## Developer Tools
-!!! warning "This feature is available with WoltLab Suite 3.1 or newer only."
The developer tools provide an interface to synchronize the data of an installed package with a bare repository on the local disk. You can re-import most PIPs at any time and have the changes applied without crafting a manual update. This process simulates a regular package update with a single PIP only, and resets the cache after the import has been completed.
### Registering a Project
!!! info "You can learn more on the [Accelerated Guest View](../migration/wsc30/javascript.md) in the migration docs."
-The "Accelerated Guest View" was introduced in WoltLab Suite 3.1 and aims to
-decrease page size and to improve responsiveness by enabling a read-only mode
-for visitors. If you are providing a separate compiled build for this mode, you'll
-need to include yet another switch to serve the right version to the visitor.
+The “Accelerated Guest View” aims to decrease page size and to improve responsiveness by enabling a read-only mode for visitors.
+If you are providing a separate compiled build for this mode, you'll need to include yet another switch to serve the right version to the visitor.
<script data-relocate="true" src="{@$__wcf->getPath('app')}js/App{if !ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE}{if VISITOR_USE_TINY_BUILD}.tiny{/if}.min{/if}.js?t={@LAST_UPDATE_TIME}"></script>
### Identifiying Events with the Developer Tools
-The Developer Tools in WoltLab Suite 3.1 offer an easy option to identify existing
-events that are fired while code is being executed. You can enable this watch
-mode through your browser's console using `Devtools.toggleEventLogging()`:
+The Developer Tools offer an easy option to identify existing events that are fired while code is being executed.
+You can enable this watch mode through your browser's console using `Devtools.toggleEventLogging()`:
> Devtools.toggleEventLogging();
# Database PHP API
-!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 5.2."
While the [sql](pip/sql.md) package installation plugin supports adding and removing tables, columns, and indices, it is not able to handle cases where the added table, column, or index already exist.
We have added a new PHP-based API to manipulate the database scheme which can be used in combination with the [script](pip/script.md) package installation plugin that skips parts that already exist:
# Media Provider Package Installation Plugin
-!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 3.1"
Media providers are responsible to detect and convert links to a 3rd party service inside messages.
## Components
# Sitemaps
-!!! warning "This feature is available with WoltLab Suite 3.1 or newer only."
-Since version 3.1, WoltLab Suite Core is capable of automatically creating a sitemap.
+WoltLab Suite is capable of automatically creating a sitemap.
This sitemap contains all static pages registered via the page package installation plugin and which may be indexed by search engines (checking the `allowSpidersToIndex` parameter and page permissions) and do not expect an object ID.
Other pages have to be added to the sitemap as a separate object.
The parameter `rebuildTime` specifies the number of seconds after which the sitemap should be regenerated.
Finally, you have to create the language variable for the sitemap object.
-The language variable follows the pattern `wcf.acp.sitemap.objectType.{objectTypeName}` and is in the category `wcf.acp.sitemap`.
\ No newline at end of file
+The language variable follows the pattern `wcf.acp.sitemap.objectType.{objectTypeName}` and is in the category `wcf.acp.sitemap`.
## Including Data in the Export
-The `wcf\acp\action\UserExportGdprAction` introduced with WoltLab Suite 3.1.3
-already includes the Core itself as well as all official apps, but you'll need to
-include any personal data stored for your plugin or app by yourself.
+The `wcf\acp\action\UserExportGdprAction` already includes WoltLab Suite Core itself as well as all official apps, but you'll need to include any personal data stored for your plugin or app by yourself.
The event `export` is fired before any data is sent out, but after any Core data
has been dumped to the `$data` property.