return s32Error;
-s32 ParseSurveyResults(u8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
- wid_site_survey_reslts_s **ppstrSurveyResults,
- u32 *pu32SurveyResultsCount)
- s32 s32Error = 0;
- wid_site_survey_reslts_s *pstrSurveyResults = NULL;
- u32 u32SurveyResultsCount = 0;
- u32 u32SurveyBytesLength = 0;
- u8 *pu8BufferPtr;
- u32 u32RcvdSurveyResultsNum = 2;
- u8 u8ReadSurveyResFragNum;
- u32 i;
- u32 j;
- for (i = 0; i < u32RcvdSurveyResultsNum; i++) {
- u32SurveyBytesLength = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[i][0];
- for (j = 0; j < u32SurveyBytesLength; j += SURVEY_RESULT_LENGTH) {
- u32SurveyResultsCount++;
- }
- }
- pstrSurveyResults = kcalloc(u32SurveyResultsCount,
- sizeof(wid_site_survey_reslts_s), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!pstrSurveyResults)
- return -ENOMEM;
- u32SurveyResultsCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < u32RcvdSurveyResultsNum; i++) {
- pu8BufferPtr = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[i];
- u32SurveyBytesLength = pu8BufferPtr[0];
- /* TODO: mostafa: pu8BufferPtr[1] contains the fragment num */
- u8ReadSurveyResFragNum = pu8BufferPtr[1];
- pu8BufferPtr += 2;
- for (j = 0; j < u32SurveyBytesLength; j += SURVEY_RESULT_LENGTH) {
- memcpy(&pstrSurveyResults[u32SurveyResultsCount], pu8BufferPtr, SURVEY_RESULT_LENGTH);
- u32SurveyResultsCount++;
- }
- }
- *ppstrSurveyResults = pstrSurveyResults;
- *pu32SurveyResultsCount = u32SurveyResultsCount;
- return s32Error;
-s32 DeallocateSurveyResults(wid_site_survey_reslts_s *pstrSurveyResults)
- s32 s32Error = 0;
- if (pstrSurveyResults != NULL) {
- kfree(pstrSurveyResults);
- }
- return s32Error;
* @brief sends certain Configuration Packet based on the input WIDs pstrWIDs
* using driver config layer
tstrWILC_WFIDrv *drvHandler;
typedef struct _tstrWidJoinReqExt {
u8 u8channel;
u8 BSSID[6];
} tstrWidJoinReqExt;
/*Struct containg joinParam of each AP*/
typedef struct _tstrJoinBssParam {
-static u8 gapu8RcvdSurveyResults[2][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE];
static u8 gapu8RcvdAssocResp[MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE];
bool gbScanWhileConnected = false;
tstrWID strWIDList[8];
u32 u32WidsCount = 0, dummyval = 0;
/* char passphrase[] = "12345678"; */
- s32 s32Err = 0;
- u32 i;
- u8 u8bssDscListIndex;
- wid_site_survey_reslts_s *pstrSurveyResults = NULL;
- #else
u8 *pu8CurrByte = NULL;
tstrJoinBssParam *ptstrJoinBssParam;
- #endif
PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Handling connect request\n");
- memset(gapu8RcvdSurveyResults, 0, sizeof(gapu8RcvdSurveyResults));
- PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Getting site survey results\n");
- s32Err = host_int_get_site_survey_results(pstrWFIDrv,
- gapu8RcvdSurveyResults,
- if (s32Err) {
- PRINT_ER("Failed to get site survey results\n");
- s32Error = -EFAULT;
- }
- s32Err = ParseSurveyResults(gapu8RcvdSurveyResults, &pstrSurveyResults,
- &pstrWFIDrv->u32SurveyResultsCount);
- if (s32Err == 0) {
- /* use the parsed info in pstrSurveyResults, then deallocate it */
- PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Copying site survey results in global structure, then deallocate\n");
- for (i = 0; i < pstrWFIDrv->u32SurveyResultsCount; i++) {
- memcpy(&pstrWFIDrv->astrSurveyResults[i], &pstrSurveyResults[i],
- sizeof(wid_site_survey_reslts_s));
- }
- DeallocateSurveyResults(pstrSurveyResults);
- } else {
- PRINT_ER("ParseSurveyResults() Error\n");
- s32Error = -EFAULT;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < pstrWFIDrv->u32SurveyResultsCount; i++) {
- if (memcmp(pstrWFIDrv->astrSurveyResults[i].SSID,
- pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid,
- pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen) == 0) {
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Network with required SSID is found %s\n", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid);
- if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid == NULL) {
- /* BSSID is not passed from the user, so decision of matching
- * is done by SSID only */
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "BSSID is not passed from the user\n");
- break;
- } else {
- /* BSSID is also passed from the user, so decision of matching
- * should consider also this passed BSSID */
- if (memcmp(pstrWFIDrv->astrSurveyResults[i].BSSID,
- pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid,
- 6) == 0) {
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "BSSID is passed from the user and matched\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (i < pstrWFIDrv->u32SurveyResultsCount) {
- u8bssDscListIndex = i;
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Connecting to network of Bss Idx%d and SSID %s and channel%d\n",
- u8bssDscListIndex, pstrWFIDrv->astrSurveyResults[u8bssDscListIndex].SSID,
- pstrWFIDrv->astrSurveyResults[u8bssDscListIndex].Channel);
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Saving connection parameters in global structure\n");
- if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL) {
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = kmalloc(6, GFP_KERNEL);
- memcpy(pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
- }
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen;
- if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid != NULL) {
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = kmalloc(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
- memcpy(pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid,
- pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen);
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen] = '\0';
- }
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen;
- if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs != NULL) {
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = kmalloc(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen, GFP_KERNEL);
- memcpy(pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs,
- pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
- }
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.u8security = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8security;
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->tenuAuth_type;
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pfConnectResult;
- pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pvUserArg;
- /* if((gWFiDrvHandle->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL) && */
- /* (gWFiDrvHandle->strWILC_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen != 0)) */
- {
- /* IEs to be inserted in Association Request */
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_BIN_DATA;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen;
- u32WidsCount++;
- }
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (u16)WID_11I_MODE;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(char);
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (s8 *)(&(pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.u8security));
- u32WidsCount++;
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Encrypt Mode = %x\n", pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.u8security);
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (u16)WID_AUTH_TYPE;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(char);
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (s8 *)(&pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type);
- u32WidsCount++;
- PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Authentication Type = %x\n", pstrWFIDrv->strWILC_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type);
- /*
- * strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (u16)WID_11I_PSK;
- * strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
- * strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(passphrase);
- * strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (s8*)(passphrase);
- * u32WidsCount++;
- */
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (u16)WID_JOIN_REQ;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(char);
- strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (s8 *)&u8bssDscListIndex;
- u32WidsCount++;
- /* A temporary workaround to avoid handling the misleading MAC_DISCONNECTED raised from the
- * firmware at chip reset when processing the WIDs of the Connect Request.
- * (This workaround should be removed in the future when the Chip reset of the Connect WIDs is disabled) */
- /* ////////////////////// */
- gu32WidConnRstHack = 0;
- /* ////////////////////// */
- s32Error = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, false,
- get_id_from_handler(pstrWFIDrv));
- if (s32Error) {
- PRINT_ER("failed to send config packet\n");
- s32Error = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- pstrWFIDrv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP;
- }
- } else {
- PRINT_ER("Required BSSID not found\n");
- s32Error = -ENOENT;
- }
- #else
/* if we try to connect to an already connected AP then discard the request */
if (memcmp(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, u8ConnectedSSID, ETH_ALEN) == 0) {
- #endif
if (s32Error) {
return s32Error;
- * @brief host_int_get_site_survey_results
- * @details gets the site survey results
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * Message containing site survey results in the
- * following format
- *|---------------------------------------------------|
- | MsgLength | fragNo. | MsgBodyLength | MsgBody |
- ||-----------|-----------|---------------|-----------|
- | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------
- |
- ||---------------------------------------|
- | Network1 | Netweork2 | ... | Network5 |
- ||---------------------------------------|
- | 44 | 44 | ... | 44 |
- | -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
- |
- ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | SSID | BSS Type | Channel | Security Status| BSSID | RSSI |Reserved |
- |
- |
- ||------|----------|---------|----------------|-------|------|---------|
- | 33 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
- ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
-s32 host_int_get_site_survey_results(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv,
- u8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
- u32 u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen)
- s32 s32Error = 0;
- tstrWID astrWIDList[2];
- tstrWILC_WFIDrv *pstrWFIDrv = (tstrWILC_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
- astrWIDList[0].u16WIDid = (u16)WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS;
- astrWIDList[0].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
- astrWIDList[0].ps8WidVal = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[0];
- astrWIDList[0].s32ValueSize = u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen;
- astrWIDList[1].u16WIDid = (u16)WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS;
- astrWIDList[1].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
- astrWIDList[1].ps8WidVal = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[1];
- astrWIDList[1].s32ValueSize = u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen;
- s32Error = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, astrWIDList, 2, true,
- get_id_from_handler(pstrWFIDrv));
- /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
- if (s32Error) {
- PRINT_ER("Failed to send config packet to get survey results\n");
- s32Error = -EINVAL;
- }
- return s32Error;
* @brief sets a start scan request
* @details