"use strict";
var _activeDialog = null;
+ var _callbackFocus = null;
var _container = null;
var _dialogs = new Dictionary();
var _dialogFullHeight = false;
var _dialogObjects = new ObjectMap();
var _dialogToObject = new Dictionary();
+ var _focusedBeforeDialog = null;
var _keyupListener = null;
var _staticDialogs = elByClass('jsStaticDialog');
var _validCallbacks = ['onBeforeClose', 'onClose', 'onShow'];
// list of supported `input[type]` values for dialog submit
var _validInputTypes = ['number', 'password', 'search', 'tel', 'text', 'url'];
+ var _focusableElements = [
+ 'a[href]:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])',
+ 'area[href]:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])',
+ 'input:not([disabled]):not([inert])',
+ 'select:not([disabled]):not([inert])',
+ 'textarea:not([disabled]):not([inert])',
+ 'button:not([disabled]):not([inert])',
+ 'iframe:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])',
+ 'audio:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])',
+ 'video:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])',
+ '[contenteditable]:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])',
+ '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([inert])'
+ ];
* @exports WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Dialog
if (options.closable) {
var closeButton = elCreate('a');
closeButton.className = 'dialogCloseButton jsTooltip';
+ elAttr(closeButton, 'role', 'button');
+ elAttr(closeButton, 'tabindex', '0');
elAttr(closeButton, 'title', options.closeButtonLabel);
elAttr(closeButton, 'aria-label', options.closeButtonLabel);
closeButton.addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, this._close.bind(this));
if (elAttr(data.dialog, 'aria-hidden') === 'true') {
+ if (_callbackFocus === null) {
+ _callbackFocus = this._maintainFocus.bind(this);
+ document.body.addEventListener('focus', _callbackFocus, { capture: true });
+ }
if (data.closable && elAttr(_container, 'aria-hidden') === 'true') {
window.addEventListener('keyup', _keyupListener);
elData(_container, 'close-on-click', (data.backdropCloseOnClick ? 'true' : 'false'));
_activeDialog = id;
- // set focus on first applicable element
- var focusElement = elBySel('.jsDialogAutoFocus', data.dialog);
- if (focusElement !== null && focusElement.offsetParent !== null) {
- if (focusElement.id === 'username' || focusElement.name === 'username') {
- if (Environment.browser() === 'safari' && Environment.platform() === 'ios') {
- // iOS Safari's username/password autofill breaks if the input field is focused
- focusElement = null;
- }
- }
- if (focusElement) focusElement.focus();
- }
+ // Keep a reference to the currently focused element to be able to restore it later.
+ _focusedBeforeDialog = document.activeElement;
+ // Set the focus to the first focusable child of the dialog element.
+ var closeButton = elBySel('.dialogCloseButton', data.header);
+ if (closeButton) elAttr(closeButton, 'inert', true);
+ this._setFocusToFirstItem(data.dialog);
+ if (closeButton) closeButton.removeAttribute('inert');
if (typeof data.onShow === 'function') {
+ /**
+ * @param {Event} event
+ */
+ _maintainFocus: function(event) {
+ if (_activeDialog) {
+ var data = _dialogs.get(_activeDialog);
+ if (!data.dialog.contains(event.target) && !event.target.closest('.dropdownMenuContainer')) {
+ this._setFocusToFirstItem(data.dialog, true);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param {Element} dialog
+ * @param {boolean} maintain
+ */
+ _setFocusToFirstItem: function(dialog, maintain) {
+ var focusElement = this._getFirstFocusableChild(dialog);
+ if (focusElement !== null) {
+ if (maintain) {
+ if (focusElement.id === 'username' || focusElement.name === 'username') {
+ if (Environment.browser() === 'safari' && Environment.platform() === 'ios') {
+ // iOS Safari's username/password autofill breaks if the input field is focused
+ focusElement = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (focusElement) focusElement.focus();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param {Element} node
+ * @returns {?Element}
+ */
+ _getFirstFocusableChild: function(node) {
+ var nodeList = elBySelAll(_focusableElements.join(','), node);
+ for (var i = 0, length = nodeList.length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (nodeList[i].offsetWidth && nodeList[i].offsetHeight && nodeList[i].getClientRects().length) {
+ return nodeList[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
* Rebuilds dialog identified by given id.