wilc1000-objs := wilc_wfi_cfgoperations.o linux_wlan.o linux_mon.o \
- wilc_memory.o wilc_msgqueue.o wilc_sleep.o \
+ wilc_memory.o wilc_msgqueue.o \
wilc_timer.o coreconfigurator.o host_interface.o \
wilc_sdio.o wilc_spi.o wilc_wlan_cfg.o wilc_debugfs.o
/*Re-Queue HIF message*/
if ((!g_wilc_initialized)) {
- WILC_Sleep(200);
+ usleep_range(200 * 1000, 200 * 1000);
WILC_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NULL);
if (strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId == HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT && pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult != NULL) {
PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Requeue connect request till scan done received\n");
WILC_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NULL);
- WILC_Sleep(2);
+ usleep_range(2 * 1000, 2 * 1000);
/* Error reporting and handling support */
#include "wilc_errorsupport.h"
-/* Sleep support */
-#include "wilc_sleep.h"
/* Timer support */
#include "wilc_timer.h"
+++ /dev/null
-#include "wilc_sleep.h"
- * @author mdaftedar
- * @date 10 Aug 2010
- * @version 1.0
- */
-void WILC_Sleep(u32 u32TimeMilliSec)
- if (u32TimeMilliSec <= 4000000) {
- u32 u32Temp = u32TimeMilliSec * 1000;
- usleep_range(u32Temp, u32Temp);
- } else {
- msleep(u32TimeMilliSec);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef __WILC_SLEEP_H__
-#define __WILC_SLEEP_H__
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
- * @brief forces the current thread to sleep until the given time has elapsed
- * @param[in] u32TimeMilliSec Time to sleep in Milli seconds
- * @sa WILC_SleepMicrosec
- * @author syounan
- * @date 10 Aug 2010
- * @version 1.0
- * @note This function offers a relatively innacurate and low resolution
- * sleep, for accurate high resolution sleep use u32TimeMicoSec
- */
-/* TODO: remove and open-code in callers */
-void WILC_Sleep(u32 u32TimeMilliSec);
do {
/* Wait for the chip to stabilize*/
- WILC_Sleep(2);
+ usleep_range(2 * 1000, 2 * 1000);
/* Make sure chip is awake. This is an extra step that can be removed */
/* later to avoid the bus access overhead */
if ((wilc_get_chipid(true) == 0)) {
/* If still off, redo the wake up sequence */
while (((clk_status_reg & 0x1) == 0) && (((++trials) % 3) == 0)) {
/* Wait for the chip to stabilize*/
- WILC_Sleep(2);
+ usleep_range(2 * 1000, 2 * 1000);
/* Make sure chip is awake. This is an extra step that can be removed */
/* later to avoid the bus access overhead */
buffer = p->os_func.os_malloc(size);
if (buffer == NULL) {
wilc_debug(N_ERR, "[wilc isr]: fail alloc host memory...drop the packets (%d)\n", size);
- WILC_Sleep(100);
+ usleep_range(100 * 1000, 100 * 1000);
goto _end_;