- * Manages insertation and editing of quotes.
- *
- * @author Alexander Ebert
- * @copyright 2001-2015 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
- * @module WoltLab/WCF/Ui/Redactor/Quote
+ * Manages quotes.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Ebert
+ * @copyright 2001-2016 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @module WoltLab/WCF/Ui/Redactor/Quote
-define(['EventHandler', 'Language', 'Dom/Util', 'Ui/Dialog'], function(EventHandler, Language, DomUtil, UiDialog) {
+define(['EventHandler', 'EventKey', 'Language', 'StringUtil', 'Dom/Util', 'Ui/Dialog'], function (EventHandler, EventKey, Language, StringUtil, DomUtil, UiDialog) {
"use strict";
- var _callbackEdit = null;
- var _element = null;
- var _insertCallback = null;
- var _quotePaddingTop = 0;
- var _titleHeight = 0;
- var _wysiwygQuoteButton = null;
- var _wysiwygQuoteTitle = null;
- var _wysiwygQuoteUrl = null;
+ var _headerHeight = 0;
- return {
+ /**
+ * @param {Object} editor editor instance
+ * @param {jQuery} button toolbar button
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function UiRedactorQuote(editor, button) { this.init(editor, button); }
+ UiRedactorQuote.prototype = {
- * Registers an editor instance.
+ * Initializes the quote management.
- * @param {string} editorId textarea identifier
- * @param {object} editor editor element
+ * @param {Object} editor editor instance
+ * @param {jQuery} button toolbar button
- initEditor: function(editorId, editor) {
- EventHandler.add('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor2', 'observe_load_' + editorId, (function(data) {
- this.observeAll(data.editor);
- }).bind(this));
+ init: function(editor, button) {
+ this._blockquote = null;
+ this._editor = editor;
+ this._elementId = this._editor.$element[0].id;
- this.observeAll(editor);
- },
- /**
- * Opens a dialog to insert a quote at caret position.
- *
- * @param {function} callback callback invoked with the <blockquote> element as parameter
- */
- insert: function(callback) {
- _insertCallback = callback;
+ EventHandler.add('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor2', 'observe_load_' + this._elementId, this._observeLoad.bind(this));
- UiDialog.open(this);
- UiDialog.setTitle(this, Language.get('wcf.wysiwyg.quote.insert'));
+ this._editor.button.addCallback(button, this._click.bind(this));
- _wysiwygQuoteButton.textContent = Language.get('wcf.global.button.submit');
- _wysiwygQuoteTitle.value = '';
- _wysiwygQuoteUrl.value = '';
+ // support for active button marking
+ this._editor.opts.activeButtonsStates.blockquote = 'woltlabQuote';
+ // static bind to ensure that removing works
+ this._callbackEdit = this._edit.bind(this);
+ // bind listeners on init
+ this._observeLoad();
- * Edits a <blockquote> element.
+ * Toggles the quote block on button click.
- * @param {Event?} event event object
- * @param {Element=} element <blockquote> element
+ * @protected
- edit: function(event, element) {
- if (event instanceof Event) {
- element = event.currentTarget;
- }
- if (_titleHeight === 0) {
- var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element, '::before');
- _titleHeight = DomUtil.styleAsInt(styles, 'height');
- styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
- _quotePaddingTop = DomUtil.styleAsInt(styles, 'padding-top');
- }
+ _click: function() {
+ this._editor.button.toggle({}, 'blockquote', 'func', 'block.format');
- if (event instanceof Event) {
- // check if click occured within the ::before pseudo element
- var rect = DomUtil.offset(element);
- if ((event.clientY + window.scrollY) > (rect.top + _quotePaddingTop + _titleHeight)) {
- return;
- }
+ var blockquote = this._editor.selection.block();
+ if (blockquote && blockquote.nodeName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
+ this._setTitle(blockquote);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- _element = element;
- UiDialog.open(this);
- UiDialog.setTitle(this, Language.get('wcf.wysiwyg.quote.edit'));
- // set values
- _wysiwygQuoteButton.textContent = Language.get('wcf.global.button.save');
- _wysiwygQuoteTitle.value = elData(_element, 'quote-title');
- _wysiwygQuoteUrl.value = elData(_element, 'quote-url');
- },
- /**
- * Observes all <blockquote> elements for clicks on the editable headline
- * @param {Element} editorElement editor element
- */
- observeAll: function(editorElement) {
- var elements = elByTag('BLOCKQUOTE', editorElement);
- for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
- this._observe(elements[i], true);
+ blockquote.addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, this._callbackEdit);
- * Observes clicks on a <blockquote> element and updates the headline.
+ * Binds event listeners and sets quote title on both editor
+ * initialization and when switching back from code view.
- * @param {Element} element <blockquote> element
- * @param {boolean} updateHeader update quote header
+ * @protected
- _observe: function(element, updateHeader) {
- if (_callbackEdit === null) _callbackEdit = this.edit.bind(this);
+ _observeLoad: function() {
+ this._editor.events.stopDetectChanges();
- element.addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, _callbackEdit);
+ elBySelAll('blockquote', this._editor.$editor[0], (function(blockquote) {
+ blockquote.addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, this._callbackEdit);
+ this._setTitle(blockquote);
+ }).bind(this));
- if (updateHeader) this._updateHeader(element);
+ this._editor.events.startDetectChanges();
- * Updates the headline of target <blockquote> element.
+ * Opens the dialog overlay to edit the quote's properties.
- * @param {Element} element <blockquote> element
+ * @param {Event} event event object
+ * @protected
- _updateHeader: function(element) {
- var value = Language.get('wcf.wysiwyg.quote.header', {
- title: elData(element, 'quote-title') || elData(element, 'quote-url') || ''
- });
+ _edit: function(event) {
+ var blockquote = event.currentTarget;
+ if (_headerHeight === 0) {
+ _headerHeight = ~~window.getComputedStyle(blockquote).paddingTop.replace(/px$/, '');
+ var styles = window.getComputedStyle(blockquote, '::before');
+ _headerHeight += ~~styles.paddingTop.replace(/px$/, '');
+ _headerHeight += ~~styles.height.replace(/px$/, '');
+ _headerHeight += ~~styles.paddingBottom.replace(/px$/, '');
+ }
- if (elData(element, 'quote-header') !== value) {
- elData(element, 'quote-header', value);
+ // check if the click hit the header
+ var offset = DomUtil.offset(blockquote);
+ if (event.pageY > offset.top && event.pageY < (offset.top + _headerHeight)) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this._blockquote = blockquote;
+ UiDialog.open(this);
- * Adds or edits a <blockquote> element on dialog submit.
+ * Saves the changes to the quote's properties.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} event event object
+ * @protected
- _dialogSubmit: function() {
- if (_insertCallback !== null) {
- // insert a new <blockquote> element
- var element = elCreate('blockquote');
- element.className = 'quoteBox';
- element.id = 'quote-' + DomUtil.getUniqueId();
- _insertCallback(element);
- _element = elById(element.id);
- _element.id = '';
- this._observe(_element, false);
- }
+ _save: function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
- // edit an existing <blockquote> element
- elData(_element, 'quote-title', _wysiwygQuoteTitle.value.trim());
- elData(_element, 'quote-url', _wysiwygQuoteUrl.value.trim());
+ this._editor.events.stopDetectChanges();
- this._updateHeader(_element);
+ var id = 'redactor-quote-' + this._elementId;
- UiDialog.close(this);
- },
- _dialogOnSetup: function() {
- _wysiwygQuoteTitle = elById('wysiwygQuoteTitle');
- _wysiwygQuoteUrl = elById('wysiwygQuoteUrl');
+ ['author', 'url'].forEach((function (attr) {
+ elData(this._blockquote, attr, elById(id + '-' + attr).value);
+ }).bind(this));
- var _keyupCallback = (function(event) {
- if (event.which === 13) {
- this._dialogSubmit(event);
- }
- }).bind(this);
+ this._setTitle(this._blockquote);
+ this._editor.caret.after(this._blockquote);
- _wysiwygQuoteTitle.addEventListener('keyup', _keyupCallback);
- _wysiwygQuoteUrl.addEventListener('keyup', _keyupCallback);
+ this._editor.events.startDetectChanges();
- _wysiwygQuoteButton = elById('wysiwygQuoteSubmit');
- _wysiwygQuoteButton.addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, this._dialogSubmit.bind(this));
+ UiDialog.close(this);
- _dialogOnClose: function() {
- _element = null;
- _insertCallback = null;
+ /**
+ * Sets or updates the quote's header title.
+ *
+ * @param {Element} blockquote quote element
+ * @protected
+ */
+ _setTitle: function(blockquote) {
+ var title = Language.get('wcf.editor.quote.title', {
+ author: elData(blockquote, 'author'),
+ url: elData(blockquote, 'url')
+ });
+ if (elData(blockquote, 'title') !== title) {
+ elData(blockquote, 'title', title);
+ }
_dialogSetup: function() {
+ var id = 'redactor-quote-' + this._elementId,
+ idAuthor = id + '-author',
+ idButtonSave = id + '-button-save',
+ idUrl = id + '-url';
return {
- id: 'wysiwygQuoteDialog',
+ id: id,
options: {
- onClose: this._dialogOnClose.bind(this),
- onSetup: this._dialogOnSetup.bind(this)
+ onSetup: (function() {
+ elById(idButtonSave).addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, this._save.bind(this));
+ }).bind(this),
+ onShow: (function() {
+ elById(idAuthor).value = elData(this._blockquote, 'author');
+ elById(idUrl).value = elData(this._blockquote, 'url');
+ }).bind(this),
+ title: Language.get('wcf.editor.quote.edit')
- source: '<dl>'
- + '<dt><label for="wysiwygQuoteTitle">' + Language.get('wcf.wysiwyg.quote.title') + '</label></dt>'
- + '<dd><input type="text" id="wysiwygQuoteTitle" class="long"></dd>'
+ source: '<div class="section">'
+ + '<dl>'
+ + '<dt><label for="' + idAuthor + '">' + Language.get('wcf.editor.quote.author') + '</label></dt>'
+ + '<dd>'
+ + '<input type="text" id="' + idAuthor + '" class="long">'
+ + '</dd>'
+ '</dl>'
+ '<dl>'
- + '<dt><label for="wysiwygQuoteUrl">' + Language.get('wcf.wysiwyg.quote.url') + '</label></dt>'
- + '<dd><input type="text" id="wysiwygQuoteUrl" class="long"></dd>'
+ + '<dt><label for="' + idUrl + '">' + Language.get('wcf.editor.quote.url') + '</label></dt>'
+ + '<dd>'
+ + '<input type="text" id="' + idUrl + '" class="long">'
+ + '<small>' + Language.get('wcf.editor.quote.url.description') + '</small>'
+ + '</dd>'
+ '</dl>'
- + '<div class="formSubmit">'
- + '<button class="buttonPrimary" id="wysiwygQuoteSubmit"></button>'
- + '</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '<div class="formSubmit">'
+ + '<button id="' + idButtonSave + '" class="buttonPrimary">' + Language.get('wcf.global.button.save') + '</button>'
+ + '</div>'
+ return UiRedactorQuote;
\ No newline at end of file