html = html.replace(/\r?\n/g, '');
// convert paragraphs into single lines
- var $parts = html.split(/(<\/?p>)/);
+ var $parts = html.split(/(<\/?(?:div|p)>)/);
var $tmp = '';
var $buffer = '';
for (var $i = 0; $i < $parts.length; $i++) {
var $part = $parts[$i];
- if ($part == '<p>') {
+ if ($part == '<p>' || $part == '<div>') {
- else if ($part == '</p>') {
+ else if ($part == '</p>' || $part == '</div>') {
$buffer = $.trim($buffer);
if ($buffer != '@@@wcf_empty_line@@@') {
$buffer += "\n";
$buffer = '';
else {
- if ($i == 0) {
+ if ($i == 0 || $i + 1 == $parts.length) {
$tmp += $part;
else {
+ if ($buffer) {
+ $tmp += $buffer;
+ $buffer = '';
+ }
html = $tmp;
html = html.replace(/@@@wcf_empty_line@@@/g, '\n');
html = html.replace(/<br>/g, '');
html = html.replace(/ /gi, " ");
+ // [quote]
+ html = html.replace(/<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="([^"]+)?" data-author="([^"]+)?">\n?<div[^>]+>\n?<header>[\s\S]*?<\/header>/gi, function(match, link, author, innerContent) {
+ var $quote;
+ if (link) {
+ $quote = "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
+ }
+ else if (author) {
+ $quote = "[quote='" + author + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ $quote = "[quote]";
+ }
+ return $quote;
+ });
+ html = html.replace(/(?:\n*)<\/blockquote>/gi, '[/quote]\n');
// [email]
html = html.replace(/<a [^>]*?href=(["'])mailto:(.+?)\1.*?>([\s\S]+?)<\/a>/gi, '[email=$2]$3[/email]');
html = html.replace(/<img [^>]*?src=(["'])([^"']+?)\1 style="float: (left|right)[^"]*".*?>/gi, "[img='$2',$3][/img]");
html = html.replace(/<img [^>]*?src=(["'])([^"']+?)\1.*?>/gi, '[img]$2[/img]');
- // [quote]
- html = html.replace(/<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="([^"]+)?" data-author="([^"]+)?">/gi, function(match, link, author) {
- if (link) {
- return "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
- }
- else if (author) {
- return "[quote='" + author + "']";
- }
- return "[quote]";
- });
- html = html.replace(/<\/blockquote>/gi, '[/quote]');
- html = html.replace(/<header data-ignore="true">.*?<\/header>/gi, '');
// handle [color], [size], [font] and [tt]
var $components = html.split(/(<\/?span[^>]*>)/);
- // trim leading tabs
- var $tmp = html.split("\n");
- for (var $i = 0, $length = $tmp.length; $i < $length; $i++) {
- $tmp[$i] = $tmp[$i].replace(/^\s*/, '');
- }
- html = $tmp.join("\n");
- // trim whitespaces within quote tags
- html = html.replace(/\[quote([^\]]+)?\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/, function(match, attributes, content) {
- return '[quote' + (attributes || '') + ']' + $.trim(content) + '[/quote]';
- });
WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'afterConvertFromHtml', { html: html });
// insert codes
data = data.replace(/(javascript):/gi, '$1<span></span>:');
// unify line breaks
- data = data.replace(/(\r|\r\n)/, "\n");
+ data = data.replace(/(\r|\r\n)/g, "\n");
+ // extract [quote] bbcodes to prevent line break handling below
+ var $cachedQuotes = { };
+ data = data.replace(/\[quote.*?\][\S\s]*?\[\/quote\]/gi, function(match) {
+ var $key = match.hashCode();
+ $cachedQuotes[$key] = match.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$');
+ return '@@' + $key + '@@';
+ });
+ // add newlines before and after [quote] tags
+ data = data.replace(/(\[quote.*?\])/gi, '$1\n');
+ data = data.replace(/(\[\/quote\])/gi, '\n$1');
// convert line breaks into <p></p> or empty lines to <p><br></p>
var $tmp = data.split("\n");
// preserve leading whitespaces in [code] tags
data = data.replace(/\[code\][\S\s]*?\[\/code\]/, '<pre>$&</pre>');
- // [quote]
- var $unquoteString = function(quotedString) {
- return quotedString.replace(/^['"]/, '').replace(/['"]$/, '');
- };
- data = data.replace(/\[quote([^\]]+)?\]/gi, $.proxy(function(match, attributes) {
- var $author = '';
- var $link = '';
+ // insert quotes
+ if ($.getLength($cachedQuotes)) {
+ // [quote]
+ var $unquoteString = function(quotedString) {
+ return quotedString.replace(/^['"]/, '').replace(/['"]$/, '');
+ };
- if (attributes) {
- attributes = attributes.substr(1);
- attributes = attributes.split(',');
- switch (attributes.length) {
- case 1:
- $author = attributes[0];
- break;
+ var self = this;
+ var $transformQuote = function(quote) {
+ return quote.replace(/\[quote([^\]]+)?\]([\S\s]*)\[\/quote\]?/gi, $.proxy(function(match, attributes, innerContent) {
+ var $author = '';
+ var $link = '';
- case 2:
- $author = attributes[0];
- $link = attributes[1];
- break;
- }
- $author = WCF.String.escapeHTML($unquoteString($.trim($author)));
- $link = WCF.String.escapeHTML($unquoteString($.trim($link)));
- }
- var $quote = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + $link + '" data-author="' + $author + '">'
- + '<div class="container containerPadding">'
- + '<header data-ignore="true">'
- + '<h3>'
- + this._buildQuoteHeader($author, $link)
- + '</h3>'
- + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
- + '</header>'
- + '<div>';
+ if (attributes) {
+ attributes = attributes.substr(1);
+ attributes = attributes.split(',');
+ switch (attributes.length) {
+ case 1:
+ $author = attributes[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $author = attributes[0];
+ $link = attributes[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ $author = WCF.String.escapeHTML($unquoteString($.trim($author)));
+ $link = WCF.String.escapeHTML($unquoteString($.trim($link)));
+ }
+ var $quote = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + $link + '" data-author="' + $author + '">'
+ + '<div class="container containerPadding">'
+ + '<header>'
+ + '<h3>'
+ + self._buildQuoteHeader($author, $link)
+ + '</h3>'
+ + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
+ + '</header>';
+ var $lines = innerContent.split('\n');
+ var $tmp = '';
+ for (var $i = 0; $i < $lines.length; $i++) {
+ $tmp += '<div>' + $lines[$i] + '</div>';
+ }
+ if (!$tmp) {
+ $tmp = '<div>' + this.opts.invisibleSpace + '</div>';
+ }
+ $quote += $tmp;
+ $quote += '</blockquote>';
+ return $quote;
+ }, this));
+ };
- return $quote;
- }, this));
- data = data.replace(/\[\/quote\]/gi, '</div></div></blockquote>');
- data = data.replace(/<p><blockquote/gi, '<blockquote');
- data = data.replace(/<\/blockquote><\/p>/, '</blockquote>');
+ for (var $key in $cachedQuotes) {
+ var $regex = new RegExp('@@' + $key + '@@', 'g');
+ data = data.replace($regex, $transformQuote($cachedQuotes[$key]));
+ }
+ }
WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'afterConvertToHtml', { data: data });
- * Handles down key for quote boxes.
+ * Handles up/down key for quote boxes.
* @param object event
* @return boolean
return false;
+ else if (event.which === $.ui.keyCode.UP) {
+ var $parent = this.getParent();
+ var $quote = ($parent) ? $($parent).closest('blockquote.quoteBox', this.$editor.get()[0]) : { length: 0 };
+ if ($parent && $quote.length) {
+ var $previousElement = $quote.prev();
+ if ($previousElement.length === 0) {
+ var $node = $(this.opts.emptyHtml);
+ $node.insertBefore($quote);
+ this.selectionStart($node);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($previousElement[0].tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+ // set focus to quote text rather than the element itself
+ this.selectionEnd($previousElement.find('> div > div'));
+ }
+ else {
+ this.selectionEnd($previousElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
if (this.inWysiwygMode()) {
var $html = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + link + '" data-author="' + author + '" id="redactorInsertedQuote">'
+ '<div class="container containerPadding">'
- + '<header data-ignore="true">'
+ + '<header>'
+ '<h3>'
+ this._buildQuoteHeader(author, link)
+ '</h3>'