$(function() {
'__days': [ '{lang}wcf.date.day.sunday{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.monday{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.tuesday{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.wednesday{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.thursday{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.friday{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.saturday{/lang}' ],
+ '__daysShort': [ '{lang}wcf.date.day.sun{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.mon{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.tue{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.wed{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.thu{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.fri{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.day.sat{/lang}' ],
+ '__months': [ '{lang}wcf.date.month.january{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.february{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.march{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.april{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.may{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.june{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.july{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.august{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.september{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.october{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.november{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.december{/lang}' ],
+ '__monthsShort': [ '{lang}wcf.date.month.jan{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.feb{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.mar{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.apr{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.may{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.jun{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.jul{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.aug{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.sep{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.oct{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.nov{/lang}', '{lang}wcf.date.month.dec{/lang}' ],
'wcf.date.relative.minutes': '{capture assign=relativeMinutes}{lang}wcf.date.relative.minutes{/lang}{/capture}{@$relativeMinutes|encodeJS}',
'wcf.date.relative.hours': '{capture assign=relativeHours}{lang}wcf.date.relative.hours{/lang}{/capture}{@$relativeHours|encodeJS}',
'wcf.date.relative.pastDays': '{capture assign=relativePastDays}{lang}wcf.date.relative.pastDays{/lang}{/capture}{@$relativePastDays|encodeJS}',
+ 'wcf.date.dateFormat': '{lang}wcf.date.dateFormat{/lang}',
'wcf.date.dateTimeFormat': '{lang}wcf.date.dateTimeFormat{/lang}',
'wcf.global.button.add': '{lang}wcf.global.button.add{/lang}',
'wcf.global.button.cancel': '{lang}wcf.global.button.cancel{/lang}',
* Provides a date picker for date input fields.
WCF.Date.Picker = {
+ _dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
* Initializes the jQuery UI based date picker.
init: function() {
+ this._convertDateFormat();
WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.addCallback('WCF.Date.Picker', $.proxy(this._initDatePicker, this));
+ /**
+ * Convert PHPs date() format to jQuery UIs date picker format.
+ */
+ _convertDateFormat: function() {
+ var format = WCF.Language.get('wcf.date.dateFormat');
+ // replacement table
+ // format of PHP date() => format of jQuery UI date picker
+ //
+ // No equivalence in PHP date():
+ // oo day of the year (three digit)
+ // ! Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
+ //
+ // No equivalence in jQuery UI date picker:
+ // N ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week
+ // S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters
+ // w Numeric representation of the day of the week
+ // W ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
+ // t Number of days in the given month
+ // L Whether it's a leap year
+ var replacementTable = {
+ // day
+ 'd': 'dd',
+ 'D': 'D',
+ 'j': 'd',
+ 'l': 'DD',
+ 'z': 'o',
+ // month
+ 'F': 'MM',
+ 'm': 'mm',
+ 'M': 'M',
+ 'n': 'm',
+ // year
+ 'o': 'yy',
+ 'Y': 'yy',
+ 'y': 'y',
+ // timestamp
+ 'U': '@'
+ };
+ // do the actual replacement
+ // this is not perfect, but a basic implementation and should work in 99% of the cases
+ // TODO: support literals (magics are escaped in PHP date() by an \, in jQuery UI DatePicker they are enclosed in '')
+ this._dateFormat = format.replace(/([^dDjlzFmMnoYyU\\]*(?:\\.[^dDjlzFmMnoYyU\\]*)*)(d|D|j|l|z|F|m|M|n|o|Y|y|U)/g, function(match, part1, part2, offset, string) {
+ $.each(replacementTable, function(key, item) {
+ if(part2 == key) {
+ part2 = item;
+ }
+ });
+ return part1 + part2;
+ });
+ },
* Initializes the date picker for valid fields.
_initDatePicker: function() {
- $('input[type=date]:not(.jsDatePicker)').each(function(index, input) {
+ $('input[type=date]:not(.jsDatePicker)').each($.proxy(function(index, input) {
// do *not* use .attr()
var $input = $(input).prop('type', 'text').addClass('jsDatePicker');
- // TODO: we should support all these braindead date formats, at least within output
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showOtherMonths: true,
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
- yearRange: '1900:2038' // TODO: make it configurable?
+ dateFormat: this._dateFormat,
+ yearRange: '1900:2038', // TODO: make it configurable?
+ // language
+ dayNames: WCF.Language.get('__days'),
+ dayNamesMin: WCF.Language.get('__daysShort'),
+ dayNamesShort: WCF.Language.get('__daysShort'),
+ monthNames: WCF.Language.get('__months'),
+ monthNamesShort: WCF.Language.get('__monthsShort')
- });
+ }, this));