+++ /dev/null
-namespace wcf\system\database;
-use wcf\system\database\editor\PostgreSQLDatabaseEditor;
-use wcf\system\database\exception\DatabaseException as GenericDatabaseException;
-use wcf\util\StringStack;
- * This is the database implementation for PostgreSQL.
- *
- * @author Marcel Werk
- * @copyright 2001-2016 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
- * @package WoltLabSuite\Core\System\Database
- */
-class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- protected $editorClassName = PostgreSQLDatabaseEditor::class;
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function connect() {
- if (!$this->port) $this->port = 5432; // postgresql default port
- try {
- $this->pdo = new \PDO('pgsql:host='.$this->host.';port='.$this->port.';dbname='.$this->database, $this->user, $this->password);
- $this->setAttributes();
- }
- catch (\PDOException $e) {
- throw new GenericDatabaseException("Connecting to PostgreSQL server '".$this->host."' failed", $e);
- }
- // set connection character set
- $this->setCharset();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the charset of the database connection.
- */
- protected function setCharset() {
- try {
- $statement = $this->prepareStatement("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");
- $statement->execute();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException $e) {
- // ignore
- }
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public static function isSupported() {
- return (extension_loaded('PDO') && extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql'));
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function prepareStatement($statement, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
- $statement = self::fixQuery($statement);
- return parent::prepareStatement($statement, $limit, $offset);
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function getInsertID($table, $field) {
- try {
- return $this->pdo->lastInsertId('"' . $table . '_' . $field . '_seq"');
- }
- catch (\PDOException $e) {
- throw new GenericDatabaseException("Can not fetch last insert id", $this);
- }
- }
- /**
- * By default identifiers are case insensitive in PostgreSQL.
- * We need to double quote identifiers here automatically.
- *
- * @param string $query
- * @return string $query
- */
- public static function fixQuery($query) {
- // replace quotes
- $query = preg_replace_callback('~\'([^\'\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\'~', ['self', 'replaceQuotesCallback'], $query);
- $query = preg_replace_callback('~"([^"\\\\]+|\\\\.)*"~', ['self', 'replaceQuotesCallback'], $query);
- // double quote identifiers (column & table names ...)
- $query = preg_replace('~(?<=^|\s|\.|\(|,)([A-Za-z0-9_-]*[a-z]{1}[A-Za-z0-9_-]*)(?=$|\s|\.|\)|,|=)~', '"\\1"', $query);
- // rename LIKE to ILIKE for case-insensitive comparisons
- $query = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)LIKE(?=\s)/si', 'ILIKE', $query);
- // reinsert quotes
- $query = StringStack::reinsertStrings($query, 'postgresQuotes');
- return $query;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function escapeString($string) {
- $string = str_replace("\x00", "\\x00", $string); // escape nul bytes
- return parent::escapeString($string);
- }
- /**
- * Callback function used in fixQuery().
- *
- * @param string[] $matches
- * @return string
- */
- private static function replaceQuotesCallback($matches) {
- return StringStack::pushToStringStack($matches[0], 'postgresQuotes');
- }
+++ /dev/null
-namespace wcf\system\database\editor;
-use wcf\system\database\DatabaseException;
-use wcf\util\ArrayUtil;
- * Database editor implementation for PostgreSQL 8.0 or higher.
- *
- * @author Marcel Werk
- * @copyright 2001-2016 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
- * @package WoltLabSuite\Core\System\Database\Editor
- */
-class PostgreSQLDatabaseEditor extends DatabaseEditor {
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function getTableNames() {
- $existingTables = [];
- $sql = "SELECT tablename
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
- WHERE schemaname = 'public'
- ORDER BY tablename";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
- $existingTables[] = $row['tablename'];
- }
- return $existingTables;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function getColumns($tableName) {
- $columns = [];
- $sql = "SELECT pg_attribute.*, pg_type.typname, pg_constraint.contype, pg_attribute.adsrc
- FROM pg_attribute,
- pg_class,
- pg_type
- LEFT JOIN pg_constraint ON (pg_constraint.conrelid = pg_class.oid)
- LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ON (pg_attrdef.adrelid = pg_attribute.attrelid) AND (pg_attrdef.adnum = pg_attribute.attnum)
- WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid
- AND pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid
- AND pg_attribute.attnum > 0
- AND pg_class.relname = ?";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute([$tableName]);
- while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
- $columns[] = ['name' => $row['attname'], 'data' => [
- 'type' => $row['typname'],
- 'length' => $row['attlen'],
- 'notNull' => $row['attnotnull'],
- 'key' => (($row['contype'] == 'p') ? 'PRIMARY' : (($row['contype'] == 'u') ? 'UNIQUE' : '')),
- 'default' => $row['adsrc'],
- 'autoIncrement' => ($row['contype'] == 'p')
- ]];
- }
- return $columns;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function getIndices($tableName) {
- $indices = [];
- $sql = "SELECT indexname
- FROM pg_indexes
- WHERE tablename = ?";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute([$tableName]);
- while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
- $indices[] = $row['indexname'];
- }
- return $indices;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the data of an existing database table column.
- *
- * @param string $tableName
- * @param string $columnName
- * @return array
- * @throws DatabaseException
- */
- protected function getColumnData($tableName, $columnName) {
- $sql = "SELECT pg_catalog.FORMAT_TYPE(atttypid, atttypmod) AS type, attnotnull AS notNull, atthasdef AS default
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
- WHERE attrelid = (
- SELECT oid
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
- WHERE relname = '".$this->dbObj->escapeString($tableName)."'
- AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'public')
- )
- AND attname = '".$this->dbObj->escapeString($columnName)."'";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- $row = $statement->fetchArray();
- if (empty($row['type'])) {
- throw new DatabaseException("Can not retrieve data for column '".$columnName."' on table '".$tableName."'", $this->dbObj);
- }
- // parse type
- if (preg_match('~(\w)\((\d+)(?:,(\d+))?\)~i', $row['type'], $match)) {
- $row['type'] = $match[1];
- $row['length'] = $match[2];
- $row['decimal'] = $match[3];
- }
- return $row;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function createTable($tableName, $columns, $indices = []) {
- $columnDefinition = $indexDefinition = '';
- // build column definition
- foreach ($columns as $column) {
- if (!empty($columnDefinition)) $columnDefinition .= ',';
- $columnDefinition .= $this->buildColumnDefinition($column['name'], $column['data']);
- }
- // build index definition
- foreach ($indices as $index) {
- if ($index['data']['type'] == 'PRIMARY') {
- if (!empty($indexDefinition)) $indexDefinition .= ',';
- $indexDefinition .= 'PRIMARY KEY ('.$index['data']['columns'].')';
- }
- }
- // create table
- $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$tableName." (
- ".$columnDefinition."
- ".(!empty($indexDefinition) ? ',' : '')."
- ".$indexDefinition."
- )";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- // create other indices
- foreach ($indices as $index) {
- if ($index['data']['type'] != 'PRIMARY') {
- $this->addIndex($tableName, $index['name'], $index['data']);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function dropTable($tableName) {
- $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$tableName." CASCADE";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function addColumn($tableName, $columnName, $columnData) {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$tableName." ADD COLUMN ".$this->buildColumnDefinition($columnName, $columnData);
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function alterColumn($tableName, $oldColumnName, $newColumnName, $newColumnData) {
- // change column name if necessary
- if ($oldColumnName != $newColumnName) {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$tableName." RENAME COLUMN ".$oldColumnName." TO ".$newColumnName;
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- // get column information
- $columnData = $this->getColumnData($tableName, $newColumnName);
- // change column type
- $alterStatements = '';
- $newColumnData['type'] = $this->getColumnType($newColumnData['type']);
- if ($columnData['type'] != $newColumnData['type'] || (isset($columnData['length']) && isset($newColumnData['length']) && $columnData['length'] != $newColumnData['length']) || (isset($columnData['decimals']) && isset($newColumnData['decimals']) && $columnData['decimals'] != $newColumnData['decimals'])) {
- if (!empty($alterStatements)) $alterStatements .= ',';
- $alterStatements .= "ALTER COLUMN ".$newColumnName." TYPE ".$this->buildColumnType($newColumnData);
- }
- // change not null status
- if (empty($columnData['notNull']) && !empty($newColumnData['notNull'])) {
- if (!empty($alterStatements)) $alterStatements .= ',';
- $alterStatements .= "ALTER COLUMN ".$newColumnName." SET NOT NULL";
- }
- else if (!empty($columnData['notNull']) && empty($newColumnData['notNull'])) {
- if (!empty($alterStatements)) $alterStatements .= ',';
- $alterStatements .= "ALTER COLUMN ".$newColumnName." DROP NOT NULL";
- }
- // change default value
- if ((isset($columnData['default']) && $columnData['default'] !== '') && (!isset($newColumnData['default']) || $newColumnData['default'] === '')) {
- if (!empty($alterStatements)) $alterStatements .= ',';
- $alterStatements .= "ALTER COLUMN ".$newColumnName." DROP DEFAULT";
- }
- else if (isset($newColumnData['default']) && $newColumnData['default'] !== '') {
- if (!empty($alterStatements)) $alterStatements .= ',';
- $alterStatements .= "ALTER COLUMN ".$newColumnName." SET DEFAULT ".$newColumnData['default'];
- }
- // send alter statement
- if (!empty($alterStatements)) {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$tableName." ".$alterStatements;
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function dropColumn($tableName, $columnName) {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$tableName." DROP COLUMN ".$columnName." CASCADE";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function addIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexData) {
- $columns = ArrayUtil::trim(explode(',', $indexData['columns']));
- if (empty($indexName)) {
- // create index name
- $indexName = $tableName.'_'.(!empty($columns[0]) ? $columns[0] : 'generic').'_key';
- // solve naming conflicts
- $indices = $this->getIndices($tableName);
- $i = 2;
- while (in_array($indexName, $indices)) {
- $indexName = $tableName.'_'.(!empty($columns[0]) ? $columns[0] : 'generic').'_'.$i.'_key';
- $i++;
- }
- }
- else if ($indexData['type'] != 'FULLTEXT') {
- $indexName = $tableName.'_'.$indexName.'_key';
- }
- if ($indexData['type'] == 'FULLTEXT') {
- // add new column for fulltext index
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$tableName." ADD COLUMN ".$indexName." tsvector";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- // add gin index
- $sql = "CREATE INDEX ".$tableName."_".$indexName."_fulltext_key ON ".$tableName." USING gin(".$indexName.")";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- // update fulltext index
- $sql = "UPDATE ".$tableName."
- SET ".$indexName." = to_tsvector('english', \"".implode('" || \' \' || "', $columns)."\")";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- // add trigger
- $sql = "CREATE TRIGGER ".$tableName."_".$indexName."_trigger
- ON ".$tableName."
- tsvector_update_trigger(".$indexName.", 'pg_catalog.english', ".implode(', ', $columns).");";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- else {
- $sql = "CREATE ".($indexData['type'] == 'UNIQUE' ? "UNIQUE " : "")."INDEX ".$indexName." ON ".$tableName." (".$indexData['columns'].")";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function addForeignKey($tableName, $indexName, $indexData) {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$tableName." ADD";
- // add index name
- if (!empty($indexName)) $sql .= " CONSTRAINT ".$indexName;
- // add columns
- $sql .= " FOREIGN KEY (".str_replace(',', ',', preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $indexData['columns'])).")";
- // add referenced table name
- $sql .= " REFERENCES ".$indexData['referencedTable'];
- // add referenced columns
- $sql .= " (".str_replace(',', ',', preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $indexData['referencedColumns'])).")";
- // add operation and action
- if (!empty($indexData['operation'])) $sql .= " ON ".$indexData['operation']." ".$indexData['action'];
- if (!empty($indexData['ON DELETE'])) $sql .= " ON DELETE ".$indexData['ON DELETE'];
- if (!empty($indexData['ON UPDATE'])) $sql .= " ON UPDATE ".$indexData['ON UPDATE'];
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function dropIndex($tableName, $indexName) {
- $sql = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ".$tableName."_".$indexName."_key CASCADE";
- $statement = $this->dbObj->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute();
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function dropForeignKey($tableName, $indexName) {
- // TODO: Could it be, that this method is not required because Postgre is clever enough to delete references anyway?
- }
- /**
- * Builds a column definition for execution in a create table or alter table statement.
- *
- * @param string $columnName
- * @param array $columnData
- * @return string
- */
- protected function buildColumnDefinition($columnName, $columnData) {
- // column name
- $definition = $columnName;
- // auto_increment
- if (!empty($columnData['autoIncrement'])) {
- if ($columnData['type'] == 'bigint') $definition .= " BIGSERIAL";
- else $definition .= " SERIAL";
- // key
- if (!empty($columnData['key'])) $definition .= ' '.$columnData['key'].($columnData['key'] == 'PRIMARY' ? ' KEY' : '');
- return $definition;
- }
- // column type
- if ($columnData['type'] == 'enum') $columnData['length'] = 255;
- $columnData['type'] = $this->getColumnType($columnData['type']);
- $definition .= " ".$this->buildColumnType($columnData);
- // not null / null
- if (!empty($columnData['notNull'])) $definition .= " NOT NULL";
- // default
- if (isset($columnData['default']) && $columnData['default'] !== '') $definition .= " DEFAULT ".$columnData['default'];
- // key
- if (!empty($columnData['key'])) $definition .= ' '.$columnData['key'].($columnData['key'] == 'PRIMARY' ? ' KEY' : '');
- return $definition;
- }
- /**
- * Builds a column type for execution in a create table or alter table statement.
- *
- * @param array $columnData
- * @return string
- */
- protected function buildColumnType($columnData) {
- $definition = strtoupper($columnData['type']);
- // column length and decimals
- if (!empty($columnData['length'])) {
- if (!empty($columnData['decimals']) && $columnData['type'] == 'numeric') {
- $definition .= "(".$columnData['length'].",".$columnData['decimals'].")";
- }
- else if ($columnData['type'] == 'character' || $columnData['type'] == 'character varying') {
- $definition .= "(".$columnData['length'].")";
- }
- }
- return $definition;
- }
- /**
- * Converts a MySQL column type to the matching PostgreSQL column type.
- *
- * @param string $mySQLType
- * @return string
- * @throws DatabaseException
- */
- protected function getColumnType($mySQLType) {
- switch ($mySQLType) {
- // numeric types
- case 'tinyint':
- case 'smallint':
- return 'smallint';
- case 'mediumint':
- case 'int':
- return 'integer';
- case 'bigint':
- return 'bigint';
- case 'float':
- return 'real';
- case 'double':
- return 'double precision';
- case 'decimal':
- case 'numeric':
- return 'numeric';
- // string types
- case 'char':
- return 'character';
- case 'varchar':
- return 'character varying';
- case 'tinytext':
- case 'text':
- case 'mediumtext':
- case 'longtext':
- return 'text';
- // blobs
- case 'binary':
- case 'varbinary':
- case 'tinyblob':
- case 'blob':
- case 'mediumblob':
- case 'longblob':
- return 'bytea';
- // enum
- case 'enum':
- return 'character varying';
- }
- throw new DatabaseException("Unknown / unsupported data type '".$mySQLType."'", $this->dbObj);
- }