The xvYCC 709 encoding (``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV709``, :ref:`xvycc`) is
similar to the Rec. 709 encoding, but it allows for R', G' and B' values
that are outside the range [0…1]. The resulting Y', Cb and Cr values are
-scaled and offset:
+scaled and offset according to the limited range formula:
.. math::
The xvYCC 601 encoding (``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV601``, :ref:`xvycc`) is
similar to the BT.601 encoding, but it allows for R', G' and B' values
that are outside the range [0…1]. The resulting Y', Cb and Cr values are
-scaled and offset:
+scaled and offset according to the limited range formula:
.. math::
Cr = \frac{224}{256} * (0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B')
Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range
-[-0.5…0.5]. The non-standard xvYCC 709 or xvYCC 601 encodings can be
+[-0.5…0.5] and quantized without further scaling or offsets.
+The non-standard xvYCC 709 or xvYCC 601 encodings can be
used by selecting ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV709`` or ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV601``.
-The xvYCC encodings always use full range quantization.
+As seen by the xvYCC formulas these encodings always use limited range quantization,
+there is no full range variant. The whole point of these extended gamut encodings
+is that values outside the limited range are still valid, although they
+map to R', G' and B' values outside the [0…1] range and are therefore outside
+the Rec. 709 colorspace gamut.
.. _col-srgb:
#define V4L2_MAP_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT(is_rgb_or_hsv, colsp, ycbcr_enc) \
(((is_rgb_or_hsv) && (colsp) == V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020) ? \
- (((is_rgb_or_hsv) || (ycbcr_enc) == V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV601 || \
- (ycbcr_enc) == V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV709 || (colsp) == V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG) ? \
+ (((is_rgb_or_hsv) || (colsp) == V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG) ? \
enum v4l2_priority {