var div = elCreate('div');
- div.innerHTML = html;
+ div.innerHTML = html.replace(/@@@WOLTLAB-P-ALIGN-(?:left|right|center|justify)@@@/g, '');
var element, elements = elBySelAll('[style]', div), property, removeStyles;
for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
- // Empty lines in Microsoft Word are represented with <o:p> </o:p>
- elBySelAll('p.MsoNormal', div, function (p) {
- if (p.childElementCount === 1 && p.children[0].nodeName === 'O:P' && p.textContent === '\u00A0') {
- p.innerHTML = '<br>';
+ elBySelAll('p', div, function (p) {
+ if (p.classList.contains('MsoNormal')) {
+ // Empty lines in Microsoft Word are represented with <o:p> </o:p>
+ if (p.childElementCount === 1 && p.children[0].nodeName === 'O:P' && p.textContent === '\u00A0') {
+ p.innerHTML = '<br>';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (p.className.match(/\btext-(left|right|center|justify)\b/)) {
+ p.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('@@@WOLTLAB-P-ALIGN-' + RegExp.$1 + '@@@'), p.firstChild);
html = mpOnPaste.call(this, div.innerHTML, data, insert);
html = html.replace(/@@@WOLTLAB-BR-MARKER@@@/g, '<woltlab-br-marker></woltlab-br-marker>');
+ html = html.replace(/(<p>)?\s*@@@WOLTLAB-P-ALIGN-(left|right|center|justify)@@@/g, function (match, p, alignment) {
+ if (p) {
+ return '<p class="text-' + alignment + '">';
+ }
+ return '';
+ });
div.innerHTML = html;