ALTER TABLE wcf1_user_special_trophy ADD FOREIGN KEY (userID) REFERENCES wcf1_user (userID) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE wcf1_user_special_trophy ADD FOREIGN KEY (trophyID) REFERENCES wcf1_trophy (trophyID) ON DELETE CASCADE;
-INSERT INTO wcf1_package_update_server (serverURL, status, isDisabled, errorMessage, lastUpdateTime, loginUsername, loginPassword) VALUES ('', 'online', 0, NULL, 0, '', '');
-INSERT INTO wcf1_package_update_server (serverURL, status, isDisabled, errorMessage, lastUpdateTime, loginUsername, loginPassword) VALUES ('', 'online', 0, NULL, 0, '', '');
+-- update servers are added through a script to avoid collisions
INSERT INTO wcf1_style_variable (variableName, defaultValue) VALUES ('wcfContentContainerBackground', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)');
INSERT INTO wcf1_style_variable (variableName, defaultValue) VALUES ('wcfContentContainerBorder', 'rgba(236, 241, 247, 1)');
use wcf\data\option\OptionEditor;
+use wcf\data\package\update\server\PackageUpdateServerEditor;
+use wcf\data\package\update\server\PackageUpdateServerList;
use wcf\system\cache\builder\StyleCacheBuilder;
use wcf\system\WCF;
+// inserts update servers, unless they exist already
+$updateServers = new PackageUpdateServerList();
+$hasServer = ['update' => false, 'store' => false];
+foreach ($updateServers as $updateServer) {
+ if (preg_match('~https?://(?P<server>update|store)\.woltlab\.com/tornado/~', $updateServer->serverURL, $matches)) {
+ $hasServer[$matches['server']] = true;
+ }
+foreach ($hasServer as $type => $serverExists) {
+ if (!$serverExists) {
+ PackageUpdateServerEditor::create(['serverURL' => "http://{$type}"]);
+ }
// the upgrade added a bunch of new style variables