* Writes the `package.xml` file of a project.
- *
- * @author Matthias Schmidt
- * @copyright 2001-2019 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
- * @package WoltLabSuite\Core\System\Devtools\Package
- * @since 5.2
+ *
+ * @author Matthias Schmidt
+ * @copyright 2001-2019 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @package WoltLabSuite\Core\System\Devtools\Package
+ * @since 5.2
-class DevtoolsPackageXmlWriter {
- /**
- * data used to write the `package.xml` file
- * @var array
- */
- protected $packageXmlData;
- /**
- * devtools project whose `package.xml` file will be written
- * @var DevtoolsProject
- */
- protected $project;
- /**
- * xml writer object
- * @var XMLWriter
- */
- protected $xmlWriter;
- /**
- * Creates a new `DevtoolsPackageXmlWriter` object.
- *
- * @param DevtoolsProject $project
- * @param array $packageXmlData
- */
- public function __construct(DevtoolsProject $project, array $packageXmlData) {
- $this->project = $project;
- $this->packageXmlData = $packageXmlData;
- }
- /**
- * Returns `true` if the given string needs to be placed in a CDATA
- * section or `false`, otherwise.
- *
- * @param string $string
- * @return boolean
- */
- protected function requiresCdata($string) {
- return strpos($string, '<') !== false ||
- strpos($string, '>') !== false ||
- strpos($string, '&') !== false;
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `package.xml` file.
- */
- public function write() {
- $this->xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
- $this->xmlWriter->beginDocument(
- 'package',
- 'http://www.woltlab.com',
- 'http://www.woltlab.com/XSD/' . WSC_API_VERSION . '/package.xsd',
- ['name' => $this->packageXmlData['packageIdentifier']]
- );
- $this->writePackageInformation();
- $this->writeAuthorInformation();
- $this->writeRequiredPackages();
- $this->writeOptionalPackages();
- $this->writeExcludedPackages();
- $this->writeCompatibility();
- $this->writeInstructions();
- $this->xmlWriter->endDocument($this->project->getPackageXmlPath());
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `authorinformation` element.
- */
- protected function writeAuthorInformation() {
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('authorinformation');
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'author',
- $this->packageXmlData['author'],
- [],
- $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData['author'])
- );
- if (isset($this->packageXmlData['authorUrl']) && $this->packageXmlData['authorUrl'] !== '') {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'authorurl',
- $this->packageXmlData['authorUrl'],
- [],
- $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData['authorUrl'])
- );
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `compatibility` element.
- */
- protected function writeCompatibility() {
- if (empty($this->packageXmlData['apiVersions'])) {
- return;
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('compatibility');
- foreach ($this->packageXmlData['apiVersions'] as $apiVersion) {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement('api', '', ['version' => $apiVersion]);
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `optionalpackages` element.
- */
- protected function writeExcludedPackages() {
- if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['excludedPackages'])) {
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('excludedpackages');
- foreach ($this->packageXmlData['excludedPackages'] as $excludedPackage) {
- $attributes = [];
- if (!empty($excludedPackage['version'])) {
- $attributes['version'] = $excludedPackage['version'];
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'excludedpackage',
- $excludedPackage['packageIdentifier'],
- $attributes,
- false
- );
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `instructions` elements.
- */
- protected function writeInstructions() {
- if (empty($this->packageXmlData['instructions'])) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($this->packageXmlData['instructions'] as $instructions) {
- $attributes = ['type' => $instructions['type']];
- if ($instructions['type'] === 'update') {
- $attributes['fromversion'] = $instructions['fromVersion'];
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('instructions', $attributes);
- foreach ($instructions['instructions'] as $instruction) {
- $attributes = ['type' => $instruction['pip']];
- if (!empty($instruction['runStandalone'])) {
- $attributes['run'] = 'standalone';
- }
- if (!empty($instruction['application'])) {
- $attributes['application'] = $instruction['application'];
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement('instruction', $instruction['value'], $attributes, false);
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `optionalpackages` element.
- */
- protected function writeOptionalPackages() {
- if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['optionalPackages'])) {
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('optionalpackages');
- foreach ($this->packageXmlData['optionalPackages'] as $optionalPackage) {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'optionalpackage',
- $optionalPackage['packageIdentifier'],
- ['file' => "optionals/{$optionalPackage['packageIdentifier']}.tar"],
- false
- );
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Writes a child of the `packageinformation` element with i18n data.
- *
- * @param string $information
- * @param null|string $elementName is set to lowercase version of `$information` if missing
- */
- protected function writeI18nPackageInformation($information, $elementName = null) {
- if ($elementName === null) {
- $elementName = strtolower($information);
- }
- $english = LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getLanguageByCode('en');
- if (isset($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'])) {
- $defaultLanguageID = null;
- if ($english !== null && isset($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'][$english->languageID])) {
- $defaultLanguageID = $english->languageID;
- }
- else {
- reset($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n']);
- $defaultLanguageID = key($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n']);
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- $elementName,
- $this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'][$defaultLanguageID],
- [],
- $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'][$defaultLanguageID])
- );
- foreach ($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'] as $languageID => $informationValue) {
- if ($languageID !== $defaultLanguageID && $informationValue !== "") {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- $elementName,
- $informationValue,
- ['language' => LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getLanguage($languageID)->languageCode],
- $this->requiresCdata($informationValue)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- else if (
- isset($this->packageXmlData[$information])
- && $this->packageXmlData[$information] !== ""
- ) {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- $elementName,
- $this->packageXmlData[$information],
- [],
- $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData[$information])
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `packageinformation` element.
- */
- protected function writePackageInformation() {
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('packageinformation');
- $this->xmlWriter->writeComment(" {$this->packageXmlData['packageIdentifier']} ");
- $this->writeI18nPackageInformation('packageName');
- $this->writeI18nPackageInformation('packageDescription');
- if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['isApplication'])) {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'isapplication',
- intval($this->packageXmlData['isApplication']),
- [],
- false
- );
- }
- if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['applicationDirectory'])) {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'applicationdirectory',
- $this->packageXmlData['applicationDirectory'],
- [],
- false
- );
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'version',
- $this->packageXmlData['version'],
- [],
- false
- );
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'date',
- $this->packageXmlData['date'],
- [],
- false
- );
- if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['packageUrl'])) {
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'packageurl',
- $this->packageXmlData['packageUrl'],
- [],
- $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData['packageUrl'])
- );
- }
- $this->writeI18nPackageInformation('license');
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- /**
- * Writes the `optionalpackages` element.
- */
- protected function writeRequiredPackages() {
- if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['requiredPackages'])) {
- $this->xmlWriter->startElement('requiredpackages');
- foreach ($this->packageXmlData['requiredPackages'] as $requiredPackage) {
- $attributes = [];
- if (!empty($requiredPackage['minVersion'])) {
- $attributes['minversion'] = $requiredPackage['minVersion'];
- }
- if (!empty($requiredPackage['file'])) {
- $attributes['file'] = "requirements/{$requiredPackage['packageIdentifier']}.tar";
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
- 'requiredpackage',
- $requiredPackage['packageIdentifier'],
- $attributes,
- false
- );
- }
- $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
- }
- }
+class DevtoolsPackageXmlWriter
+ /**
+ * data used to write the `package.xml` file
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $packageXmlData;
+ /**
+ * devtools project whose `package.xml` file will be written
+ * @var DevtoolsProject
+ */
+ protected $project;
+ /**
+ * xml writer object
+ * @var XMLWriter
+ */
+ protected $xmlWriter;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new `DevtoolsPackageXmlWriter` object.
+ *
+ * @param DevtoolsProject $project
+ * @param array $packageXmlData
+ */
+ public function __construct(DevtoolsProject $project, array $packageXmlData)
+ {
+ $this->project = $project;
+ $this->packageXmlData = $packageXmlData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns `true` if the given string needs to be placed in a CDATA
+ * section or `false`, otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param string $string
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function requiresCdata($string)
+ {
+ return \strpos($string, '<') !== false
+ || \strpos($string, '>') !== false
+ || \strpos($string, '&') !== false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `package.xml` file.
+ */
+ public function write()
+ {
+ $this->xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
+ $this->xmlWriter->beginDocument(
+ 'package',
+ 'http://www.woltlab.com',
+ 'http://www.woltlab.com/XSD/' . WSC_API_VERSION . '/package.xsd',
+ ['name' => $this->packageXmlData['packageIdentifier']]
+ );
+ $this->writePackageInformation();
+ $this->writeAuthorInformation();
+ $this->writeRequiredPackages();
+ $this->writeOptionalPackages();
+ $this->writeExcludedPackages();
+ $this->writeCompatibility();
+ $this->writeInstructions();
+ $this->xmlWriter->endDocument($this->project->getPackageXmlPath());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `authorinformation` element.
+ */
+ protected function writeAuthorInformation()
+ {
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('authorinformation');
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'author',
+ $this->packageXmlData['author'],
+ [],
+ $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData['author'])
+ );
+ if (isset($this->packageXmlData['authorUrl']) && $this->packageXmlData['authorUrl'] !== '') {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'authorurl',
+ $this->packageXmlData['authorUrl'],
+ [],
+ $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData['authorUrl'])
+ );
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `compatibility` element.
+ */
+ protected function writeCompatibility()
+ {
+ if (empty($this->packageXmlData['apiVersions'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('compatibility');
+ foreach ($this->packageXmlData['apiVersions'] as $apiVersion) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement('api', '', ['version' => $apiVersion]);
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `optionalpackages` element.
+ */
+ protected function writeExcludedPackages()
+ {
+ if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['excludedPackages'])) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('excludedpackages');
+ foreach ($this->packageXmlData['excludedPackages'] as $excludedPackage) {
+ $attributes = [];
+ if (!empty($excludedPackage['version'])) {
+ $attributes['version'] = $excludedPackage['version'];
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'excludedpackage',
+ $excludedPackage['packageIdentifier'],
+ $attributes,
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `instructions` elements.
+ */
+ protected function writeInstructions()
+ {
+ if (empty($this->packageXmlData['instructions'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->packageXmlData['instructions'] as $instructions) {
+ $attributes = ['type' => $instructions['type']];
+ if ($instructions['type'] === 'update') {
+ $attributes['fromversion'] = $instructions['fromVersion'];
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('instructions', $attributes);
+ foreach ($instructions['instructions'] as $instruction) {
+ $attributes = ['type' => $instruction['pip']];
+ if (!empty($instruction['runStandalone'])) {
+ $attributes['run'] = 'standalone';
+ }
+ if (!empty($instruction['application'])) {
+ $attributes['application'] = $instruction['application'];
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement('instruction', $instruction['value'], $attributes, false);
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `optionalpackages` element.
+ */
+ protected function writeOptionalPackages()
+ {
+ if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['optionalPackages'])) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('optionalpackages');
+ foreach ($this->packageXmlData['optionalPackages'] as $optionalPackage) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'optionalpackage',
+ $optionalPackage['packageIdentifier'],
+ ['file' => "optionals/{$optionalPackage['packageIdentifier']}.tar"],
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a child of the `packageinformation` element with i18n data.
+ *
+ * @param string $information
+ * @param null|string $elementName is set to lowercase version of `$information` if missing
+ */
+ protected function writeI18nPackageInformation($information, $elementName = null)
+ {
+ if ($elementName === null) {
+ $elementName = \strtolower($information);
+ }
+ $english = LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getLanguageByCode('en');
+ if (isset($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'])) {
+ $defaultLanguageID = null;
+ if ($english !== null && isset($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'][$english->languageID])) {
+ $defaultLanguageID = $english->languageID;
+ } else {
+ \reset($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n']);
+ $defaultLanguageID = \key($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n']);
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ $elementName,
+ $this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'][$defaultLanguageID],
+ [],
+ $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'][$defaultLanguageID])
+ );
+ foreach ($this->packageXmlData[$information . '_i18n'] as $languageID => $informationValue) {
- if ($languageID !== $defaultLanguageID) {
++ if ($languageID !== $defaultLanguageID && $informationValue !== "") {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ $elementName,
+ $informationValue,
+ ['language' => LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getLanguage($languageID)->languageCode],
+ $this->requiresCdata($informationValue)
+ );
+ }
+ }
- } else {
++ } else if (
++ isset($this->packageXmlData[$information])
++ && $this->packageXmlData[$information] !== ""
++ ) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ $elementName,
+ $this->packageXmlData[$information],
+ [],
+ $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData[$information])
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `packageinformation` element.
+ */
+ protected function writePackageInformation()
+ {
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('packageinformation');
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeComment(" {$this->packageXmlData['packageIdentifier']} ");
+ $this->writeI18nPackageInformation('packageName');
+ $this->writeI18nPackageInformation('packageDescription');
+ if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['isApplication'])) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'isapplication',
+ \intval($this->packageXmlData['isApplication']),
+ [],
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['applicationDirectory'])) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'applicationdirectory',
+ $this->packageXmlData['applicationDirectory'],
+ [],
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'version',
+ $this->packageXmlData['version'],
+ [],
+ false
+ );
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'date',
+ $this->packageXmlData['date'],
+ [],
+ false
+ );
+ if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['packageUrl'])) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'packageurl',
+ $this->packageXmlData['packageUrl'],
+ [],
+ $this->requiresCdata($this->packageXmlData['packageUrl'])
+ );
+ }
+ $this->writeI18nPackageInformation('license');
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the `optionalpackages` element.
+ */
+ protected function writeRequiredPackages()
+ {
+ if (!empty($this->packageXmlData['requiredPackages'])) {
+ $this->xmlWriter->startElement('requiredpackages');
+ foreach ($this->packageXmlData['requiredPackages'] as $requiredPackage) {
+ $attributes = [];
+ if (!empty($requiredPackage['minVersion'])) {
+ $attributes['minversion'] = $requiredPackage['minVersion'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($requiredPackage['file'])) {
+ $attributes['file'] = "requirements/{$requiredPackage['packageIdentifier']}.tar";
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->writeElement(
+ 'requiredpackage',
+ $requiredPackage['packageIdentifier'],
+ $attributes,
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ $this->xmlWriter->endElement();
+ }
+ }