* `wcf\system\event\listener\PreParserAtUserListener` removed.
* `wcf\action\AJAXProxyAction::getData()` removed.
* Version system removed.
+* Support for query string based sessions in Frontend removed.
* `wcf\system\cache\source\RedisCacheSource` added.
* Background queue (`wcf\system\background\*`) added.
* Rewritten email system (`wcf\system\email\*`) added.
+* CryptoUtil (`wcf\util\CryptoUtil`) added.
* Old email system (`wcf\system\mail\*`) deprecated.
* Abstract bulk processing system added.
* Replaced old user bulk processing with new implementation using the abstract bulk processing system.
* Image proxy for images included with the image BBCode.
* Overhauled Redactor integration
* Linebreaks mode instead of using paragraphs, works better with the PHP-side parser which works with linebreaks
- * Ported the PHP-BBCode parser, massively improves accuracy and ensures validity
\ No newline at end of file
+ * Ported the PHP-BBCode parser, massively improves accuracy and ensures validity