// 8192S EEPROM/EFUSE share register definition.
-#ifdef RTL8192SE
-// 2008/11/05 MH Redefine EEPROM address for 8192SE
-// 92SE/SU EEPROM definition seems not the same!!!!!!
-// EEPROM MAP REgister Definition!!!! Please refer to 8192SE EEPROM V0.5 2008/10/21
-// Update to 8192SE EEPROM V0.6 2008/11/11
-#define RTL8190_EEPROM_ID 0x8129 // 0-1
-#define EEPROM_HPON 0x02 // LDO settings.2-5
-#define EEPROM_CLK 0x06 // Clock settings.6-7
-#define EEPROM_TESTR 0x08 // SE Test mode.8
-#define EEPROM_VID 0x0A // SE Vendor ID.A-B
-#define EEPROM_DID 0x0C // SE Device ID. C-D
-#define EEPROM_SVID 0x0E // SE Vendor ID.E-F
-#define EEPROM_SMID 0x10 // SE PCI Subsystem ID. 10-11
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR 0x12 // SEMAC Address. 12-17
-#define EEPROM_NODE_ADDRESS_BYTE_0 0x12 // MAC address.
-#define EEPROM_PwDiff 0x54 // Difference of gain index between legacy and high throughput OFDM.
-// 0x20 - 4B EPHY parameter!!!
-#define EEPROM_TxPowerBase 0x50 // Tx Power of serving station.
-#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_CCK_24G 0x5D // 0x50~0x5D Range = 0~0x24//FIXLZM
-#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_OFDM_24G 0x6B // 0x5E~0x6B Range = 0~0x24//FIXLZM
-#define EEPROM_TX_PWR_INDEX_RANGE 28 // CCK and OFDM 14 channel
-// 2009/01/21 MH Add for SD3 requirement
-#define EEPROM_TX_PWR_HT20_DIFF 0x62// HT20 Tx Power Index Difference
-#define DEFAULT_HT20_TXPWR_DIFF 2 // HT20<->40 default Tx Power Index Difference
-#define EEPROM_TX_PWR_OFDM_DIFF 0x65// OFDM Tx Power Index Difference
-#define EEPROM_TX_PWR_BAND_EDGE 0x67// TX Power offset at band-edge channel
-#define TX_PWR_BAND_EDGE_CHK 0x6D// Check if band-edge scheme is enabled
-// Oly old EEPROM format support the definition=============================
-#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_CCK_24G 0x5D // 0x50~0x5D Range = 0~0x24
-#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_OFDM_24G 0x6B // 0x5E~0x6B Range = 0~0x24
-#define EEPROM_HT2T_CH1_A 0x6c //HT 2T path A channel 1 Power Index.
-#define EEPROM_HT2T_CH7_A 0x6d //HT 2T path A channel 7 Power Index.
-#define EEPROM_HT2T_CH13_A 0x6e //HT 2T path A channel 13 Power Index.
-#define EEPROM_HT2T_CH1_B 0x6f //HT 2T path B channel 1 Power Index.
-#define EEPROM_HT2T_CH7_B 0x70 //HT 2T path B channel 7 Power Index.
-#define EEPROM_HT2T_CH13_B 0x71 //HT 2T path B channel 13 Power Index.
-#define EEPROM_TSSI_A 0x74 //TSSI value of path A.
-#define EEPROM_TSSI_B 0x75 //TSSI value of path B.
-#define EEPROM_RFInd_PowerDiff 0x76
-#define EEPROM_Default_LegacyHTTxPowerDiff 0x3
-#define EEPROM_ThermalMeter 0x77 // Thermal meter default value.
-#define EEPROM_CrystalCap 0x79 // Crystal Cap.
-#define EEPROM_ChannelPlan 0x7B // Map of supported channels.
-#define EEPROM_Version 0x7C // The EEPROM content version
-#define EEPROM_CustomID 0x7A
-#define EEPROM_BoardType 0x7E
-// 0: 2x2 Green RTL8192GE miniCard (QFN68)
-// 1: 1x2 RTL8191SE miniCard (QFN64)
-// 2: 2x2 RTL8192SE miniCard (QFN68)
-// 3: 1x2 RTL8191SR minicCard(QFN64)
-// Default Value for EEPROM or EFUSE!!!
-#define EEPROM_Default_TSSI 0x0
-#define EEPROM_Default_TxPowerDiff 0x0
-#define EEPROM_Default_CrystalCap 0x5
-#define EEPROM_Default_BoardType 0x02 // Default: 2X2, RTL8192SE(QFPN68)
-#define EEPROM_Default_TxPower 0x1010
-#define EEPROM_Default_HT2T_TxPwr 0x10
-#define EEPROM_Default_LegacyHTTxPowerDiff 0x3
-#define EEPROM_Default_ThermalMeter 0x12
-#define EEPROM_Default_AntTxPowerDiff 0x0
-#define EEPROM_Default_TxPwDiff_CrystalCap 0x5
-#define EEPROM_Default_TxPowerLevel 0x22
// 8192S EEROM and Compatible E-Fuse definition. Added by Roger, 2008.10.21.
//#define EEPROM_CID_TOSHIBA 0x4
//#define EEPROM_CID_NetCore 0x5
#define EEPROM_CID_WHQL 0xFE // added by chiyoko for dtm, 20090108
// 0x2c0 FW Command Control register definition, added by Roger, 2008.11.27.
static RT_STATUS
phy_ConfigBBWithPgHeaderFile(struct net_device* dev,u8 ConfigType);
-#ifdef RTL8192SE
-static u32 phy_FwRFSerialRead( struct net_device* dev, RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath, u32 Offset);
-static u32 phy_RFSerialRead(struct net_device* dev,RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath,u32 Offset);
-static void phy_FwRFSerialWrite( struct net_device* dev, RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath, u32 Offset, u32 Data);
-static void phy_RFSerialWrite( struct net_device* dev, RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath, u32 Offset, u32 Data);
static long phy_TxPwrIdxToDbm( struct net_device* dev, WIRELESS_MODE WirelessMode, u8 TxPwrIdx);
static u8 phy_DbmToTxPwrIdx( struct net_device* dev, WIRELESS_MODE WirelessMode, long PowerInDbm);
void phy_SetFwCmdIOCallback(struct net_device* dev);
-#ifdef RTL8192SE
- * Function: phy_FwRFSerialRead()
- *
- * Overview: We support firmware to execute RF-R/W.
- *
- * Input: NONE
- *
- * Output: NONE
- *
- * Return: NONE
- *
- * Revised History:
- * When Who Remark
- * 01/21/2008 MHC Create Version 0.
- *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-//use in phy only
-static u32
- struct net_device* dev,
- u32 Offset )
- u32 retValue = 0;
- //u32 Data = 0;
- //u8 time = 0;
-#if 0
- //DbgPrint("FW RF CTRL\n\r");
- /* 2007/11/02 MH Firmware RF Write control. By Francis' suggestion, we can
- not execute the scheme in the initial step. Otherwise, RF-R/W will waste
- much time. This is only for site survey. */
- // 1. Read operation need not insert data. bit 0-11
- //Data &= bMask12Bits;
- // 2. Write RF register address. Bit 12-19
- Data |= ((Offset&0xFF)<<12);
- // 3. Write RF path. bit 20-21
- Data |= ((eRFPath&0x3)<<20);
- // 4. Set RF read indicator. bit 22=0
- //Data |= 0x00000;
- // 5. Trigger Fw to operate the command. bit 31
- Data |= 0x80000000;
- // 6. We can not execute read operation if bit 31 is 1.
- while (PlatformIORead4Byte(dev, QPNR)&0x80000000)
- {
- // If FW can not finish RF-R/W for more than ?? times. We must reset FW.
- if (time++ < 100)
- {
- //DbgPrint("FW not finish RF-R Time=%d\n\r", time);
- delay_us(10);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- // 7. Execute read operation.
- PlatformIOWrite4Byte(dev, QPNR, Data);
- // 8. Check if firmawre send back RF content.
- while (PlatformIORead4Byte(dev, QPNR)&0x80000000)
- {
- // If FW can not finish RF-R/W for more than ?? times. We must reset FW.
- if (time++ < 100)
- {
- //DbgPrint("FW not finish RF-W Time=%d\n\r", time);
- delay_us(10);
- }
- else
- return (0);
- }
- retValue = PlatformIORead4Byte(dev, RF_DATA);
- return (retValue);
-} /* phy_FwRFSerialRead */
- * Function: phy_FwRFSerialWrite()
- *
- * Overview: We support firmware to execute RF-R/W.
- *
- * Input: NONE
- *
- * Output: NONE
- *
- * Return: NONE
- *
- * Revised History:
- * When Who Remark
- * 01/21/2008 MHC Create Version 0.
- *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-//use in phy only
-static void
- struct net_device* dev,
- u32 Offset,
- u32 Data )
-#if 0
- u8 time = 0;
- DbgPrint("N FW RF CTRL RF-%d OF%02x DATA=%03x\n\r", eRFPath, Offset, Data);
- /* 2007/11/02 MH Firmware RF Write control. By Francis' suggestion, we can
- not execute the scheme in the initial step. Otherwise, RF-R/W will waste
- much time. This is only for site survey. */
- // 1. Set driver write bit and 12 bit data. bit 0-11
- //Data &= bMask12Bits; // Done by uper layer.
- // 2. Write RF register address. bit 12-19
- Data |= ((Offset&0xFF)<<12);
- // 3. Write RF path. bit 20-21
- Data |= ((eRFPath&0x3)<<20);
- // 4. Set RF write indicator. bit 22=1
- Data |= 0x400000;
- // 5. Trigger Fw to operate the command. bit 31=1
- Data |= 0x80000000;
- // 6. Write operation. We can not write if bit 31 is 1.
- while (PlatformIORead4Byte(dev, QPNR)&0x80000000)
- {
- // If FW can not finish RF-R/W for more than ?? times. We must reset FW.
- if (time++ < 100)
- {
- //DbgPrint("FW not finish RF-W Time=%d\n\r", time);
- delay_us(10);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- // 7. No matter check bit. We always force the write. Because FW will
- // not accept the command.
- PlatformIOWrite4Byte(dev, QPNR, Data);
- /* 2007/11/02 MH Acoording to test, we must delay 20us to wait firmware
- to finish RF write operation. */
- /* 2008/01/17 MH We support delay in firmware side now. */
- //delay_us(20);
-} /* phy_FwRFSerialWrite */
-* Function: phy_RFSerialRead
-* OverView: Read regster from RF chips
-* Input:
-* PADAPTER Adapter,
-* RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath, //Radio path of A/B/C/D
-* u32 Offset, //The target address to be read
-* Output: None
-* Return: u32 reback value
-* Note: Threre are three types of serial operations:
-* 1. Software serial write
-* 2. Hardware LSSI-Low Speed Serial Interface
-* 3. Hardware HSSI-High speed
-* serial write. Driver need to implement (1) and (2).
-* This function is equal to the combination of RF_ReadReg() and RFLSSIRead()
-//use in phy only
-static u32 phy_RFSerialRead(struct net_device* dev,RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath,u32 Offset)
- u32 retValue = 0;
- struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);
- BB_REGISTER_DEFINITION_T *pPhyReg = &priv->PHYRegDef[eRFPath];
- u32 NewOffset;
- u8 RfPiEnable=0;
- //
- // Make sure RF register offset is correct
- //
- Offset &= 0x3f;
- //
- // Switch page for 8256 RF IC
- //
- if( priv->rf_chip == RF_8256 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_8225 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_6052)
- {
- //analog to digital off, for protection
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, 0xf00, 0x0);// 0x88c[11:8]
- if(Offset>=31)
- {
- priv->RFReadPageCnt[2]++;//cosa add for debug
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] |= 0x140;
- // Switch to Reg_Mode2 for Reg31~45
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev,
- pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset,
- bMaskDWord,
- (priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] << 16) );
- // Modified Offset
- NewOffset = Offset - 30;
- }else if(Offset>=16)
- {
- priv->RFReadPageCnt[1]++;//cosa add for debug
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] |= 0x100;
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] &= (~0x40);
- // Switch to Reg_Mode1 for Reg16~30
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev,
- pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset,
- bMaskDWord,
- (priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] << 16) );
- // Modified Offset
- NewOffset = Offset - 15;
- }
- else
- {
- priv->RFReadPageCnt[0]++;//cosa add for debug
- NewOffset = Offset;
- }
- }
- else
- NewOffset = Offset;
- //
- // Put desired read address to LSSI control register
- //
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, bLSSIReadAddress, NewOffset);
- //
- // Issue a posedge trigger
- //
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, bLSSIReadEdge, 0x0);
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, bLSSIReadEdge, 0x1);
- // TODO: we should not delay such a long time. Ask help from SD3
- mdelay(1);
- retValue = rtl8192_QueryBBReg(dev, pPhyReg->rfLSSIReadBack, bLSSIReadBackData);
- // Switch back to Reg_Mode0;
- if( priv->rf_chip == RF_8256 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_8225 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_0222D)
- {
- if (Offset >= 0x10)
- {
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] &= 0xebf;
- rtl8192_setBBreg(
- dev,
- pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset,
- bMaskDWord,
- (priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] << 16) );
- }
- //analog to digital on
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, 0xf00, 0xf);// 0x88c[11:8]
- }
- return retValue;
-* Function: phy_RFSerialWrite
-* OverView: Write data to RF register (page 8~)
-* Input:
-* PADAPTER Adapter,
-* RF90_RADIO_PATH_E eRFPath, //Radio path of A/B/C/D
-* u32 Offset, //The target address to be read
-* u32 Data //The new register Data in the target bit position
-* //of the target to be read
-* Output: None
-* Return: None
-* Note: Threre are three types of serial operations:
-* 1. Software serial write
-* 2. Hardware LSSI-Low Speed Serial Interface
-* 3. Hardware HSSI-High speed
-* serial write. Driver need to implement (1) and (2).
-* This function is equal to the combination of RF_ReadReg() and RFLSSIRead()
- *
- * Note: For RF8256 only
- * The total count of RTL8256(Zebra4) register is around 36 bit it only employs
- * 4-bit RF address. RTL8256 uses "register mode control bit" (Reg00[12], Reg00[10])
- * to access register address bigger than 0xf. See "Appendix-4 in PHY Configuration
- * programming guide" for more details.
- * Thus, we define a sub-finction for RTL8526 register address conversion
- * ===========================================================
- * Register Mode RegCTL[1] RegCTL[0] Note
- * (Reg00[12]) (Reg00[10])
- * ===========================================================
- * Reg_Mode0 0 x Reg 0 ~15(0x0 ~ 0xf)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Reg_Mode1 1 0 Reg 16 ~30(0x1 ~ 0xf)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Reg_Mode2 1 1 Reg 31 ~ 45(0x1 ~ 0xf)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
-////use in phy only
-static void
- struct net_device* dev,
- u32 Offset,
- u32 Data
- )
- u32 DataAndAddr = 0;
- struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);
- BB_REGISTER_DEFINITION_T *pPhyReg = &priv->PHYRegDef[eRFPath];
- u32 NewOffset;
- Offset &= 0x3f;
- // Shadow Update
- PHY_RFShadowWrite(dev, eRFPath, Offset, Data);
- // Switch page for 8256 RF IC
- if( priv->rf_chip == RF_8256 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_8225 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_0222D)
- {
- //analog to digital off, for protection
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, 0xf00, 0x0);// 0x88c[11:8]
- if(Offset>=31)
- {
- priv->RFWritePageCnt[2]++;//cosa add for debug
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] |= 0x140;
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev,
- pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset,
- bMaskDWord,
- (priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] << 16) );
- NewOffset = Offset - 30;
- }else if(Offset>=16)
- {
- priv->RFWritePageCnt[1]++;//cosa add for debug
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] |= 0x100;
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] &= (~0x40);
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev,
- pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset,
- bMaskDWord,
- (priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] << 16) );
- NewOffset = Offset - 15;
- }
- else
- {
- priv->RFWritePageCnt[0]++;//cosa add for debug
- NewOffset = Offset;
- }
- }
- else
- NewOffset = Offset;
- //
- // Put write addr in [5:0] and write data in [31:16]
- //
- DataAndAddr = (Data<<16) | (NewOffset&0x3f);
- //
- // Write Operation
- //
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset, bMaskDWord, DataAndAddr);
- if(Offset==0x0)
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] = Data;
- // Switch back to Reg_Mode0;
- if( priv->rf_chip == RF_8256 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_8225 ||
- priv->rf_chip == RF_0222D)
- {
- if (Offset >= 0x10)
- {
- if(Offset != 0)
- {
- priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] &= 0xebf;
- rtl8192_setBBreg(
- dev,
- pPhyReg->rf3wireOffset,
- bMaskDWord,
- (priv->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] << 16) );
- }
- }
- //analog to digital on
- rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, 0xf00, 0xf);// 0x88c[11:8]
- }
* Function: phy_RFSerialRead
* Function: phy_CalculateBitShift
if((priv->up) )// && !(RT_CANNOT_IO(Adapter) && Adapter->bInSetPower) )
-#ifdef RTL8192SE
- PHY_SetBWModeCallback8192S(dev);
-#elif defined(RTL8192SU)
+#if defined(RTL8192SU)
if((priv->up))// && !(RT_CANNOT_IO(Adapter) && Adapter->bInSetPower))
-#ifdef RTL8192SE
- PHY_SwChnlCallback8192S(dev);
-#elif defined(RTL8192SU)
+#if defined(RTL8192SU)
#ifdef TO_DO_LIST
case CmdID_RF_WriteReg: // Only modify channel for the register now !!!!!
for(eRFPath = 0; eRFPath <priv->NumTotalRFPath; eRFPath++)
-#if (defined RTL8192SE ||defined RTL8192SU )
+#if defined RTL8192SU
// For new T65 RF 0222d register 0x18 bit 0-9 = channel number.
rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, CurrentCmd->Para1, 0x1f, (CurrentCmd->Para2));
//printk("====>%x, %x, read_back:%x\n", CurrentCmd->Para2,CurrentCmd->Para1, rtl8192_phy_QueryRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, CurrentCmd->Para1, 0x1f));