{if $field->supportsQuotes()}
{js application='wcf' file='WCF.Message' bundle='WCF.Combined'}
<script data-relocate="true">
- {* use empty require to ensure that the `Bootstrap` module is loaded and
- `window.__wcf_bc_eventHandler` is available *}
- require([], function() {
+ // Bootstrap for window.__wcf_bc_eventHandler
+ require(['WoltLabSuite/Core/Bootstrap'], function(Bootstrap) {
{include file='__messageQuoteManager' wysiwygSelector=$field->getPrefixedId() supportPaste=true}
{if $field->getQuoteData() !== null}
{if $field->supportsQuotes()}
{js application='wcf' file='WCF.Message' bundle='WCF.Combined'}
<script data-relocate="true">
- {* use empty require to ensure that the `Bootstrap` module is loaded and
- `window.__wcf_bc_eventHandler` is available *}
- require([], function() {
+ // Bootstrap for window.__wcf_bc_eventHandler
+ require(['WoltLabSuite/Core/Bootstrap'], function(Bootstrap) {
{include file='__messageQuoteManager' wysiwygSelector=$field->getPrefixedId() supportPaste=true}
{if $field->getQuoteData() !== null}