+++ /dev/null
- * Default implementation for inline editors.
- *
- * @param string elementSelector
- */
-WCF.InlineEditor = Class.extend({
- /**
- * list of registered callbacks
- * @var array<object>
- */
- _callbacks: [],
- /**
- * list of dropdown selections
- * @var object
- */
- _dropdowns: {},
- /**
- * list of container elements
- * @var object
- */
- _elements: {},
- /**
- * notification object
- * @var WCF.System.Notification
- */
- _notification: null,
- /**
- * list of known options
- * @var array<object>
- */
- _options: [],
- /**
- * action proxy
- * @var WCF.Action.Proxy
- */
- _proxy: null,
- /**
- * list of trigger elements by element id
- * @var object<object>
- */
- _triggerElements: {},
- /**
- * list of data to update upon success
- * @var array<object>
- */
- _updateData: [],
- /**
- * Initializes a new inline editor.
- */
- init: function (elementSelector) {
- var $elements = $(elementSelector);
- if (!$elements.length) {
- return;
- }
- this._setOptions();
- var $quickOption = '';
- for (var $i = 0, $length = this._options.length; $i < $length; $i++) {
- if (this._options[$i].isQuickOption) {
- $quickOption = this._options[$i].optionName;
- break;
- }
- }
- var self = this;
- $elements.each(function (index, element) {
- var $element = $(element);
- var $elementID = $element.wcfIdentify();
- // find trigger element
- var $trigger = self._getTriggerElement($element);
- if ($trigger === null || $trigger.length !== 1) {
- return;
- }
- $trigger.on(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, $.proxy(self._show, self)).data('elementID', $elementID);
- if ($quickOption) {
- // simulate click on target action
- $trigger.disableSelection().data('optionName', $quickOption).dblclick($.proxy(self._click, self));
- }
- // store reference
- self._elements[$elementID] = $element;
- });
- this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
- success: $.proxy(this._success, this)
- });
- WCF.CloseOverlayHandler.addCallback('WCF.InlineEditor', $.proxy(this._closeAll, this));
- this._notification = new WCF.System.Notification(WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.success'), 'success');
- },
- /**
- * Closes all inline editors.
- */
- _closeAll: function () {
- for (var $elementID in this._elements) {
- this._hide($elementID);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Sets options for this inline editor.
- */
- _setOptions: function () {
- this._options = [];
- },
- /**
- * Register an option callback for validation and execution.
- *
- * @param object callback
- */
- registerCallback: function (callback) {
- if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
- this._callbacks.push(callback);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Returns the triggering element.
- *
- * @param jQuery element
- * @return jQuery
- */
- _getTriggerElement: function (element) {
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Shows a dropdown menu if options are available.
- *
- * @param object event
- */
- _show: function (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var $elementID = $(event.currentTarget).data('elementID');
- // build dropdown
- var $trigger = null;
- if (!this._dropdowns[$elementID]) {
- this._triggerElements[$elementID] = $trigger = this._getTriggerElement(this._elements[$elementID]).addClass('dropdownToggle');
- var parent = $trigger[0].parentNode;
- if (parent && parent.nodeName === 'LI' && parent.childElementCount === 1) {
- // do not add a wrapper element if the trigger is the only child
- parent.classList.add('dropdown');
- }
- else {
- $trigger.wrap('<span class="dropdown" />');
- }
- this._dropdowns[$elementID] = $('<ul class="dropdownMenu" />').insertAfter($trigger);
- }
- this._dropdowns[$elementID].empty();
- // validate options
- var $hasOptions = false;
- var $lastElementType = '';
- for (var $i = 0, $length = this._options.length; $i < $length; $i++) {
- var $option = this._options[$i];
- if ($option.optionName === 'divider') {
- if ($lastElementType !== '' && $lastElementType !== 'divider') {
- $('<li class="dropdownDivider" />').appendTo(this._dropdowns[$elementID]);
- $lastElementType = $option.optionName;
- }
- }
- else if (this._validate($elementID, $option.optionName) || this._validateCallbacks($elementID, $option.optionName)) {
- var $listItem = $('<li><span>' + $option.label + '</span></li>').appendTo(this._dropdowns[$elementID]);
- $listItem.data('elementID', $elementID).data('optionName', $option.optionName).data('isQuickOption', ($option.isQuickOption ? true : false)).click($.proxy(this._click, this));
- $hasOptions = true;
- $lastElementType = $option.optionName;
- }
- }
- if ($hasOptions) {
- // if last child is divider, remove it
- var $lastChild = this._dropdowns[$elementID].children().last();
- if ($lastChild.hasClass('dropdownDivider')) {
- $lastChild.remove();
- }
- // check if only element is a quick option
- var $quickOption = null;
- var $count = 0;
- this._dropdowns[$elementID].children().each(function (index, child) {
- var $child = $(child);
- if (!$child.hasClass('dropdownDivider')) {
- if ($child.data('isQuickOption')) {
- $quickOption = $child;
- }
- else {
- $count++;
- }
- }
- });
- if (!$count) {
- $quickOption.trigger('click');
- if (this._triggerElements[$elementID]) {
- WCF.Dropdown.close(this._triggerElements[$elementID].parents('.dropdown').wcfIdentify());
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ($trigger !== null) {
- WCF.Dropdown.initDropdown($trigger, true);
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Validates an option.
- *
- * @param string elementID
- * @param string optionName
- * @returns boolean
- */
- _validate: function (elementID, optionName) {
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Validates an option provided by callbacks.
- *
- * @param string elementID
- * @param string optionName
- * @return boolean
- */
- _validateCallbacks: function (elementID, optionName) {
- var $length = this._callbacks.length;
- if ($length) {
- for (var $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
- if (this._callbacks[$i].validate(this._elements[elementID], optionName)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Handles AJAX responses.
- *
- * @param object data
- * @param string textStatus
- * @param jQuery jqXHR
- */
- _success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
- var $length = this._updateData.length;
- if (!$length) {
- return;
- }
- this._updateState(data);
- this._updateData = [];
- },
- /**
- * Update element states based upon update data.
- *
- * @param object data
- */
- _updateState: function (data) {
- },
- /**
- * Handles clicks within dropdown.
- *
- * @param object event
- */
- _click: function (event) {
- var $listItem = $(event.currentTarget);
- var $elementID = $listItem.data('elementID');
- var $optionName = $listItem.data('optionName');
- if (!this._execute($elementID, $optionName)) {
- this._executeCallback($elementID, $optionName);
- }
- this._hide($elementID);
- },
- /**
- * Executes actions associated with an option.
- *
- * @param string elementID
- * @param string optionName
- * @return boolean
- */
- _execute: function (elementID, optionName) {
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Executes actions associated with an option provided by callbacks.
- *
- * @param string elementID
- * @param string optionName
- * @return boolean
- */
- _executeCallback: function (elementID, optionName) {
- var $length = this._callbacks.length;
- if ($length) {
- for (var $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
- if (this._callbacks[$i].execute(this._elements[elementID], optionName)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Hides a dropdown menu.
- *
- * @param string elementID
- */
- _hide: function (elementID) {
- if (this._dropdowns[elementID]) {
- this._dropdowns[elementID].empty().removeClass('dropdownOpen');
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-namespace wcf\system\dialog;
-use wbb\data\board\BoardCache;
-use wbb\system\label\object\ThreadLabelObjectHandler;
-use wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\container\FormContainer;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\container\wysiwyg\WysiwygFormContainer;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\DialogFormDocument;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\acl\simple\SimpleAclFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\BooleanFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\CaptchaFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\DateFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\dependency\ValueFormFieldDependency;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\IconFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\IntegerFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\ItemListFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\label\LabelFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\MultilineTextFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\MultipleSelectionFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\RadioButtonFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\RatingFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\SingleSelectionFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\tag\TagFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\TextFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\UploadFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\user\UserFormField;
-use wcf\system\form\builder\field\user\UsernameFormField;
-use wcf\system\label\LabelHandler;
-class TestDialog extends AbstractDatabaseObjectAction {
- /**
- * @var DialogFormDocument
- */
- protected $form;
- public function __construct(array $objects, $action, array $parameters = []) {
- $this->action = $action;
- $this->parameters = $parameters;
- }
- public function validateGetDialog() {
- }
- public function getDialog() {
- $form = $this->getForm();
- return [
- 'dialog' => $form->getHtml(),
- 'formId' => $form->getId()
- ];
- }
- public function validateSaveDialog() {
- $this->form = $this->getForm()->requestData($this->parameters['data']);
- $this->form->readValues();
- }
- public function saveDialog() {
- $this->form->validate();
- if (!$this->form->hasValidationErrors()) {
- wcfDebug($_POST, $this->form->getData());
- }
- return [
- 'dialog' => $this->form->getHtml(),
- 'formId' => $this->form->getId()
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @return DialogFormDocument
- */
- protected function getForm() {
- $form = DialogFormDocument::create('test')
- ->ajax()
- ->prefix('test')
- ->appendChildren([
- // WysiwygFormContainer not supported because code like new WCF.Attachment.Upload executed before
- // WCF.Attachment.js loaded `$()` is probably executed immediately
- FormContainer::create('c')
- ->appendChildren([
- UploadFormField::create('upload')
- ->label('Upload'),
- TextFormField::create('i18ntext')
- ->label('i18n text')
- ->i18n(),
- SimpleAclFormField::create('simpleAcl')
- ->label('Simple Acl'),
- // TODO: AclFormField currently not really possible because data is not accessible outside `aclPermissionJavaScript.tpl`
- // BBCodesAttributes will not be supported
- // devtool fields will not be supported
- TagFormField::create(),
- UserFormField::create('user')
- ->label('User'),
- UsernameFormField::create(),
- BooleanFormField::create('boolean')
- ->label('Boolean'),
- //CaptchaFormField::create()
- // ->objectType(CAPTCHA_TYPE),
- DateFormField::create('date')
- ->label('Date'),
- IconFormField::create('icon')
- ->label('Icon'),
- IntegerFormField::create('integer')
- ->label('Integer'),
- ItemListFormField::create('itemList')
- ->label('Item List'),
- MultilineTextFormField::create('multilineText')
- ->label('Multiline Text'),
- MultipleSelectionFormField::create('multipleSelection')
- ->label('Multiple Selection')
- ->options([
- 1 => 1,
- 2 => 2,
- 3 => 3
- ]),
- RadioButtonFormField::create('radioButton')
- ->label('Radio Button')
- ->options([
- 1 => 1,
- 2 => 2,
- 3 => 3
- ])
- ->value(1),
- RatingFormField::create()
- ->label('Rating'),
- SingleSelectionFormField::create('singleSelection')
- ->label('Single Selection')
- ->options([
- 1 => 1,
- 2 => 2,
- 3 => 3
- ]),
- TextFormField::create('text')
- ->label('Text')
- ])
- ]);
- $form->getNodeById('user')->addDependency(ValueFormFieldDependency::create('username')
- ->field($form->getNodeById('username'))->values(['1234']));
- $form->build();
- return $form;
- }