsGoogleLink" target="_blank" style="display: none;">' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.viewOnGoogleMaps') + '</a></small>' +
+ '<dl>' +
+ '<dt>' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.origin') + '</dt>' +
+ '<dd><input type="text" name="origin" class="long" autofocus /></dd>' +
+ '</dl>' +
+ '<dl style="display: none;">' +
+ '<dt>' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.travelMode') + '</dt>' +
+ '<dd>' +
+ '<select name="travelMode">' +
+ '<option value="driving">' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.travelMode.driving') + '</option>' +
+ '<option value="walking">' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.travelMode.walking') + '</option>' +
+ '<option value="bicycling">' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.travelMode.bicycling') + '</option>' +
+ '<option value="transit">' + Language.get('wcf.map.route.travelMode.transit') + '</option>' +
+ '</select>' +
+ '</dd>' +
+ '</dl>'
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Calculates the route based on the given result of a location search.
+ *
+ * @param {object} data
+ */
+ _calculateRoute: function(data) {
+ var dialog = UiDialog.getDialog(this).dialog;
+ if (data.label) {
+ this._originInput.value = data.label;
+ }
+ if (this._map === undefined) {
+ this._map = new google.maps.Map(elByClass('googleMap', dialog)[0], {
+ disableDoubleClickZoom: WCF.Location.GoogleMaps.Settings.get('disableDoubleClickZoom'),
+ draggable: WCF.Location.GoogleMaps.Settings.get('draggable'),
+ mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
+ scaleControl: WCF.Location.GoogleMaps.Settings.get('scaleControl'),
+ scrollwheel: WCF.Location.GoogleMaps.Settings.get('scrollwheel')
+ });
+ this._directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
+ this._directionsRenderer = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
+ this._directionsRenderer.setMap(this._map);
+ this._directionsRenderer.setPanel(elByClass('googleMapsDirections', dialog)[0]);
+ this._googleLink = elByClass('googleMapsDirectionsGoogleLink', dialog)[0];
+ }
+ var request = {
+ destination: this._destination,
+ origin: data.location,
+ provideRouteAlternatives: true,
+ travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode[this._travelMode.value.toUpperCase()]
+ };
+ AjaxStatus.show();
+ this._directionsService.route(request, this._setRoute.bind(this));
+ elAttr(this._googleLink, 'href', this._getGoogleMapsLink(data.location, this._travelMode.value));
+ this._lastOrigin = data.location;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the Google Maps link based on the given optional directions origin
+ * and optional travel mode.
+ *
+ * @param {google.maps.LatLng} origin
+ * @param {string} travelMode
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+ _getGoogleMapsLink: function(origin, travelMode) {
+ if (origin) {
+ var link = 'https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1' +
+ '&origin=' + origin.lat() + ',' + origin.lng() + '' +
+ '&destination=' + this._destination.lat() + ',' + this._destination.lng();
+ if (travelMode) {
+ link += '&travelmode=' + travelMode;
+ }
+ return link;
+ }
+ return 'https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=' + this._destination.lat() + ',' + this._destination.lng();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initializes the route planning dialog.
+ */
+ _initDialog: function() {
+ if (!this._didInitDialog) {
+ var dialog = UiDialog.getDialog(this).dialog;
+ // make input element a location search
+ this._originInput = elBySel('input[name="origin"]', dialog);
+ new WCF.Location.GoogleMaps.LocationSearch(this._originInput, this._calculateRoute.bind(this));
+ this._travelMode = elBySel('select[name="travelMode"]', dialog);
+ this._travelMode.addEventListener('change', this._updateRoute.bind(this));
+ this._didInitDialog = true;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Opens the route planning dialog.
+ */
+ _openDialog: function() {
+ UiDialog.open(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Handles the response of the direction service.
+ *
+ * @param {object} result
+ * @param {string} status
+ */
+ _setRoute: function(result, status) {
+ AjaxStatus.hide();
+ if (status == 'OK') {
+ elShow(this._map.getDiv().parentNode);
+ google.maps.event.trigger(this._map, 'resize');
+ this._directionsRenderer.setDirections(result);
+ elShow(DomTraverse.parentByTag(this._travelMode, 'DL'));
+ elShow(this._googleLink);
+ if (this._errorMessage) {
+ elHide(this._errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // map irrelevant errors to not found error
+ if (status !== 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' && status !== 'REQUEST_DENIED') {
+ status = 'NOT_FOUND';
+ }
+ if (this._errorMessage === undefined) {
+ this._errorMessage = elCreate('small');
+ this._errorMessage.classList = 'innerError';
+ DomUtil.insertAfter(this._errorMessage, this._originInput);
+ }
+ else {
+ elShow(this._errorMessage);
+ }
+ this._errorMessage.textContent = Language.get('wcf.map.route.error.' + status.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Updates the route after the travel mode has been changed.
+ */
+ _updateRoute: function() {
+ this._calculateRoute({
+ location: this._lastOrigin
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ return Planner;