See [WoltLab/WCF#4476]( and [WoltLab/WCF#4483]( for details.
+## Database Package Installation Plugin
+WoltLab Suite 5.5 changes the factory classes for common configurations of database columns within the PHP-based DDL API to contain a private constructor, preventing object creation.
+This change affects the following classes:
+- `DefaultFalseBooleanDatabaseTableColumn`
+- `DefaultTrueBooleanDatabaseTableColumn`
+- `NotNullInt10DatabaseTableColumn`
+- `NotNullVarchar191DatabaseTableColumn`
+- `NotNullVarchar255DatabaseTableColumn`
+- `ObjectIdDatabaseTableColumn`
+The static `create()` method never returned an object of the factory class, but instead in object of the base type (e.g. `IntDatabaseTableColumn` for `NotNullInt10DatabaseTableColumn`).
+Constructing an object of these factory classes is considered a bug, as the class name implies a specific column configuration, that might or might not hold if the object is modified afterwards.
+See [WoltLab/WCF#4564]( for details.
## File Deletion Package Installation Plugin
Three new package installation plugins have been added to delete ACP templates with [acpTemplateDelete](../../package/pip/, files with [fileDelete](../../package/pip/, and templates with [templateDelete](../../package/pip/