_guestDialog: null,
+ _permalinkComment: null,
* Initializes the WCF.Comment.Handler class.
this._displayedComments = 0;
this._loadNextComments = null;
this._loadNextResponses = { };
+ this._permalinkComment = null;
this._responses = { };
this._userAvatar = userAvatar;
this._userAvatarSmall = userAvatarSmall;
}, 100);
+ var hash = window.location.hash;
+ if (hash.match(/^(?:[^\/]+\/)?comment(\d+)/)) {
+ var comment = elById('comment' + RegExp.$1);
+ if (comment) {
+ comment.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
+ }
+ else {
+ // load comment on-the-fly
+ this._loadCommentSegment(RegExp.$1);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _loadCommentSegment: function (commentId) {
+ this._permalinkComment = elCreate('li');
+ this._permalinkComment.className = 'commentPermalinkContainer loading';
+ this._permalinkComment.innerHTML = '<span class="icon icon48 fa-spinner"></span>';
+ this._container[0].insertBefore(this._permalinkComment, this._container[0].firstChild);
+ this._proxy.setOption('data', {
+ actionName: 'loadComment',
+ className: 'wcf\\data\\comment\\CommentAction',
+ objectIDs: [commentId],
+ parameters: {
+ data: {
+ objectID: this._container.data('objectID'),
+ objectTypeID: this._container.data('objectTypeID')
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this._proxy.sendRequest();
+ case 'loadComment':
+ this._insertComment(data);
+ break;
case 'loadComments':
+ _insertComment: function (data) {
+ if (data.returnValues.template === '') {
+ // comment id is invalid or there is a mismatch, silently ignore it
+ return;
+ }
+ $(data.returnValues.template).insertBefore(this._permalinkComment);
+ var comment = this._permalinkComment.previousElementSibling;
+ comment.classList.add('commentPermalinkContainer');
+ elRemove(this._permalinkComment);
+ this._permalinkComment = comment;
+ //noinspection BadExpressionStatementJS
+ comment.offsetTop;
+ comment.classList.add('fadeIn');
+ },
* Inserts previously loaded comments.
// update time of last comment
this._container.data('lastCommentTime', data.returnValues.lastCommentTime);
+ // check if permalink comment has been loaded and remove it from view
+ if (this._permalinkComment) {
+ var commentId = elData(this._permalinkComment, 'object-id');
+ if (elBySel('.comment[data-object-id="' + commentId + '"]:not(.commentPermalinkContainer)', this._container[0]) !== null) {
+ elRemove(this._permalinkComment);
+ this._permalinkComment = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public function validateLoadComment() {
+ $this->readInteger('objectID', false, 'data');
+ try {
+ $this->comment = $this->getSingleObject()->getDecoratedObject();
+ }
+ catch (UserInputException $e) {
+ /* unknown comment id, error handling takes place in `loadComment()` */
+ }
+ $objectType = $this->validateObjectType();
+ $this->commentProcessor = $objectType->getProcessor();
+ if (!$this->commentProcessor->isAccessible($this->parameters['data']['objectID'])) {
+ throw new PermissionDeniedException();
+ }
+ }
+ public function loadComment() {
+ if ($this->comment === null) {
+ return ['template' => ''];
+ }
+ else if ($this->comment->objectTypeID != $this->parameters['data']['objectTypeID'] || $this->comment->objectID != $this->parameters['data']['objectID']) {
+ return ['template' => ''];
+ }
+ return [
+ 'template' => $this->renderComment($this->comment)
+ ];
+ }
* Validates parameters to add a comment.