}, self::$output);
- // move script tags to the bottom of the page
+ // Move script tags to the bottom of the page. This splits up the output
+ // into chunks that effectively end with `</script>`. This allows us to
+ // use a simple regex to find the start of the script tag and treating
+ // everything inbetween as the content of the script.
+ //
+ // The previous approach used a lazy match for the script content which
+ // could hit the backtracking limit for extremely large payloads.
$javascript = [];
- self::$output = \preg_replace_callback(
- '~<script data-relocate="true"(?<attributes>[^>]*+)>(?P<script>.*?)</script>\s*~s',
- static function ($matches) use (&$javascript) {
- // Add an attribute to disable Cloudflare's Rocket Loader
- if (!\str_contains($matches['attributes'], 'data-cfasync="false"')) {
- $matches['attributes'] = ' data-cfasync="false"' . $matches['attributes'];
- }
+ $segments = \preg_split('~</script>~s', self::$output, flags: \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
- $javascript[] = '<script' . $matches['attributes'] . '>' . $matches['script'] . '</script>';
- return '';
- },
- self::$output
- );
+ self::$output = '';
+ foreach ($segments as $segment) {
+ $hasMatch = false;
+ self::$output .= \preg_replace_callback(
+ '~<script data-relocate="true"(?<attributes>[^>]*+)>(?<script>.*+)$~s',
+ static function ($matches) use (&$javascript, &$hasMatch) {
+ // Add an attribute to disable Cloudflare's Rocket Loader
+ if (!\str_contains($matches['attributes'], 'data-cfasync="false"')) {
+ $matches['attributes'] = ' data-cfasync="false"' . $matches['attributes'];
+ }
+ $javascript[] = '<script' . $matches['attributes'] . '>' . $matches['script'] . '</script>';
+ $hasMatch = true;
+ return '';
+ },
+ $segment,
+ limit: 1
+ );
+ if (!$hasMatch) {
+ self::$output .= '</script>';
+ }
+ }
$placeholder = '<!-- ' . WCF::getRequestNonce('JAVASCRIPT_RELOCATE_POSITION') . ' -->';
if (($placeholderPosition = \strrpos(self::$output, $placeholder)) !== false) {